September, 22 th 2017

It is with heavy hearts that we have been following the natural disasters across the Caribbean and Mexico. This is another hard test for our nations. A test you will survive; and we, along with the support of our generous and plentiful network of friends, will help you stand up. While we have already been at work sketching support for a comprehensive relief effort response, and have prayed for our homelands to be spared the worst of the storm, we trust in the collective resiliency, wisdom, compassion, and experience of our peoples.

Acacia will be looking for matching funds among its extensive network of supporters, donors, and friends; they are also committed to getting this money directly to the people who need it the most, and/or to the grassroots organizations with a solid track record of helping communities on the ground.

I n addition, we have conducted a quick assessment of needs to help those on the ground with sustainable items in dealing with the expected prolonged blackout Puerto Rico will be facing without negatively adding to the island's waste management system. More info on how to support our  "EcoKits" for Hurricane Relief  initiative below.  We know that we are resilient. Now is the time to stand up and be generous in action.

It is part the mission of the Loisaida Center to affirm the cultural-life worlds of diasporic and immigrant peoples. As such, we offer all of the Loisaida community an overview of our summer programming, and a preview of our fall programming. Our creative community has been presciently and constructively addressing Mother Nature's impact, and OUR impact one her. As always, we present our programming in affirmation. Throughout the next months, we will break bread and pledge support to those affected. Our programming will also offer opportunities for you to offer your services and support.


Loisaida Team

We have conducted a quick assessment of needs with the journalistic and communication community on the ground in the wake of Hurricane María. We have assembled a list of items which you can find in this  link. It's very important that we take this terrible situation as an opportunity to help rebuild in sustainable ways, especially given the dilapidated and dangerous state of the island's waste management system. 

Please fulfill this wish-list of items ; they will be received at the Loisaida Center, assembled as "EcoKits" and taken to the island by a group of volunteers to be directly delivered to the following list of grass-roots organizations. 

Thursdays through Saturdays 12pm to 5pm

Our artist-in-residence, Juan Bautista Climent, conducted several months of artistic and scholarly inquiry of the legacy of Joáquin Torres Garcia, the famed Latin American modernist who had a retrospective at the MoMA last year. Torres Garcia's relatives and students from Uruguay were invited to the Loisaida Center share their thoughts on the relevancy of his work. Most notably, Loisaida's participant artists reviewed his idea of Universal Constructivism, which reconsiders PanAmerican culture as cosmic-universal, through his drawings and writing. Juan's final show is available for public viewing from Thursday through Saturday from 12 to 5pm through October.

Garbagia Universe is an original concept developed by neighb orhood artist and cultural mainstay, Rolando Politi, that repurposes trash and discard  in to public art and sculpture. This year, after three weeks of collaborative art workshops open to a rtists and creators of the Lower East Side and beyond, the final prod uc tion, titled "Garbagia Universe", took place at La Plaza Cultural.

The performance builds on themes explored in Juan Bautista's residency such as Panamericanism and universal constructivism as it relates to the contem
porary immigrant and diaspora populations on the Lower East Side. Catch another iteration of it at this year's  LUNGS Harvest Festival, this year on Saturday, September 24th at 3:30pm in El Jardín del Paradiso.

Opening: Oct 5th 2017 at 6:30pm
Where: Loisaida Inc. Center - 710 East 9th Street NY NY 10009

For Shey Rivera Ríos and Huáscar Robles, Hurricane María is an atmospheric manifestation compounded by the fiscal crisis troubling Puerto Rico's urban landscape. The installation and performance  Fantasy Island  is an experience that explores how tourism and consumer culture sell a "fantastical" luxury lifestyle, a tropical paradise twisting crisis into "opportunity". A door opens into a real estate office selling dreams of luxury and reconstruction and the viewer delves into a dizzying spell of animated gifs, performance and altars.

Please RSVP here. Stay tuned for related events. 

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In solidarity,
Loisaida Inc. Center
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Loisaida Inc. Center | 646-726-4715 | [email protected] |
710 E. 9th Street New York, NY 10009