Doing Business in Microsoft 365? Backup Your Data.
Many business tools are moving to the cloud. One popular option is Microsoft 365, formerly known as Office 365. This unified platform consolidates Excel, Word, and PowerPoint with collaboration and communication tools. Added apps and services help streamline operations, too. Simplifying your IT infrastructure can also cut costs and reduce duplication of effort. Still, when you are leveraging the convenience of Microsoft 365, data backup is your job.

When all software was on-site on business servers and machines, you had complete control. The IT team kept the systems up to date, virus-free, and running smoothly. They built in redundancy to ensure data recovery. They planned for natural disaster, human error, malicious attack, ransomware, or hardware misconfiguration.

Now, though, IT does not have the same control. With the transition to Microsoft 365, the job has changed. Microsoft makes sure its users can continue to access SharePoint or Teams in the event of a disaster, but this does not mean they are responsible for backing up your data – that is your responsibility.

As do many cloud-based vendors, the company says you own and control your data. They ensure service availability, but you need to set up your own data backup in case of a hack, employee error, or failing to install a security patch.
What does Microsoft 365 Backup?

Reducing downtime is a big reason to backup data. Resilience in the wake of a data breach helps establish credibility with customers, investors, and employees. You may also need backups for compliance with legal guidelines and industry standards.

Yes, you can restore some data within Microsoft 365, but only in the short term. For instance, you can recover information from your deleted-items folder. When something is deleted from that folder, an administrator can often recover it from a system-wide recycling bin.

The thing is Microsoft 365 does not hold data for that long. It can range from two weeks to a month, depending on your configuration. Plus, you are not in control of when data is purged, from which there is no recovery.

Microsoft's datacenter redundancy and data replication efforts support service uptime. It will not matter if your data is breached, encrypted, or irretrievable due to a hardware failure, flood, or fire.

You need your own data backup. We recommend that you have "snapshots" of your data in three places: one is on-site on a local, protected computer or device; another would be on a remote device; and the third would be in the cloud with a reputable third-party backup provider.

Test Your Backup

Having a backup of Microsoft 365 data offers reassurance that your business can bounce back. Still, do not get complacent just yet. Along with having a process in place to back up your data, also plan on testing backups.

Testing helps you learn how effectively you can recover following data loss. Plus, testing backups saves you from finding out in a crisis that something has been wrong all along.
Protect your business from data loss and lengthy downtime with your own data backup. We can offer you backup services and help get your company up and running again if the worst does happen. Contact us at 940-282-0290 for help today.

Is Your Instagram Account Secure?
Why would someone want to target your Instagram account? You share what you ate, maybe the books you read, the shoes you bought, or that cool image of the sky above. How is that going to help a hacker? Read on to learn more.

OK. Your obvious love of chicken and waffles is not going to mean a lot to a cybercriminal, not unless your password is “chicknwaffles.” But there are people who make a living from Instagram. Influencers can make millions by posting a pic of their latest smoothie or the new pair of socks they love. Their IG accounts are their business. A hacker gaining access could destroy an influencer’s reputation, their livelihood.

Then, there is you, the “average” IG user. Yes, the cybercriminal might still target your Instagram account. For one, they might use your IG handle to reach out to your friends and say, “I’m stuck overseas. I need some money.” Caring friends, not knowing it is not you, could end up a victim of a scam.

How to Protect Your Instagram Account

#1 Go Private

Instagram lets individuals, influencers, and businesses show creativity. However, you want to control who sees what you post. You may not want everyone to see your photos. Limit your content visibility to friends and family in the Instagram profile window:

·        Click on the three dots in the right corner.
·        Scroll to the bottom of the options.
·        Turn on the Private account setting (the button should turn blue).

You can also block followers you do not know. Click on your Followers list and tap on the users you do not recognize. Tap on the menu button and choose “Block User.”

#2 Disable cross-app sign-ins

Using your IG account to sign into other applications is convenient, because you have to remember only your IG access credentials. Still, by streamlining your sign-in you are also making it easier for a hacker to compromise your accounts. Now, they can get access to one account and use that as a way into the other connected accounts.

Log in to your account and review all connected applications. You can do this by visiting the Authorized Applications tap under the Edit Profile tab.

#3 Turn off location services

Instagram’s location services can let you check in at a particular place. But by doing this, you are giving thieves extra information they can use against you. Instead, go into your phone’s Privacy settings and turn off location services for IG.

You also do not want to cue criminals that you are away for a vacation with posts from the beach. You might want to share that sunny sand pic. Then, you regret it when you come home to a burgled home.

#4 Enable two-factor authentication

Of course, the starting point is to pick a strong, unique password for your Instagram account, but Instagram has added two-factor authentication for an added layer of security.

In Instagram’s mobile app you click on the Options icon at the top right to get to a menu
offering this option. You will get a short link to click on. Do so and turn on the two-factor authentication. You will set it up using your mobile phone. Then, in the future, you will have to log in with the added security of a unique code sent to your phone via text message.

#5 Review your login activity

Keep an eye out for illicit use of your account by reviewing Login Activity. This is under Settings on the desktop app and shows a list of locations from which you have logged in. So, if you have never been to Thailand, but your IG account has, that would be a red flag. If you do spot locations you do not recognize, log out from your device, and change your password.
Need help securing your Instagram account or other social media channels? Our helpful IT pros have the expertise you need. Contact us today at 940-282-0290.
Brian W. Norby
(Owner of both BWN Computer
AND That Computer Man)
