The WEMO Youth Messenger

February 2, 2024

Episcopal Summer Mega Camp

The Diocese of West Missouri is happy to announce its partnership with The Diocese of Kansas for this year’s Episcopal Summer Mega Camp.

Camp is 200 Episcopalians in a safe, fun, Christian community. Camp Wood YMCA features a variety of activities such as horseback riding, archery, climbing tower, zip-line, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, watger slide, mud slide, arts and crafts, and sports. There are different fun activities each night, like a carnival, paint-the-counselor, and a talent show. The volunteer Episcopal staff provides Christian education, featuring worship, music, small group discussions, and prayer.

Becoming part of the diocesan youth community can help a young person grow in their faith, stay connected to the church through a developmentally tough time, and make life-long friends. We strive to be an open, inclusive, welcoming, non-judgmental community where young people can find a home-away-from-home. Camp is to those who have finished grades 3-12.

Registration is now open, and more information is available at the link below!

If you have any questions, please contact Fr. David at

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Other Upcoming Events



Convention Youth Delegate Applications Open

Active Youth ages 16-19 are invited and encouraged to apply!




10:00 am

Safe Church Safe Communities Core Training

In-Person @Calvary Sedalia




5:00 pm

Good Friday Lock-In

Hosted by Grace, Carthage this event will begin at 5 pm on Good Friday and end at 11 an on Holy Saturday




9:00 am

Youth Confirmation Retreat

Hosted by St. James', Springfield. This retreat will complement and enhance the preparation done at the parish level by providing time and space away from the pressures of everyday life for intentional prayer, reflection, and conversation. 


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Volunteers Always Welcome

Interested in becoming a Youth Ministry Volunteer? Reach out to the Missioner for Youth Ministry for more information!

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SUMMA Theological Debate

SUMMA brings together high school students (entering grades 9–12) from across the country to one of the largest and most beautiful college campuses anywhere—the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee.

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Bishop Search Survey Due

The Bishop Search Committee is inviting the members of The Diocese of West Missouri to share their thoughts on the qualities they would like to see in our next bishop by taking the survey below. The Survey is due on Saturday, February 3!

Take the Survey...

WEMO Youth Alumna Ordained

On Saturday, January 20th Bishop Burce ordained WEMO Youth Alumna and former summer intern Katie Mansfield from Grace Church in Carthage to the Sacred Order of Deacons!

Congratulations, Deacon Katie!

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Understanding Suicide and Mental Health

This event is brought to you by the department of Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary

Although despair is not a new phenomenon, the rates of suicide and mental distress keep increasing. As people of faith, we must proclaim hope for the hurting in ways that are action-oriented, Christ-centered, and clinically appropriate...

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Youth Leader's Corner

Check out a list of these resource collections that can help you with your ministry.

Community Covenant

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