Nancy Olson, Secretary
The following SVR Board minutes are subject to board approval, so changes may occur.
SVR Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2021; 7 pm
Location: ZOOM VIDEO CONFERENCE (Due to Restrictions levied by the governor of California and COVID-19) . Specific invites sent by Bill Fargo to BOARDPLUS and any members who so requested.
Call to Order at 7:06 pm by Rik Larson; Minutes taken by Nancy Olson
Introduction of guests - Collin Fat and Alma Thompson,
Board Members Present (4 needed for a quorum): Rik Larson, Sally Boeck, Bob Peake, Ken Shahoian, Mike Willis
Event and Activity Chairs: (X = Attending)
Advertising - Vacant
Historian - Vacant
X Autocross - John Leet
X New Member Group - Alma Thompson
Charity and Logo - Dick MacFarlane
X Rally - Richard Wetzel
Concours - Al Price III
Safety - Vacant
X CRAB 38 - John Hawk
Social Media - Al Price III
X DRIFTER editor - Mike Willis
X Technical - Al Price II
X Niello Event Liaison - Kim Nelson
Tour - vacant
X 1st Saturday Breakfast - Jerry Alter
X Webmaster - Bill Fargo
Review of a
1. Correspondence Received
a. Payments from SVR advertisers for the 2021 DRIFTER
b. E-mails from various lists, companies, unsolicited, etc.
c. PCA - RegionFocus Webinar #41 - Membership Chair 101 --- March 2, 2021
Webinars are posted on PCA website for reviews as PDFs and/or Power Points
d. Zone 7 President's Meeting -- March 13, 2021
e. 2021 Zone 7 Autocross Rules and Classifications (and Executive Summary – received from Collin Fat) March 13 approval date. Will alert Rik and he will post on website
2. Old Business
a. Minutes from previous Board Meeting on February 2, 2021Aproved
c. Zone 7 Meeting March 13 hosted by Collin Fat
d. Minutes distributed in the 2021 February DRIFTER on: February 8, 2021
e. PCA Treffen Registration opens February 24th at 12 noon Pacific time……
f. PCA Newsletter Contest --- entries due by March 1, 2021
g. Zone 7 President's Meeting -- March 13, 2021 hosted by Collin Fat
3. Old Business
a. Minutes from previous Board Meeting on January 7, 2021
b. Approved via email consensus: January 11, 2021
c. Final minutes distributed in the 2021 January DRIFTER on: January 12, 2021
d. CRAB 38 status -- John Hawk.
4. New Business
A. Niello Liaison ---- Kim Nelson
i. 356CAR Celebration of Ferdinand Porsche birthday
ii. Event occurs on the Sunday closest to the date of his birthday.
iii. Two years ago an event was held with 356CAR and SVR celebrating both National Day of Drive to the home a club member Porsche’s birthday
iv. Kim proposed that we repeat this joint event in September 19 with the Sansones hosting the event at their home.
v. After a lengthy discussion over insurance coverage issues. It was decided that SVR would not co-sponsor this event but provide support.
vi. It was moved and second that SVR will be supporting 356CAR event.
vii. Will be added to the event calendar.
B. AX Chair ---- John Leet
i. Revised 2021 Budget for approval (included). It was moved by Mike Willis and Second by Salley Boeck to accept amended budget. Motion passed (5-0)
ii. 2021 Autocross Rules Executive Summary
iii. Auto Cross School on the Event Calendar in May.
1. 2 day event
2. Day 1 Classroom instruction at Niello board room
3. Day 2 Driving Course *Due to COVID no in car instruction. Coaching will be done remotely.
iv. Trailer Security Concerns (Auto Cross team meeting discussion)
1. No Content coverage
2. Discussion on ways to protect the trailer such as Fort Knox lock and/or a GPS device.
3. It was recommended by Collin Fat to check with Redwood region for their insurance carrier/information.
4. Action item – John Leet
v. Facebook (FB) Account update
1. FB Security is preventing John from gaining administration access into SVP account. John provided FB with personal ID and prove of SVR Board Member in order to obtain administration rights to SVR FB page. Once permission has been granted to John then he can update account in order to transfer administration rights over to Al Price.
C. Breakfast Chair --- Jerry Alter
i. Tailgate Breakfast Event – Jerry described how this event operated.
ii. First Saturday Breakfast - Caffeine and Machines April 24 at Fat’s in Folsom
1. COVID guidelines
2. Release forms
3. Evidence of Insurance coverage for event
4. Advance Registration required – MSR
D. Charity Chair and Log Chair – Dick MacFarlane
i.Logo Update - Informative discussion on the history of SVR logo and how best to modify it. A motion was made by Mike Willis to remove the smile off the current logo and use this image for SVR official logo until a new is created. Discussion concerning cleaning up logo and to review images created by Dick. It was recommended to doing the “clean up” once. Review of motion and make it legal. Motion was seconded and passed (5-0)
ii.Dick MacFarlane and his logo committee was dismissed, and he was thanked for his dedication to the club.
iii.Bill and Dick will work together on logo
iv.Octoberfest Charity Silent auction
1. No date on Event Calendar
2. Need Chairman for this event – Action item
b. Other Guest Reports or discussions
i. Christmas Party – Mike Willis
1. Mike recommended that we hold this event at the Sutter Club.
2. Mike put an article in the Drifter
3. Mike will chair this event.
c. President’s Report
i. Update on COVID-19 and PCA events.
1. The PCA COVID waiver form is still required for all events. We expect that the form will be required for all events for many more months.
2. New form will be available within the next 2-3 weeks
ii. Treffen Scottsdale – sold out
iii. French Lick Parade – 1000+ cars and registration is still open
iv. Email was sent out to SVR board and chairs method of contact and list will be updated with this information.
v. Region Continuity List –
1. Board voted to appoint Nancy Olson as secretary (4-0).
2. Nancy Olson name to be submit to PCA as secretary.
vi. Board Vacancies – Social Director
vii. Chair Vacancies – Advertising, Historian, Safety, and Tour
viii. Zone 7 meeting on March 13
ix. SVR Policy Statement - update to reflect new bylaws
d. Vice President’s Report
i. Events discussed previously will be added to Event Calendar
ii. COVID-19 Waivers - Collin Fat explain how to access PCA website to obtain forms and other information needed for VPs
iii. Event reports
1. Hard copies of waivers are submitted to VP
2. Pre/Post reports submitted to PCA website
3. Sally will include in her Drifter report the steps on the administration side of being an Event Chairman.
e. Treasurer’s Report
i. Treasurer’s report was sent out.
ii. Bob summarized his report.
1. Membership rebate was received.
2. 7 advertisers paid
3. Positive credit on Marty’s credit card (refund from Yosemite tour) was transfer into checking.
f. Social Director’s Report --- vacant position
g. Membership Director’s Report
i. Monthly Numbers – Ken just received the March data and will be manipulating this information for his next Drifter report.
ii. Ken can provide the anniversary dates for membership to reflect the month the member joined.
iii. Rik will forward membership data to board members.
h. Safety Chair Report --- vacant position
i. Webmaster Report
i. Updated a couple of items on the site.
ii. Available forms on website
1. Event Chairman Budget
2. Event Flyer request
j. Drifter Editor Report
i. Deadline for articles and reports by 25th of each month
ii. Board minutes will be postponed.
k. Past President’s Report/Comments
i. None
l. Chair Reports
i. CRAB has been postponed until next year.
B. Next Meeting: 1st Tuesday of the month --- April 6 2021
C. Adjournment at 9:07 pm
b) Trailer – John
c) Logo modification
d) Drifter - MSR information/process