Dear golf course owners and managers,
You will find below the clarifications received from the Government of Québec (link available in French only) concerning the wearing of masks or face coverings while playing outdoor sports.
Wearing of masks or face coverings outdoors
In emergency measures, red and orange zones
The mask or face covering must be worn by all persons, 10 years of age and older, at all times, and for the entire duration of the activity, except:

  • if the physical distance of 2 metres is respected at all times;
  • if the participants are separated by a physical barrier (separator in motorized carts).
This measure is effective immediately.
However, the Standing Committee suggests that people be advised to wear masks or face coverings from the time they arrive at the parking lot to the teeing blocks, when moving from one point to another in outdoor common areas. This is to avoid the transmission of the virus in common areas where people may cross paths.

Click here to access posters that you can download and use at your operation.
The golf industry must maintain a rigorous application of the government guidelines in effect to avoid any COVID outbreaks in our golf facilities. Let's be collectively responsible.