Mission Cry Movie

Special Ops Osama bin Laden Compound

If you have been a partner of Mission Cry through prayer or giving of your Bibles and books, or finances, you have probably seen this message before. In that case, I would like to encourage you to forward this on to a few people who you believe may like to hear about this ministry. As God continues to expand our reach into different parts of the world, our Mission Cry grows stronger, and we are developing new ways for others to be a part.

Mission Cry

World Headquarters

Use this address to mail financial contributions:

PO Box 356

Fowlerville, MI 48836

Use this address to ship to or drop off books:

200 Free Street

Fowlerville, MI 48836

(517) 223-3193

The Mission Cry Story

For nearly 70 years Mission Cry has been sending the Word of God and Christian books around the globe. Mission Cry with your help has sent nearly $500 million worth of donated Bibles and Christian books to over 179 nations around the world. We’ve encouraged people to send us their extra Bibles and Christian books that are sitting on their shelves, in libraries, universities, or churches. The mission then takes those Bibles and Christian books through a sorting process which are then boxed, palletized, and loaded onto a sea container to be sent around the world.

Our recipients and Mission Cry missionaries on the ground can release the container and distribute these materials. Together, we are equipping orphanages, evangelists, missionaries, pastors, church members, and setting up lending libraries and Bible schools abroad. To send a sea container it costs the ministry approximately $11,000, however, within the container there is nearly $500,000.00 worth of donated Bibles, Christian authored books, Christian education, and seminary materials that are given for free. You can let the world hear your Mission Cry by asking churches and individuals too: hold book drives, help financially to support a container, sponsor the Mission Cry Bibles, volunteer at the headquarters, become drop off location and/or pick up coordinator.Sponsor a Mission Cry Bible for just $2. 

Year End Message

When you give financially; sponsor the Mission Cry Bible;
or donate Bibles, commentaries, and Christian books, you are
becoming a book missionary and aligning yourself with the mission,
letting the world hear your Mission Cry!

View Our Website
Click Here to Donate
President of Mission Cry, Rev. Jason Woolford, is available for speaking engagements at churches and other events. If you are interested in booking him to speak, please follow the link below.

Request Rev. Jason
Mission Cry
200 Free St.
Fowlerville, MI 48836
(517) 223-3193

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