February 2024

Embracing Growth & Inspiring More in 2024!

Dear Members,

Planning has already begun for Supportive Living 2024. In addition to holding another in-person annual meeting this October, we're excited to announce our Wii Bowling Competition is coming back along with a Trivia Tournament! We're busy assembling all the details, but we'll share them soon. 

We will also hold our photo and testimonial contests this summer, and a centenarian and Best of Our Abilities contest this fall.

Many of you have asked about a specific week to celebrate Supportive Living. Since we hold events all year, we encourage you to celebrate all year. If you'd like to select a particular week to dedicate activities to Supportive Living - do it! Then, post about it on Facebook so we can share it with other communities and feature you in upcoming editions of our newsletter. 

In the meantime, start thinking of ways to Inspire More in your communities in 2024!

Let's Inspire More, Together!

Policy Update

Medicaid Advisory Committee Updates

The Medicaid Advisory Committee held its first meeting of 2024 on Friday, February 23rd. Audrey Pennington, COO of Aunt Martha’s Health & Wellness, will serve as chair for 2024. Some of the meeting highlights include:

  • HFS will have an FY25 focus on equity and child and maternal health
  • HFS will seek a one-year extension of the current Medicaid MCO HealthChoicer Illinois contracts while issuing an RFP for D-SNP/dual eligible MCOs in March
  • HBIS/HBIA copayments began in some situations
  • HFS’ proposed FY25 budget includes $50 million in new funding for safety net hospitals
  • Coverage was maintained for 77% of recipients through redeterminations
  • Director Whitehorn will place an emphasis on MCO Accountability(See below)
  • A Physician rate increase is awaiting federal approval
  • Child support payments will be passed on in full to families
  • Healthcare transformation funding in FY25 will have a maternal health focus 

Director Whitehorn stated that between now and 12/31/26, HFS will hold MCO plans accountable for outcomes and performance. HFS is working on a new multiyear quality plan for the MCOs, which will include financial withholds and pay for performance. Quarterly reviews will be conducted, and new ways to hear from customers on their Medicaid journey will allow HFS to have a fresh perspective on how HFS works with MCOs.


Healthcare & Family Services Executive Report  

HFS provided an overview of its FY25 budget request, which contains a GRF. All Funds request of $39.477 billion, an increase of $633.5 million, driven by a $592.7 million increase in medical assistance.  Budget highlights include:

  • Establishing a medical debt relief program
  • Increasing funding for Medicaid dollars to local school district
  • Funding HFS for its portion of the state-based marketplace/exchange transition
  • Creating a $50 million tiered safety net add-on and target federal match dollars to safety net  hospitals
  • Enact a Practitioner Rate Increase – close to finalizing with federal CMS, and FY25 proposed budget includes the annualization of this rate increase plan

HFS Goals for FY25

  • Ensure all Illinoisians have access to healthcare services by focusing on consumer retention through REDI
  • Continue to hold MCOs accountable for high quality care and ensuring practices that reduce disparities and promote racial equity
  • Prepare for the implementation of the state-based exchange by partnering with DOI to procure technology, infrastructure support and design integrated enrollment practices for successful implementation in 2026 
  • Implement Williams and Colbert consent decree innovations
  • Continue to innovate to prioritize maternal and child health; behavioral health; reproductive health; health equity; and health-related social needs
  • Pass through child support payments in full to families

HFS Convenes Group to Review Proposed SLP Rule Changes

AALC, along with other industry stakeholders, has been meeting bi-weekly with HFS to review proposed rule changes.  To review the draft rule changes, click here.  If you have any suggestions, questions, or concerns, please send them to:

Reminder! Migration to New Application for Benefits Eligibility Portal

Remember, Illinois is introducing a new way for Application for Benefits Eligibility (ABE) users to log into their accounts.  In advance of this transition, SLP providers must provide updated records of a designated Primary Agency Security Administrator (PASA) and a backup Agency Security Administrator (ASA) for all Providers that access the ABE Portal(s) is needed.  The Department requests that this be completed no later than March 15, 2024. To learn more, click here

Service Planning for Residents Enrolled in MCOs

Please make sure nursing staff are informed of new residents’ MCO managed care status and also when existing residents become enrolled in managed care. The RAI and Individual Support Plan (ISP)/Informational Service Summary (ISS) are the documents SLP providers share with the MCO case manager to help inform service planning. I’ve attached the ISS form along with the form used to report significant changes in condition. Examples are also provided.  Be sure to review the May 2023 provider notice regarding service planning for residents enrolled in Medicaid managed care.  Please contact if you have any questions.   


Provider Notice issued 05/26/2023 (

significant changes in condition and examples. Example 1 and Example 2.


Preliminary Incident Report Forms

Review the Preliminary Incident Report form along with instructions. Please make sure you/your staff are using this version of the report form. Below are some common errors that result in HFS requiring revisions. 


  • Date of incident, or date it was reported is missing.
  • Resident names not identified (if specific to a resident(s)).
  • Payor source not identified (Medicaid or private pay).
  • MCO notification not documented. The Preliminary Incident Report form should be sent to the MCO case manager. Please check to see if the resident(s) involved with the incident are enrolled in an MCO prior to sending the report to HFS. This is not appliable to building wide issues such as a power outage.
  • Form is not signed.


SLP Cost Report Extension

Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) is allowing one extra month for the filing of the Illinois Medicaid LTC cost report. This is in addition to any other approved extensions that may be granted. With an approved extension request submitted timely, the due date would be May 31, 2024.  To learn more, click here.


IDPH Announces changes to the Practitioner Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment form  

The Illinois Department of Public Health recently this month issued a memo highlighting the value of having an IDPH Uniform Practitioner Order for LifeSustaining Treatment (POLST) Form on file for seriously ill or frail patients and conveying recent changes to the Illinois guidance for using the form.

memo also states a new POLST form is not required if a resident has a prior form version that was appropriately completed. To read the memo, click here.

ADvancing States and the ARPA HCBS TA Collective Announce Release of Issue Brief on State ARPA HCBS Investments

ADvancing States and the ARPA HCBS TA Collective are pleased to announce the release of an issue brief examining states’ efforts to understand the impact of their home and community-based services (HCBS) projects implemented with unprecedented new federal investment under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). “Efforts to Evaluate the Impact of ARPA HCBS Investments” was made possible by the generous support of The John A. Hartford Foundationthe Care for All with Respect and Equity (CARE) FundThe SCAN Foundation, and the Milbank Memorial Fund.  Click here to access the issue brief. 


View Current SL Rates


Thank you to all who contributed to the AALC PAC last year.

Because of your support we were able to raise $225,000

to protect Supportive Living in Illinois!

Legislative Update

Democratic Governor JB Pritzker delivered his sixth Budget and State of the State address to a joint session of the Illinois General Assembly Wednesday. During the speech, Pritzker touted his Administration’s accomplishments, highlighting nine credit upgrades, a $2 billion investment in the Rainy-Day Fund, and the elimination of the past-due bill backlog. While acknowledging Illinois is facing more fiscal challenges than in years past, he cautioned legislators to, “not let the doom grifters steal your optimism about what’s ahead for Illinois. Our future is bright, and opportunity lies ahead.”

Pritzker proposed an FY25 All Funds appropriation of $123.2 billion, including $52.7 billion in General Funds, which is a $752 million, or nearly 2%, GRF increase over FY24 estimated expenditures. The Governor’s revised FY24 estimated spending reflects proposed spring supplemental appropriations of $1.183 billion and proposed transfers, so the proposed GRF increase over last fiscal year’s enacted budget is a $2.3 billion increase, or 4.5%. The Governor’s FY25 spending plan contains a $298 million GRF surplus, with $170 million reserved for the Budget Stabilization Fund.

Overall, the FY25 budget assumes $52.993 billion in general revenue, which is a $777 million increase (1.5%) compared to revised FY24 revenue estimates. On a positive note, state-sourced revenue sources, including the personal income, corporate income, and sales taxes, are expected to increase by $1.399 billion (3%) over FY24. However, those increases are offset in FY25 due to one-time transfers-in that occurred in FY24 are not expected to repeat in FY25.

The Governor’s FY25 budget assumes new revenue from the following sources, which will require statutory change by the General Assembly. 


Net Operating Loss: continues the limit on the Corporate Net Operating Loss Deduction, increases the cap to $500,000, and extends the limit through tax year 2027. This will generate an additional $526 million for FY25.

Retailer’s Discount: imposes a $1,000/month cap on the Sales Tax Retailers Discount, which will generate an additional $101 million GRF and $85 million for local governments.

Sports Wagering: raises the sports wagering licenses tax from 15% to 35%, which will generate an additional $200 million. 15% of the tax would continue to be transferred into the Capital Projects Fund to help pay debt service; 20% would be transferred into the General Revenue Fund.

Standard Deduction: sets the standard deduction at $2,550 for tax year 2024, and adjusts for cost-of-living for future tax years, which will generate an additional $93 million.

Mass Transit: shift the GRF cost for Mass Transit onto the Road Fund, which will generate/save GRF $175 million.

The Governor also proposed tax reductions that will offset the revenue enhancements. 

Franchise Tax: allow the first $10,000 in liability to be exempt from the Franchise Tax. $10 million cost

Child Tax Credit: create a refundable child tax credit equal to 20% of a taxpayer’s state earned income tax credit if the taxpayer has a child under the age of 3. $12 million cost

Eliminate Grocery Tax: eliminate the state 1% grocery tax. $325 million cost to state and local governments

To read Werner Consulting’s analysis, click here.

To read more about AALC’s legislative priorities, click here. Insert 2024 Priorities.


Key Deadlines: 

Jan. 19--Bill Drafting Requests 

Feb. 9---Introduction of Bills in First Chamber 

Feb. 21--Governor’s Combined Budget and State of the State Address 

Mar. 15--Senate Bills out of Senate Committee 

Apr. 5---House Bills out of House Committee 

Apr. 12--Senate Bills 3rd Reading 

Apr. 19--House Bills 3rd Reading 

May 3---Bills out of Committee in Second Chamber 

May 17--Bills out of Second Chamber 3rd Reading 

May 24--Adjournment 

2024 AALC Annual Meeting - Save the Date!

Tuesday, Oct 29 - Wednesday, Oct. 30

Springfield, IL

AALC will hold its 2024 Annual Meeting in Springfield on October 29-30. We hope to see you there! Details to Follow!

Supportive Living Communities:

We have some fun activities planned for 2024! Details to come!

MEMBERS! If you know of a vendor who might be interested in joining AALC, share their information with us at and we will reach out to them. Are you a vendor member and interested in bringing content to our Supportive Living communities? Let us know and we will feature you in an upcoming newsletter.

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