Celebrating our Graduates!
Beaming with pride is just an expression, but it seemed that during the graduating ceremonies of our 8th grade and high school graduates, the lights in the room just shined brighter! Stephanie Jean-Blanc, principal at Hammitt Junior-Senior High inspired our 8th graders as she praised them for their academic accomplishments. However, she also reminded them that they are always loved, not just for what they do, but also for who they are. Likewise, the high school grads were encouraged to be kind no matter where life leads them. The future is bright, whether plans are for college, service in the military, or employment, because Hammitt students get individualized instruction, preparing each for their best lives. The students thanked Hammitt staff, their families, and shared their favorite memories, before diving into their cookies and gift bags. Join us in wishing them well in their future adventures!
Splash Party Celebrates Spring Accomplishments
Family Advocates at Hammitt Elementary treated the students to a play day at The Baby Fold to celebrate finishing the spring semester. The students enjoyed many games that were set up on the plush green grass of our campus. They were having so much fun that they didn’t even notice that the activities were also learning opportunities. Our staff is famous for sneaking in education during play. Bottles with tinted water were mixed to create new colors, visually teaching color theory. Learning teamwork was the key to success as groups of kids transferred water from one bucket to another via a sponge. Who doesn’t want to improve their eye-hand coordination with a water balloon? Education and play are important for child development, and so is ice cream, which our students enjoyed as a reward for their hard work this school year! The whole celebration was well deserved. Good job kids, we are proud of you!
Fathers Speak from the Heart with Healthy Start
The Baby Fold’s Healthy Start Program invites the fathers in the program to gather together each month to have “Daddy Dialogue” time. This is a safe space for young fathers to speak honestly about their successes and their struggles. Family Support Specialist, Jeremy Smith, facilitates the group. He says that he lets the fathers decide on the topics that they want to discuss. “Keeping their children safe and well is the primary objective of all of the fathers. But to do that, Dads need to feel safe too.” The Healthy Start fathers are blessed to have that secure place and expert guidance where they can be authentic and encouraged, as they become the great fathers that they want to be.
Connecting Caregivers and Children
The most effective way to help a room full of small children succeed is to teach the teacher how to handle their needs. Through the Caregivers Connection network, April Darringer, a Baby Fold early childhood specialist, travels to preschools and day care centers in 8 surrounding counties to observe child behaviors and aid their caregivers in understanding and guiding the young ones in their classes. She particularly focuses on children who are struggling with behavior or emotional challenges. By teaming with the teacher, creative and beneficial solutions can be discovered. “It all starts with the relationship with the teacher. I always validate that this is hard work. I want to collaborate with them in reflecting on what would be most helpful. I give them permission to speak honestly and to lean into their own wisdom. Then I am in a place where I can offer new strategies.” When the caregiver has an advocate- a sounding board -they can better teach children how to calm themselves, play well with others, and get needs met in appropriate ways, so the whole class benefits. Caregivers Connection is just one more way the wisdom of The Baby Fold is shared throughout our area, making kids and families stronger.
Nurturing Parenting Program Provides Roadmap to Success
“There is no owner’s manual for parenting.” We have all heard this saying, usually uttered from the lips of a parent holding a crying child- adorned with cereal in their hair, wearing one sock, and a wet diaper. Maybe we’d hear it from a parent of a teenager, who has not spoken more than a grunt in two weeks and has eye irritation from excessive screen time paired with constant eye rolling. It’s true, there is no owner’s manual, but there is real help available!

The Baby Fold’s Nurturing Parenting Program provides specially trained family counselors to help create a personalized road map to healthy family relationships. The support starts with a Baby Fold counselor who meets each family in their home individually to get to know them and their strengths and needs. Then, groups are formed with other parents who are navigating the twists and turns of family life. Together, the Baby Fold facilitator helps the group dive into topics, such as emotional regulation, empathy, self-awareness, and positive discipline. Individual family sessions are also offered throughout the process. While there may be no owner’s manual, the Family Workbook given to each family in the Nurturing Parenting Program is a very helpful guide to reaching healthy parenting goals even after completion of the program.