A community reshaping itself
to be fit for God's purpose
Thursday, September 9, 2021
September 9th eNewsletter
Please join us online or in person on Sundays at 9am.
Registration is really helpful to us for setting up outside.
Going Farther Together Committee:
Debby Boedeker (Chair), Cathy Bodner (model), Brian Robert, Mark Sutherland, and Susan Esposito
Photographer: David Brookhart | Graphic Designer: Kathryn Barr
An event earlier advertised for October 2nd will now be held on Sunday, October 3rd at 4pm in the Church in Thanksgiving for

Opening Our Doors
to the Future
Capital Campaign.

This invitation-only-event with readings and live music is a thank you to all whose generosity enabled both the restoration of this historic church building and the renewal of its church community during which campaign plaques honoring donors will be unveiled. The event will also feature an impressive art installation.

Campaign donors please look out for your personal Evite invitation in your email, coming soon.
Thrifty Goose & Estate Sale SEPTEMBER DATES

11 Grand Re-opening of Thrifty Goose! 10am - 2pm

18 Estate Sale - 9am - 3pm
19 Estate Sale - 10am - 1pm
Estate Sale Donations and Volunteers Needed
To volunteer or to ask Estate Sale questions, please email Kathryn at kbarr@stmartinsprov.org .
Thursdays at 5:30pm
In Person or Zoom
KidZone News

KidZone will be back in person (and masked) on September 26, and we are so excited to welcome children back in Church School!

September 26 - "Getting to Know You" with KidZone teacher, Kathryn Barr. Bring donations of disposable face masks, small bottles of hand sanitizer, and small snacks like granola bars, crackers and fruit snacks to be used on October 3.

October 3 - Outreach Lesson - Make toiletry/pandemic kits for our neighbors at Epiphany Soup Kitchen.

Anyone is invited to bring your donations of disposable face masks, small bottles of hand sanitizer, and small snacks like granola bars, crackers and fruit snacks Sunday service or to the office, in a bag marked “KidZone Outreach”. We, and our Epiphany Soup Kitchen neighbors, thank you for being part of this KidZone ministry!
Donate Your Jeans & More
Harrington Hall is the “the shelter of last resort” for homeless R.I. men. Please bring your donations of gently used t-shirts, jeans, running shoes, baseball caps and jackets to the basket in the back of the church or in a donation bag marked “Harrington.” Thank you for helping those in need.
Weekly Prayer List

an Introspective prayer

Almighty and everlasting God, you have given to us
grace by the confession of a true faith to
acknowledge you our God as divine community:
Keep us steadfast in this faith that our community life
may mirror the love of your divine community.
O Lover; who with the Beloved and the Love-Sharer
live and reign, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Those who have birthdays this week: Marie Langlois, Dwight Phillips, Martha Ritchie, Annie White, Brigit Timpson, Eric Esposito, and Lynne Burke.

Those who have been commended to us: Eidan, Angela, Chris, Jeremiah, Virginia, Justin, Michael, Sam, Truls, Paula, Gail, Sheila, Aldo & Madeleine, Andy & Alice, David, Marie, Larry, Alisa & Gray, Jim & Rosemary, Christina, Frances & Tom, Ruth, Claire, Jane, Peter & Susie, Jeannine, Rebecca, Mary, Jake, Michele, Parker, Jane, Carol, Brian, Beth, Steve, Liz, Jennifer, Arletta, Martin, Ryan, Barbara, Jaymi, Elisabeth, Frank, Beverly, William, Suzanne, Fla, Ed, Pres, Jonathan, Nancy, Joe, Meredith, John, Laurie, Alton, George, Brooke, Jane, Ann, John, Irene, and Nate.

We pray for those who have died, especially Laura Green Durand, who died last Saturday. We pray for her loved ones, and all who grieve.

St. Martin's Church | 50 Orchard Ave, Providence, RI 02906
(401) 751-2141