In this Edition:
- This Sunday – Bake and Craft Sale - Dec 11
- Celebrate the Virgin of Guadalupe with St. Nicholas Church
- Wednesday Night Dinner - Dec. 14
- Inquirer's Class
- Youth Group and Summer Camp dates!
- Here We Come A Caroling - Dec. 18
- Holiday worship schedule and a visit from the Bishop!
- Christmas Music Rehearsal Schedule
- LMCC Holiday Giving Tree
- Donate Christmas Flowers
- Year End Giving
- Video and Livestreaming Survey
- Feed My Starving Children Update
- Book Club - postponed
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Have an announcement you would like to share in this weekly email?
Send it to before noon on Wednesday to be featured.
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8:00 and 9:30 Holy Eucharist
Godly Play will take place during the 9:30 service for children age 3 through grade 5.
It's the third Sunday in Advent! See our Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany brochure here.
We will continue to Facebook Livestream the Sunday 9:30 service and upload to YouTube to accommodate for those who choose to stay home.
10:45-11:30 Community Forum
Bake and Craft Sale
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Items can be dropped off on Saturday, December 10th between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. or before services on Sunday, December 11th.
All items are welcome as we share our talents, treats, and traditions to support St. David's.
Not a baker? Not a crafter? That's okay! Bring your cash or checkbook.
Questions? Contact Sara Leigh at or 952-567-3957.
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Confirmation Class
We'll meet in the library
11:45—pizza lunch
12:00-1:15--Worship and Sacraments, with the Rev. Guy Drake
Please wear a mask!
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Celebrate the Virgin of Guadalupe with St. Nicholas Church | |
Our Wednesday night Community Dinners are back! They will be once a month December through February, then weekly during Lent. You are invited!
Join us for an Advent Dinner on December 14th at 5:30pm as we prepare for Christmas.
There will be casual conversation and tasty, uncomplicated dinners that someone else will cook! We start serving at approximately 5:30 and wrap up by 7:00. There is no cost for this - just a freewill offering if you are able. Arrive when it is convenient for you.
After dinner, plan on staying for our Wednesday activities for December - Choir, Youth Christmas Cookie Bake, and Inquirers Class. Hope to see you there!
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Curious about the Christian Faith? The Episcopal Church? St. David's? Join in on a 4 Part "Inquirers Class"!
Session One: Wednesday, December 14, 7-8 pm--The Christian Story
Session Two: Wednesday, January 18, 7-8 pm--Worship and Sacraments
Session Three: Wednesday, February 15, 7-8 pm--Social Issues
Session Four: Date/time tba--Our Local Ministry
All are invited, whether you're new to St. David's or have been around a while. We encourage attendance for the whole series, but if you can only make it to fewer sessions, know that you are invited.
For more information, contact the Rev. Katherine Lewis at
Note: the first 3 classes take place immediately after our Wednesday evening community meal (5:30-7). Please come for the meal and stay for the class, if you're able!
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Youth Group and Summer Camp Dates! | |
LIFT Youth Group on Dec. 14th will start by eating together at the Community Meal in the Undercroft, and then move into the kitchen to craft some Christmas cookies! These cookies will be packaged up and delivered to homebound folks and LMCC when we go caroling the following Sunday (see next section for details on caroling).
Summer Camp!
One of the greatest legacies and gifts the Episcopal Church in Minnesota can give our young people is an opportunity to experience God in new and remarkable ways, specifically in outdoor ministry. A team of Children & Youth ministers from across our diocese have been working on discerning what camp will look like this year, and we're excited to announce the following dates.
Youth Camp for grades 6-12: Sunday, June 11 - Thursday, June 15
St. Andrew Bible Camp, New London
Family Camp: Sunday, July 30 - Friday, August 4
St. Andrew Bible Camp, New London
These weeks will be filled with discipleship, play, prayerful wondering, and spiritual growth. More information will be coming this year, as well as registration information. Mark your calendars now!
Please reach out to Anna if you are interested and/or have any questions about camp this summer! She will be helping the planning team, as she worked at this camp location as a counselor!
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Sunday, December 18th
Save the date on your busy holiday calendar for one of St David's favorite events of the year, namely Christmas Caroling for our homebound friends. After the 9:30 service, on December 18th , carolers will head down to the undercroft where Roger will lead us in a short carol rehearsal. (Those visiting and having coffee will be in for a treat!) We will then head out en masse, around 11:15 am, to our first stop, the LMCC residence, where we will sing and play Santa--dropping off our many Giving Tree gifts to the nursing home residents.
From there, we will divide and conquer with each group visiting 2 or 3 of our beloved parishioners who also find themselves homebound this holiday season. To get a handle on the numbers, please sign up on the sign up sheet in the church Narthex by the Christmas Giving Tree, or sign up here electronically
No professional singing talent required, all ages welcomed, and families strongly encouraged to attend. We hope you can join in, sing some classic Christmas carols, and partake in the real joy of the season!
Questions? Contact Diane Curley
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Christmas Eve, December 24
- One intergenerational service of Holy Eucharist at 5:00pm with reception to follow
Christmas Day, December 25
- One 9:30 service of Holy Eucharist
New Years Day, January 1
- One 9:30 service of Holy Eucharist
Epiphany, January 8
- One 9:30 service of Holy Eucharist with a special visit from the Magi and the Rt. Rev. Craig Loya!
Please refer our Advent, Christmas, Epiphany brochure for more detailed descriptions.
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Christmas Music at St. David's | |
Singers and instrumentalists of all ages are invited to join in leading the music for our Christmas Eve liturgy (one service at 5:00). We’ll rehearse separately in various groups, then join together for one final practice.
Contact Roger Stratton ( if you’re interested in any of these opportunities.
Children–We’ll practice on Sundays Dec 4 & 11 (11:00 – 11:30), then join with the adults for part of the Big Christmas Practice on Dec. 21 (see below)
Youth– We’ll practice during youth group time on Wed. Dec 7, and at the Big Christmas Practice on Dec. 21.
Adults – Anyone and everyone is invited to join the choir for Christmas. Our Wednesday rehearsals on Dec. 7 & 14 will begin with Christmas music from 7:15 – 8:00. Then everyone will join together for the Big Christmas Practice on Dec. 21.
Handbells will continue to meet on Wednesdays at 6:15, as well as at the Big Christmas Practice on Dec. 21.
Instrumentalists of all ages are invited to play. Contact Roger, and we’ll work out when the best practice times are.
Big Christmas Practice -- Our final rehearsal for everyone will be on Wednesday Dec. 21, 6:30-8:30. Children and Handbells will only come for part of that time; details will be sent out closer to the date.
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Lake Minnetonka Care Center Holiday Giving Tree | |
Hard to believe, but it really is time to get in the Christmas spirit, by remembering all our friends out at Lake Minnetonka Care Center (LMCC). Our annual Holiday Giving Tree gift “exchange” will again look a bit different this year in light of the continuing resident COVID restrictions. So, unfortunately, no holiday party or Eucharist service this time around, but we still want to bring some holiday cheer to the residents with a Christmas gift! We are hoping you would like to participate in this venture.
The Holiday Giving Tree will be located in the narthex from which you may choose a gift tag/wish list. Routine is the same……. just peruse the resident wish lists, find one that piques your interest, sign up your name by that residents name, pick the corresponding gift tag off the tree, purchase a gift/gifts off their wish list, and then return the wrapped package (with handy gift name tag attached) to the church no later than Sunday, December 18th. Probably best to plan on bringing the gifts to church on Sundays when the building is certain to be open, or when you know you have access to the church office.
A fun addition again for this year’s gift giving, we plan to make a singing gift delivery to LMCC that day (Dec 18th) after church as part of our annual Christmas Caroling outing!
Excited to bring a bit of Christmas Cheer to LMCC
Questions, don’t hesitate to ask, Diane Curley, at 763-232-9412
Thank You!
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Greetings. The Christmas Season is upon us and we are again seeking donations for the flowers and greens decorating the church Christmas Eve through Epiphany. There will be envelopes on the seats and in the All Saints' Chapel. Please fill these out and place your donations in the plate on Sunday or contact the office with your name, donation amount and information in memory of/thanksgiving for, etc. We need the information by Saturday, December 17th to assure the information is in the Christmas bulletins. Any and all donations are welcomed and can even be listed anonymously if you prefer. | |
Thank you to our community for your faithful gifts to St. David's throughout the year. As we approach the end of the calendar year, please keep in mind that any year-end gifts should be received in our office on or before December 31, 2022. If you are mailing a gift, please ensure that it is post-marked by 12/31/22.
Pledge statements were emailed to those with a pledge balance on November 23rd. If you have any questions about your pledge balance for 2022, please reach out to Shea Brendalen at or 612-636-6134.
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Video and Livestreaming Survey | |
The Vestry has been discerning around how livestreaming and video recording services align with the mission of St. David's and how much resources (time and money) to dedicate to these efforts.
We obviously need to offer these formats when conditions require the church to be closed, but we are trying to determine how important they are when the church is open for in-person worship.
We have created a short survey to gather information from the congregation. Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey to provide your input and help guide our decision-making process. As always, please feel free to speak with members of the vestry about this or any other congregational issues. Thank you!
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Feed My Starving Children Update | |
Our speedy group of 7 packed 11 boxes of food which means 2376 meals or enough to feed 2 kids three meals a day for a year.
Not pictured are Nan, Guy and Sue.
More sessions will be scheduled soon!
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St David’s Book Club News
by Cathy Schwichtenberg
Note there is a date change for the upcoming book club meeting.
We are moving the date from December 6 to Tuesday, 1/3/23 from 6:00 pm to 7:55 pm via Zoom. We will be discussing Proud Shoes by Pauli Murray. From 6:00 – 6:30 we will be discussing book selections for 2023. The book discussion will begin at 6:30 and we will finish in time for those who wish to join Compline at 8:00 pm.
First published in 1956, Proud Shoes is the remarkable true story of slavery, survival, and miscegenation in the South from the pre-Civil War era through the Reconstruction. Written by Pauli Murray the legendary civil rights activist and one of the founders of NOW, Proud Shoes chronicles the lives of Murray's maternal grandparents. From the birth of her grandmother, Cornelia Smith, daughter of a slave whose beauty incited the master's sons to near murder to the story of her grandfather Robert Fitzgerald, whose free black father married a white woman in 1840, Proud Shoes offers a revealing glimpse of our nation's history.
Pauli Murray lived one of the most remarkable lives of the twentieth century. S/he was the first Black person to earn a JSD (Doctor of the Science of Law) degree from Yale Law School, a founder of the National Organization for Women and the first Black person perceived as a woman to be ordained an Episcopal priest.
Pauli Murray’s legal arguments and interpretation of the U.S. Constitution were winning strategies for public school desegregation, women’s rights in the workplace, and an extension of rights to LGBTQ+ people based on Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Pauli Murray crafted a broad vision of justice, equity, and human rights using words as her primary tool in the fight for liberation. Their vision for a just and equitable world is a beacon of hope during troubled times. Their social justice tactics, legal strategies, speeches, letters, books, sermons, and poetry are models for our ongoing activism aimed at dismantling the oppression s/he faced and we continue to face because of white supremacy.
Join Zoom Meeting: Book Club - January 3, 2023
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What else is going on at St. David's? | |
Want to view the full calendar for the week? Click here to view the St. David's website complete with a calendar to keep you updated on events and offerings! Scroll all the way to the bottom to view it. | |
Have an announcement you would like to share in this weekly email?
Send it to before noon on Wednesday to be featured.
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Pastoral Care Line: 952-767-0891 | |
COVID-19 Resources Available
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