O Holy Night

I often talk about my mentor and teacher, Dr. Martinez. He was a wonderful person who left us far too early, and I am always reminded of him around Christmas. He was born on December 22, and he passed away on December 21, 2020. He had a huge impact on me and because of him, I pursued the study of Chinese medicine. I will forever miss him and the conversations we had about our amazing and perplexing world. He often shared parables and insightful stories along with his treatments that illustrated his treatment approach and the protocols he recommended. One year during Christmas I was particularly interested in the song, O Holy Night. I would listen to it and be so powerfully moved by the lyrics. I didn’t understand why I was so emotionally affected, and I brought it up in conversation with him. I told him that “the soul felt its worth”, was the line that really struck me. He said the following via a series of text messages

“The answer is within you. It’s one of my favorite songs, too, and it wouldn't be Christmas without listening to this beautiful song while pondering Christmas past, present and future. Tears always came to my eyes, unannounced.”


It took me years to process his insights, but I think I understand now. This line is about loving yourself and honoring the faults, the struggles, the inadequacies and all the good things within you. It’s about being human. This was an eye-opening lesson for me and perhaps sharing it with you will allow you some solace during the busy and often stressful holiday season. All the work you do and time you put into life is enough. You are enough. Give yourself a break, a hug and a cheer! Job well done, human!


Thank you, Dr. Martinez. You changed my life.

Listen to the Night

Go Forth and Be Healthy

Many of us will travel to new places and welcoming climates during the holidays. Whether your final destination is a tropical paradise of sunshine and warm waters, or a mountain top ski and snowboard get-away, spending time in a new weather environment can activate some health issues like cold, flu, allergies or even emotional fluctuations. It’s critical that you prepare yourself for travel so you can maximize your pleasure and minimize discomfort.


I always suggest boosting your immune system before the onset of climatic change when our bodies become vulnerable to differences in humidity, time and light. Your body will fight to strengthen immunity by producing white blood cells to combat the onset of illness. This produces antibodies for future use, when an even stronger pathogen may come along. Prepare for your time away with adequate sleep, seasonally appropriate foods and herbs like Jade Windscreen (available at the Acupuncture by Andrea office), that boost the immune system. I try to acclimatize myself before travel by altering my waking and sleeping times as much as possible. I adapt my diet a few days or a week before by eliminating cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage) and other food and beverages that may cause cramping or bloating when flying. Many flight attendants take a similar approach.


For those of us in Florida, a ski trip is a welcome winter wonderland. But, be aware that the change in elevation can lead to altitude sickness and dehydration. Hydrate with water and electrolytes like Pure Encapsulations Muscle Cramp and Tension Formula, and eat blood building foods including meats and proteins, and any red or black foods. These are beneficial to the liver and kidneys and recommended when you spend time at high altitudes. Rhodiola Rosea (also available at the Acupuncture by Andrea office) is recommended for fatigue and AMS (acute mountain sickness) but needs to be taken 5 days prior to ascent.


Foods that “sweat” or produce water when you cut them such as zucchini, plums, peaches, pears, cucumbers and citrus foods are very hydrating. Honey is also moistening and helps with respiratory health and skin hydration in dry climates. 

Gift Cards Keep Giving!

Give the gift of healing with an Acupuncture by Andrea gift card. Choose your amount and they choose the service—acupuncture, massage, cupping or herbal medicine consultation and products. Quickly purchase a digital card online or stop by the office or our Serene Advanced Skin Care location to pick up a physical card. We can even mail a card to your address of choice.


Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday of delightful and desirable gifts!

Give the Gift

Healthful Hints for Holiday Gifting

Tired of wrapping socks and swapping sweets? There are unlimited health and wellness gift-options available at Acupuncture by Andrea. Try one or create a gift box of goodies for that special person to unwrap and unwind. Call or come by the office and I will help you find that perfect item to bring a smile to your loved ones on Christmas day.

Pain-relieving Tiger Balm

Fast, warm, comforting. Provides relief for joint and muscle pain, stiff muscles, and arthritis in the hands and joints, and backaches caused by overexertion.

Available in patches, balm and cream.

Learn More

Warming Herbal Teas

These delicious teas are made with traditional Chinese herbs and organic loose leaf tea. Calming and nourishing, these are sure to please the tea lover in your life. We offer more than ten varieties of loose leaf herbal teas from Urban Herbs.

Tasty Teas

Revolutionary Relief

The power of plant-based pain relief ingredients like menthol and camphor combine with enriching Charlotte’s Web™ premium hemp extract for a relaxing and rejuvenating experience.

CBD cream for joint and pain relief is available in 1.5 oz jars, Level 4 and the Extra Strength Level 5 are recommended.

The Power of Plants

Supplemental Support

Take a new approach to stocking stuffers and give the gift of a health boosting vitamin supplement! We offer high quality, pharmaceutical grade formulations from several providers. Multi-vitamins, B, C and D, Zinc, Calcium and more are available in a variety of sizes. 

High-quality Health

Holiday Thoughts

The Acupuncture by Andrea office will be closed from December 19 to 27 for the Christmas holiday. I will be spending the time with family and friends.


Before I leave, I wanted to share with you some of the wonderful ways the world celebrates the Christmas season. Some are unique, some are amazing, and maybe some of us will adopt one of these traditions in the future. I took special note of what these other cultures and families eat with an eye to Chinese medicine…. as I always say, it’s all about the digestion!

Best wishes to everyone for a relaxing and fulfilling holiday season!

Christmas Around the World 
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