As we make our way through Spring, Earthwaysllc is thrilled to share some exciting news. After much time and effort by our devoted website refresh team comprised of O, Cynthia, and Deb, we have just launched our new website. The website has a new look and feel. We hope you will check us out online, look around and avail yourself of the resources the website has to offer.
Our Spring newsletter highlights our list of 2021 programs. After a very quiet 2020 season, we are very excited to begin offering programs again. As we begin to shed the masks and emerge from the depths of the pandemic, it is a great time to get out onto the land with one of our programs. We hope to see you soon and wish you continued health and safety as you venture out into the wild world.
Clear Desert Mirror
A Contemplative Retreat in the Wild
June 7th thru 13th
Mojave National Preserve
-Full with a waiting list-
We invite you to join us in June 2021 for a seven-day retreat in a remote high desert canyon—a uniquely beautiful jewel of the Mojave National Preserve. We will establish our camp amidst the family of Pinon, Juniper, Oak, rabbit, deer, hummingbird and snake. Seekers across time and tradition have sought refuge in wild places, where great joy and suffering can bring us to our deepest truths.
During this program, you will be guided and supported to quiet the mind and cultivate a sense of stillness and spaciousness. Together, we will drop into deep relationship to our most authentic selves, one another, and the wild landscape around us and within us. Unplugged from the demands of routine and familiar surroundings, Clear Desert Mirror will support restorative contemplation and inspire transformation, for the benefit of all beings.
Guides: Cynthia Eisho Morrow and Roy Remer
Breaking and Mending
Where Grief, Gratitude, and Beauty Coexist
July 8th Ridell Preserve
"There's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in"
~ Leonard Cohen
Come join us on the wild land for this unique retreat and ceremony where we will use and honor the art of Kintsugi and SoulCollage® as metaphors to explore the brokenness that lives in ourselves and in our Mother Earth, to acknowledge and honor our grief and find the beauty and gratitude that resides there. As we begin to emerge from the liminal space of The Great Pause, we will say goodbye to what was and set our hopes and prayers on what will be.
Guides: Deborah Green Jacobi and guest guide, Glenda Goodrich
Walking Through the Fire
A Ceremonial Circle near the Start of Fire Season
July 23 - 24 Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
This ceremonial circle will be held in Sugarloaf Ridge State Park, where all of the park has been burned in recent years. We’ll start the day in circle, inviting people to hear each other’s personal “fire story” in prep for a day on the land. During the solo time, we’ll invite everyone to go out alone in search of tree wisdom. We’ll encourage you to have two separate conversations: one with a living tree and one with a dead tree. What do trees have to teach us about living through fires? We’ll come back together in the afternoon to hear everyone’s story from this day of walking on a land that’s healing and growing.
Guides: Scott Eberle and Sahara Chaldean
Relational Justice on the Land
Exploring our Relationship with Social, Racial and Environmental Justice
August 7th Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
Together, we will begin our day with sitting in council, sharing from our own life experience with various forms of relational justice, and then walk the land with an intention. We will then return to our circle to share and be witnessed in our stories, and to speak our intentions moving forward. We aim to provide a safe space to explore these themes, no matter what your level of experience with this territory.
Guides: O. Andrew Schreiber and Cynthia Eisho Morrow
Cultivating Resilience
A Day Walk for these Times of Uncertainty
September 11th Sugarloaf Ridge State Park
If resilience can be seen as our capacity to adapt well in the face of adversity, how can we look to the natural world for guidance and support during these uncertain times? Uncertainty of climate, the pandemic, the social and political milieu all contribute to the concerns and difficulties we are facing these days. We offer you an opportunity to spend meaningful time in a wild landscape that has been burned again and again, yet is clearly regenerating. Together, we will sit upon the earth and share with one another of the challenges, fears, and uncertainties in our lives that can throw any of us off balance. You will then have a few hours to walk upon the earth to listen for the stories the land has to share about resilience. Finally, we will share our wisdom with one another, seeing what we can learn collectively about the courage and fortitude to return to life again and again.
Guides: Sahara Chaldean and Cynthia Eisho Morrow
Men's Vision Fast
Meeting Uncertainty and Change
September 27th thru October 9th
Mojave National Preserve
The Vision Fast ceremony is essentially about welcoming change, inviting change, and asking for change. Conscious transformation is why we make time to go out on the land for the solo fast initiation.
With all that has transpired beyond our control over the last several months, this is a potent time to declare a clear intention and take change into our own hands. The Vision Fast ceremony is a way to call in the growth and transformation we crave, the transformation that awaits us. Now more than ever, we need this for ourselves and our people.
Guides: O. Andrew Schrieber and Roy Remer
Before the Beginning
by Rilke
God speaks to each of us before we are made
then walks with us silently out of the night.
These are the words, the numerous words,
we hear before we begin:
You, called forth by your senses,
reach to the edge of your longing:
Become my body
Grow like a fire behind things
so their shadows spread
and cover me completely
Let everything into you: Beauty and Terror.
Keep going: no feeling last forever:
Don't lose touch with me.
Nearby is the land
they call life.
You will recognize it
by its intensity