While I enjoy some time in Montana visiting my father (who has improved dramatically!), my assistant Daisy brings you a quote from one of my favorite Christian Mystics. I invite you to contemplate on the message as you move through Eastertide:
-------“Start being brave about everything. Drive out darkness and spread light. ------------Don’t look at your weaknesses. Realize instead that in Christ crucified you -----------can do everything.”
—Catherine of Siena—----
P.S. If you are an adult wanting to be confirmed, received or renew your vows as an Episcopalian, you can do so on May 23 when Bishop Susan visits us. Requirements are listed below.
Transformation Academy
Monthly continuing April 15
Formerly known as “Leadership Academy,” this series of diocesan workshops will offer a range of topics that might interest parishioners, whether you haven’t yet volunteered or are heavily involved in church leadership. Find more info here
Young Adults Picnic-in-the-Park
Sunday, April 18, 1 pm
Calling all Young Adults for an outdoor, masked (unless eating or drinking) gathering! Bring your camping chair, food and drink for yourselves, and find the group at Encinitas Community Park (click here for directions). If you have questions, email Rev. Richard.
Young Adult Bible Study
Tuesday, April 13, 7:30 pm
If you're a young adult, you're invited to a rousing Bible study via Zoom the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month. If you are interested, please email Rev. Richard and he will share the Zoom link.
Deep Dive Book Group
Wednesdays, 7 pm, Starting April 21
Join us via zoom to explore the intersections of prayer, scripture, and history. Before the first class, please read the intro through chapter two of Teach Us to Pray: The Lord's Prayer in the Early Church and Today
Drive-In & Outdoor Church,
Reservations required
Sundays, 8:30 & 10 am
Join us for distanced, masked, outdoor worship at 8:30am in the sun yard (bring your own chair), or tune-in on your car radio in the parking lot at 10 am. Reserve your space (8:30 am here and 10 am here) ahead of time, and remember that online videos will still be available if you aren’t able to join us.
Episcobasics & Adult Confirmation
Sundays, 11:30 am-12:30 pm, April 25 - May 16
Everyone’s invited to brush up on all things Episcopalian in this fun, informative, four-week course via zoom. The class is required for adults desiring confirmation, reception or renewal into the Episcopal Church. The ceremony with Bishop Susan will take place on May 23rd. Contact Mother Brenda with any questions.
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