October 7, 2021
Science, Technology, and Innovation. A project of the Global Girls Collaborative and Futuristas.
Day of the Girl Logo
International Day of the Girl
October 11, 2021
This year's theme is "Digital generation. Our generation." While the pandemic has accelerated digital platforms for learning, earning and connecting, some 2.2 billion people below the age of 25 still do not have internet access at home.

Girls are more likely to be cut off. The gender gap for global internet users grew from 11% in 2013 to 17% in 2019. In the world’s least developed countries, it hovers around 43%. Girls are also less likely than boys to use and own devices, and gain access to tech-related skills and jobs. Only by addressing the inequity and exclusion that span geographies and generations can we usher in a digital revolution for all, with all.

Get involved and share stories, blogs and videos of inspiring girls who are tech trailblazers in their own right and amplify commitments by the Generation Equality Forum and others to address the gender digital divide. Interested in joining a global virtual event celebrating International Day of the Girl? Read more.
Blog Spotlight
Role models, mentors, and sponsors – what’s in a name?
Contributed by Anita Krishnamurthi and Andrea Lattanner, National Girls Collaborative Board Members

Professional networks and mentoring have long been acknowledged to play critical roles in helping people progress in their careers. “Old boys’ networks” have been around forever and have helped many men advance in their careers and progress into positions of influence. The networks, in turn, allow them to lend a helping hand to the young men who come behind them. As we have become more intentional about diversifying workplaces, this idea of deploying networks and mentoring as tools to help a more diverse group of people advance has gained prominence. For the past 18 months of lock-downs and working from home during the pandemic, there have been few opportunities to meet people and network, or take on in-person work experiences, internships, and apprenticeships. The ways we naturally break down silos and connect in person has also decreased, calling for a more intentional approach to connecting with others for advice and career guidance and to learn from each other. While the need holds true in all career paths and for many minoritized groups, we focus on mentoring women in STEM fields through the Global Girls Collaborative. Read more.
Belinda Wilkes
Courtesy of She Speaks Science
Naomi Davis Art
Courtesy of Naomi Davies
for She Speaks Science
Generation Equality
The Generation Equality Forum, held June and July of 2021 in Mexico City and Paris, launched a five year action journey to achieve irreversible progress towards gender equality, founded on a series of concrete, ambitious and transformative actions, including $40 Billion in financial commitments. Read more about the outcomes of the Mexico City Forum and the Paris Forum.

Get involved in the Action Coalition on Technology and Innovation for Gender Equality by becoming a commitment-maker. Learn more about key partners and what new advances will be targeted over the next five years, by watching the recorded session on Technology and Innovation.

Encourage young women to become involved with the Youth Task Force Journey. The Youth Journey is a roadmap for Generation Equality. Co-created with girls, young people, UN agencies, and Civil Society Organizations, spotlighting activation moments and opportunities for young people and adolescents to influence and lead the process. Learn more about the Youth Journey.
Generation Equality Forum Logo
UN Women
Generation Equality Youth
Africa Summit on Women and Girls in Tech logo
2021 Africa Symposium on Women and Girls in Technology
October 11-12, 2021
This is an opportunity to join leaders in technology and ICT policy, women's rights advocates, and aspiring technologists to contribute to the policy processes that will bridge the digital gender gap in Africa. The invitation is for participants who are primarily based in an Africa country, committed to creating opportunities for women and girls, and have demonstrated interest or experience in at least one of the focus areas: affordable broadband, women's rights online, digital education and skills, and digital entrepreneurship. Register.
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Women in Tech Festival   
November 22-23, 2021
Through keynotes, panel discussions, workshops, and fringe events participants will have the opportunity to explore personal growth, learn about technology innovations being led by women in the industry, and help create an inclusive industry that enables a vision of success and provides participants with the toolkit to make it happen. Group discounts available. Students with a student email address qualify to attend for free. Learn more.
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ICSTEM 2022: 16. International Conference on STEM
January 14-15, 2022
Bali, Indonesia
The ICSTEM aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of STEM. It also provides an interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of STEM. Early bird rate ends December 15, 2021. Learn more.
ITEEA 2022 Logo
ITEEA 2022 Conference
March 9-12, 2022
Orlando, Florida + Virtual Option
The 2022 theme is Standards for Technological and Engineering Literacy: The Role of Technology and Engineering in STEM Education—Keys to Success! The focus will be on the roadmap that Standards for Technological and Engineering Literacy (STEL) provides for all educators and will highlight the importance of the three organizers within STEL—standards, practices, and contexts with connections and learning opportunities for all STEM learners. Conference includes a virtual option. Early bird rate ends December 1, 2021. Learn more.
WAI 2022 Logo
2022 International Women in Aviation Conference
March 17-19, 2022
Nashville, Tennessee
Conference will include professional development seminars, education sessions, exhibit hall, scholarship awards, and 2022 Pioneer Hall of Fame inductions. Learn more.
2022 ECSITE Conference
June 2-4, 2022
Heilbronn, Germany
The European science engagement conference is open to all professionals who engage audiences with science and technology. The conference will take place at Experimenta, Germany’s largest and most innovative science center. This professional development opportunity offers an intense mix of intellectual stimulation, purposeful and creative sessions, business opportunities, and unparalleled networking. Call for proposals closes on November 2, 2021. Registration opens in early 2022. Learn more.
People Planet Prosperity Logo
“Planet, People, Prosperity” STEM Learning Ecosystems Community of Practice Convening
June 20-22, 2022
Bay City, Michigan
Planet, People, Prosperity will bring together international leaders from more than 90 STEM Ecosystems to explore practical strategies for how communities can use STEM to drive gains in equity, social mobility and efforts to safeguard the environment. Early bird rate ends January 1, 2022. Learn more.
Female Scientist UNESCO 2021
2021 UNESCO Science Report: The race against time for smarter development
The UNESCO Science Report series targets policy-makers, academics, the intergovernmental and non-governmental communities, the media and other groups interested in understanding how science governance is shaping countries’ development agendas. Includes equity content under global trends titled, "To be smart, the digital revolution will need to be inclusive." This chapter outlines the myriad of challenges that women in STEM face, with analysis, and data points.
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AkiraChix has a mission to provide the most promising young women in Africa, technology and entrepreneurial skills to compete economically and bridge the gender gap in tech. They offer structured ICT training with full scholarships in addition to teaching students entrepreneurship skills and mentoring them as they venture into small start-ups. Programs are expanding to reach under-privileged girls and young women in primary and secondary schools and at universities, including technology workers and those who wish to pursue careers in technology.
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greenlight for girls (g4g)
An international nonprofit headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, the mission of greenlight for girls is to inspire girls of all ages and backgrounds to pursue STEM subjects by introducing them to the world of science in fun and exciting ways. They do this by conducting events and activities around the world, with a special focus on reaching less-advantaged communities.
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Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD)
OWSD is the first international forum to unite eminent women scientists from the developing and developed worlds with the objective of strengthening their role in the development process and promoting their representation in scientific and technological leadership. With 40 National Chapters around the world, OWSD is an excellent resource for identifying local role models.
The STARportal is Australia’s first centralised national portal for exciting and engaging STEM activities from around the country. This searchable database connects parents, students and teachers with their local and online STEM activities in real time.
STEMettes Logo
Stemettes is an award-winning social enterprise working across the United Kingdom, Ireland, and beyond to inspire and support young women and nonbinary folk into STEM careers by showing them the diversity of people already in STEM via a series of intersectional cohort programmes, impactful events and inspirational content platforms.
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Girls and Women Talking Tech
This digital intergenerational interview project provides an opportunity for girls and young women who aspire to a career in technology to have a conversation with female role models and leaders. In just one year, the project has matched over 200 girls and women from 70 different countries, producing over 100 interviews. The playlist with all interviews is available on YouTube.
NGCP Futuristas and STARportal partner logos
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This global e-newsletter is generously funded by the Fluor Corporation.