Dear Church Family,
As we move through this winter and into the spring, and as the sun begins to peak out more often and to hang in the sky longer, I hope that we are encouraged that seasons do change and God will bring our world through this very difficult time.
It doesn’t feel like the encouraging turn has started yet, in terms of war and politics.
The war rages on in Gaza, without ceasing, with tens of thousands dead, hundreds of thousands at risk of starvation and with growing global outrage. The war rages on in Ukraine, now into its third year, without an end in sight.
At home we are entering a very messy remainder of 2024, as this U.S. presidential election promises to be anything but peaceful.
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How will you prepare, friends of God, to be a light of Christ during this time? What does it mean to give and receive love now? What does it mean to be prophetic? What does it mean to be quiet? What does faith look like in the 4 seasons of this year? How do we raise children in a season like this? How do we care for those in need?
Lent might be the best season of the Christian year to ask these questions. Ponder what rejection, suffering and death look like. Ponder what it means to speak out in the face of the powers. Ponder what it means to be silent in the face of the authorities. Ponder what it means to live, love, play, work and act, with some sort of normality, even when there are looming shadows.
Friends of God, be the church, even and especially now. Be a community of adoration, listening and response.
The Peace of Christ to you,
Pastor Seth
Please see our Children & Youth section for info about our upcoming Jr. High Youth Retreat on March 8th - 10th! And check out the Serving & Working for Justice section for outdoor cleanup opportunities to help our Mother Earth look beautiful.
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Upcoming March Events & Happenings |
Friday, March 1st —Pastor Seth and Pastor Amanda are team-teaching a bible study on the gospel of Mark at the First Reformed Church of South River. Join us at 11am at 40 Thomas St., South River. If you’d like to attend, and need a ride, please speak with Pastor Seth. This study happens every-other Friday.
RCHP is a Welcoming and Accessible Church
One aspect of our welcoming is to make the many elements of our worship, our building, and our community accessible to people of varied abilities. We have already made a good start by providing large print versions of what is projected during worship (see announcement below). For a variety of reasons, not everyone can read the projections. We have also begun a survey of our building and removed a very worn mat that posed a tripping hazard.
Do you have any ideas about how to become even more accessible? Under the guidance of our CARE Committee, we will address any issue you wish to raise. Send an email to LL DuBreuil at with your ideas.
Saturday, March 2nd—RCHP will join faith communities and activists from around the state to support the Poor People’s Campaign. PPC is committed to highlighting the intersecting issues that poor and marginalized people and communities face—bringing them to the forefront as matters that deserve political discourse and attention as we head into this election season. RCHP will send two church buses to the State House in Trenton, departing at 8:30am on Saturday. Join Pastor Seth and others for this important event.
Men’s Fellowship Ministry meets Saturday, March 2nd from 12pm - 1pm
All who identify as male are invited to this new group which will meet every 1st and 4th Saturday of the month for a prayer breakfast and more! For more info, contact Justan at
Monday & Tuesday, March 4th-5th—Pastor Seth will be attending a two day meeting of Directors and CEO’s of major nonprofits working with refugees, with the U.S Committee on Refugees and Immigrants. Leaders from 35 states will gather to share best practices, to learn from the State Department and Homeland Security about upcoming trends in arrivals and to share highlights and updates from our home states. Please pray that these meetings will be productive.
“Evolve” Young Adults Group -
Gatherings on Tuesday, March 5th & 19th from 6:30-8pm
“Evolve” is a fellowship group for the “20-somethings” (20-30 yrs old) of the RCHP congregation and beyond (people outside our congregation are welcome to join us as well) that will focus on fun, service, and personal development. Gatherings are bi-weekly on Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm.
Questions? Contact Maddie at 732-713-6980 or OR Megan Shook at 908-227-1326 or
Thursday, March 7th—RCHP Committee Night: All members and adherents are welcome to attend committees of RCHP. 5 of the 7 committees that oversee all activities and actions of the church meet on “committee night.” Reach out to the Pastors to learn more about how you can play an important role in Property, Justice and Mercy, Worship, Fellowship, Care, Faith Development and Finance. There are also opportunities to support Meghan and Keiko with child-focused committees as well.
| Sunday, March 10th at 6:30pm—Spanish Worship at RCHP with Pastor Amanda. Our monthly Spanish worship services have come to be very important to a couple of dozen newly arrived immigrants. Please encourage people to come and worship and to meet Pastor Amanda. Some who come once a month to RCHP are now also attending the Reformed Church of South River on Sunday mornings. |
D.E.P.T.H. - Thursday, March 14th from 7-8pm
DEPTH (Discussing and Exploring Personal Theologies Honestly) will meet virtually on Thursday, March 14th from 7-8pm. If you'd like to join us and you're not already on the mailing list, email Austin at for the topic and the Zoom link. (We'll start meeting in person again in April.)
Online Chronic Pain & Illness Support Group Returns!
Has your life been changed by chronic physical pain or illness? Are you willing to share your experience, strength and hope with others on this lonely journey? Join this returning Weekly Support Group on ZOOM sponsored by the WISE CARE Committee of RCHP. This Support Group meets every Tuesday from 5pm-6pm.
Contact Facilitators: Carla Epstein-Teliha, or Pat Kaufman, for additional information and for a Zoom Link
PLEASE NOTE: Arts, Crafts & Conversation and Saturday Game Day will be taking a break for March.
Saturday, March 23rd 10am-12 noon —RCHP Easter egg hunt & Party
A week before we celebrate Easter in our worship service, we celebrate it in a fun and joyful way with a community Easter egg hunt and party. This is a great opportunity to invite new families in the area into our church life. If you’d like to help with the party please let us know!
Palm Sunday—March 24th: Please bring your children a few minutes early to church, so that kids can enter waving palm branches and welcoming in Jesus as he reaches Jerusalem and the events of Holy Week.
Maundy Thursday and Tenebrae Service—On Thursdays we remember Jesus’ last supper, and his commitment to serving, and we remember the betrayal and suffering that he faced. Join us at 6pm for a Potluck and for the Celebration of the Lord’s Supper and then proceed to the sanctuary with us for a quiet and solemn service.
Good Friday—
Easter Labyrinth—From Noon-5pm the Easter Labyrinth will be set up at RCHP. This interactive, artistic space provides an opportunity for you to consider some stories from Jesus’ ministry and from Holy Week from the perspective of the question “Were You There?” It usually takes about 30 minutes to thoughtfully weave your way through the sanctuary, experiencing art work created by members of our community. The Labyrinth will be open on Friday, 12noon-5pm and Saturday, March 30th, 9am-1pm.
Good Friday Service, 12 noon, South River— On March 29th, at noon, join Pastor Amanda and others from RCHP for a Good Friday Service. We are looking for readers, singers and liturgists for this service. The more participation the better.
Good Friday Service, 7pm, RCHP—At this Good Friday Service we will ask various church members to consider the words that Jesus spoke from the cross, asking the question “were you there?” If you are interested in learning what it might look like to share a testimony (a faith story) in this service please reach out to Pastor Seth.
Easter Services
RCHP will hold its Easter Sunrise Service at 6:30am this year, at Donaldson Park.
Easter Sunday Services are also held at
9:30am—South River
Join us for tremendous services packed with singing and celebration.
Movie Mondays - Join us!
On most Mondays at 10:30 am, a small group gets together in the church parlor to watch a "feel-good" movie that the group has decided on. All are welcome! Examples of movies that have recently been seen are The Perfect Game, Mamma Mia (Both 1 & 2!!), Hidden Figures, Big, and Fly Away Home. Your suggestions are also welcome!
If you have any interest, please contact Cecilia with your cell phone number. You will be included in the text invitation, which is on a week-by-week basis. Bring your own snack and drink, and join whenever you'd like to hang out for a casual Monday morning with your church friends! Cecilia: (732) 809-2638,
Prison Correspondence Team
Pastor Amos has been gathering a team each month to correspond with a list of elderly people who are incarcerated in New Jersey prisons. This team is a vital part of a policy campaign that Salvation and Social Justice is driving, to create second chance opportunities for incarcerated senior citizens to return to their communities. Please contact Pastor Amos for more details.
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Large Print Bulletins!
Do you have trouble reading the projections during worship on Sunday mornings?
Help is on the way.
A limited supply of large print bulletins of the full worship service will be available upon request as you enter the sanctuary. These bulletins will include the liturgy and song lyrics that are usually projected.
So if you are having trouble following the service as projected, we want you to know we care about you being able to fully participate in our weekly worship.
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Healing Pairs Needed for Monthly Healing Liturgy!
Every 2nd Sunday of each month we hold our healing liturgy to offer comfort for those in our congregation who need the restoring presence of the Holy Spirit. We especially need readers and anointers at the 2nd service. Can you help? Please reach out to either Carol Page at or Pastor Stephanie at if you can give the gift of healing on any Sunday that is convenient for you. Thank you!
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Meaningful Volunteer Opportunities
-Assist new immigrants to self-file for immigration cases (which will allow them to get a work permit and move toward self-sufficiency) Contact Pastor Seth for more info
-Assist with transporting newly arrived refugees to appointments, classes etc…Contact Fida at Interfaith-RISE for more info
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Global Grace Marketplace Visits Guatemala
Meredith and Tom Carman just returned from visiting artisans in Guatemala—take time to visit Global Grace Marketplace and to ask Meredith about their trip!
Meredith Carman, manager of Global Grace Marketplace, has been serious about the concept of Fair Trade for a long time. Since she’s become director of the shop, which opened on the main street last April or so, she’s begun to learn about particular artisan groups in countries around the world and to learn how these businesses support local communities.
Meredith and Tom spent 8 days in mid-February visiting artisans from whom we’ve been purchasing beautiful products which we sell at Global Grace. At the time of this newsletter they’ve just returned. Expect to hear more of their story in the weeks to come!
See more photos of the trip in the photo gallery at the end of this newsletter
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Worship and Education Opportunities | |
Adult Bible Study on Sunday Mornings?
Adult Education has been so rich, and the attendance so high, that we’d like to offer an alternative program as well. A new bible study will be starting on Sunday mornings during Sunday school hour. If you’d like to be part of it please reach out to Pastor Seth at
Sunday Nights—The Table, 5:30pm: RCHP offers a terrific evening gathering, each and every week, for around 40-50 people. Get to know friends in church and those from the wider community at The Table.
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New Bible Study in South River
Pastor Seth and Pastor Amanda have started a twice-a-month bible study in South River. If you are free on Friday’s at 11am please join us to study the gospel of Mark. Our February sessions are Friday, February 2nd & 16th at 11am.
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Wednesday Nights are Music Nights
First Voices and Voices of Praise are both booming. Join us, from 5pm-5:30pm, so that kids of all ages can learn songs of faith and get to know other church kids. Pizza and fun time with Ms. Meghan and Justin follow pizza.
The Winter Season Continues through February for Adult Choirs! Here’s the Wednesday evening rehearsal schedule:
6:00pm - Gospel Choir
7:00pm - Chancel Choir
Contact Pastor Amos if you’re interested in giving it a try!
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Some Additional Support for Sunday school and Children’s Worship
If anyone is interested in being on a teaching team, to assist with Sunday school, please reach out to Ms. Meghan Sunday school has gone very strong all year but there are a couple of places where we could use some reinforcements as we move into the second half of the year! Also, we are hoping for a couple more volunteers willing to lead children’s worship one time/month. Please reach out to Meghan if you could make this commitment.
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A Message from Keiko Kereh - Ministry Associate for Youth & Worship
If you have a youth(s) in your lives there are some important and fun events that include weekend retreats, a week long summer youth work trip, yearly camp fowler visit, and more. Be sure to save these dates! And, communicate with me at , to make sure I am keeping track of interest, need etc…
Jr. High Youth Retreat: March 8th-10th
Any youth grades 6th-8th are invited to join a weekend away at Cross Roads Retreat Center hosted by Crossroads. We will depart from the church on Friday, March 8th at 6pm, and will return before noon on March 10th. (Deadline: ASAP).
Sr. High Youth Retreat: April 20-21st
Any youth grades 9th-12th are invited for a one night retreat at Johnsonburg Camp & Retreat Center. We’ll depart on Saturday April 20th around 10am and return by 12pm the following day.
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WMNBA Game: May 18th
It’s the opening game for NY Liberty and we have 25+ tickets to see them play Indiana Fever at the Barclays Center in NY!! Invite your friends and their friends and their friends’ friends! We’ll pack the church buses and depart by 10:30am. (OPEN TO ALL YOUTH)
Camp Fowler: July 7th-12th
Any youth grades 6th-12th are invited to our yearly exciting and super fun packed week at Camp Fowler. Depart time: tba. There is significant cost reduction from a church fund and additional support if we know early enough in advance. Let us know soon!
Youth Work Trip: July 28th-Aug 3rd.
Any youth grades 9th-12th are invited to spend a week with Pastor Seth and me as we travel to New Bern, North Carolina to work on homes that suffered damage from Hurricane Florence. We can take up to 20 youths!
Fun Zone - Gathering Opportunity for Youth - Every Wednesday Evening!
Every Wednesday in the Cave from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. all kids ages 9 through 12 are welcome to join us for an hour of Billiards, Board Games and more! Questions? Please reach out to Justan Mitchell at 732-621-6064 or
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Opportunities for Daily/Weekly Spiritual Growth, through discussion, study and prayer
Morning Prayer, 9am-9:30am, Zoom: Each morning, Mon-Sat, since the pandemic started in March of 2020, RCHP has held a daily morning prayer. Different church members and pastors share for 10 minutes or so and then there is a time of prayer and sharing. All are welcome. pwd=cTBQT2xwWWpOL3UrM0t2emRlUzU0Zz09#
Wednesday Morning bible study with Pastor Seth continues through February at 7:45am. Join us as we continue through the Winter with a new book study - the Book of James.
Contemplative Fridays
We've begun our practice of creating space on Fridays for contemplation and meditation. Each Friday morning from 7:00 to 8:00, the sanctuary is open and prepared for quiet prayer and meditation. Every two weeks at noon, we're also journeying through a podcast and engaging in quiet conversation. Contact Carrie Dirks for more information.
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Connecting With One Another | |
"LitLovers" Reading & Culture Group
If you love talking about media and arts, and would like a lightly structured format for sharing, give LitLovers a try on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Each week, participants are welcome to share about books, movies, TV shows, music and culinary delights. For more info, contact Cecilia Rowedder Please email to receive the Zoom link.
Weekly Virtual "Drop-In"
All are welcome to drop-in for an hour of friendly, free-wheeling conversation on Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Contact our host, Carol Perry for more information and for a Zoom link.
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Opportunities for Spiritual Growth through Sewing & Knitting/Crocheting
On Thursdays, from 10am-1pm, the Women’s Sewing Circle meets to create beautiful items that are incorporated into the annual bazaar. This group, meeting year round, also is a wonderful form of support and encouragement for all who are involved.
On Tuesdays, from 7pm-9pm, the Prayer Shawl Ministry creates beautiful shawls that are then distributed to church members and to others who are prayed for in our worship services. All are invited to learn this craft and to contribute in this way.
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Serving and Working For Justice & the Beloved Community | |
LRWP Cleanups for March & April
March 2nd from 10am-12pm - South River floodplain clean-up in Old Bridge
- WHAT: A clean-up of the Old Bridge portion of the South River floodplain
- WHEN: Sunday March 2, 10am-noon
- WHERE: Park at Miller Elementary School / 2 Old Matawan Rd / Old Bridge, NJ 08857, follow signs to the clean-up staging area behind the school
- WHO: The LRWP, Middlesex County Division of Parks, and the Township of Old Bridge
There is plenty of litter in the floodplain, and still some tires we didn’t get in 2020. We need folks willing to pick up plastic bottles and cans as well as those who can heave, hoist and lift the larger items.
TO REGISTER and for more info click on this link
April 13th from 9:30am-12pm - Earth Month clean-up of Seeleys Run, Franklin Township
Join the Lower Raritan Watershed Partnership, Franklin Township Environmental Commission, our Watershed Area 9 Watershed Ambassador Brianna Casario, and others for an Earth Day clean-up of Seeleys Run!
- WHAT: a clean-up of Seeleys Run on Saturday April 13
- WHEN: 9:30 am – noon
- WHERE: Back corner of the Somerset Village parking lot, 900 Easton Avenue, Franklin Township (enter by the IHOP)
SPECIAL NOTE: Please wear closed toe shoes and clothes you are willing to get dirty and wet. Bring a reusable water bottle. Gloves, bags and light refreshments will be provided!
TO REGISTER and for more info click on this link
HP Food Pantry
Food Pantry needs for March:
During these challenging times the Highland Park Community Food Pantry is currently not taking individual donations. Instead we now have an Amazon Wishlist where folks wishing to donate have several options to choose from as well as an option to donate Gift Cards. We appreciate greatly any donation as we are facing an increase of folks in need. Thank you all so much. You can access the Wishlist here:
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Most urgent needs are:
Baby Wipes
Depends (all sizes)
Poise Adult Briefs
In addition to the Amazon wish list, items may be purchased from big box stores like Costco or Sam's Club; contact Kathi for further details:
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Supporting Each Other During Difficult Times | |
NJ Interfaith Center for Cancer Care - Support Group
If you've experienced a cancer diagnosis (no matter if it's recent or from years ago) and would like to join a reflective, contemplative, peer-led, interfaith support and discussion group, the NJ Interfaith Center for Cancer Care welcomes you to our ongoing group. The group currently meets virtually for an hour once a week and while regular attendance is welcome, the meeting topics are independent of each other, making it convenient for individuals whose schedules prevent them from attending every week of the month. If you're interested, please contact Austin at for details.
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The Self-Help Support Group
Join co-leaders Jess Munger and Terry Horyn for nurturing support for the body, mind and spirit every Monday and Thursday from 4-5 p.m. in the parlor. Masks are optional. Topics addressed can be anything from Covid fears to physical ailments to emotional challenges. All are welcome! For more info, contact Jess at
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Bereavement Calendar
RCHP remembers all those who died in March and all those who still mourn
The following names have been offered for remembrance in March 2024:
Heinz Betz, Beloved Husband of Kathe Betz
Esther Buck, Beloved Wife of Ray Buck, and
Beloved Mother and Grandmother of the Buck Family
Sarah Buell, Beloved Grandmother of Sarah MacKinnon
Mavis Dyght, Beloved Mother, Grandmother, and Mother-in-Law of the Beckford Family
Victor Feliciano, Beloved Husband of Carol Feliciano
Franco Juricic, Beloved Husband of Jacquelyn and Father of Noah and Ana
Nana Lee, Beloved Mother of Tim Cassidy
Tom Monroe, Beloved Husband of Ellie Monroe
Walter Wilpiszeski, Beloved Father of Cathy, and Grandfather of Anna Laycock
Janet Tappen, Beloved Grandmother of Mason and Sophia Tappen
William Snyder, Beloved Father of Deborah Convery
If it would be a comfort to include your loved ones in a monthly memory calendar, call Lisa at the RCHP office at 732-249-7349.
Celebrating Black History Month - elmira and Paulene give short history lessons on D.E.B. DuBois and Howard Thurman during worship and a deeper dive during Adult Ed | |
Artisans Workshop in Guatemala - Meredith Carman takes Global Grace Marketplace on the road to witness the beauty of crafting and community | |
Keiko leads the way for Winter fun: Ice skating with the Junior High group and snow tubing with the Senior High group.
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Sunday Night at RCHP! - Friends enjoying the table and Spanish worship with Pastor Amanda | |
Blood Drive - Giving the Gift of Life
The annual NJIC3-Raritan Valley Roadrunners-RWJ blood drive was held at RCHP on Saturday, Feb. 24th. Thanks to the generosity of the blood and platelet donors, the lives of as many as thirty-six hospital patients will be saved or sustained! Next year's drive is already on the schedule for January 25, 2025, so be sure to save the date to save a life!
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Bedsheet Bible Story - RCHP teens take shadow puppets to new heights in their rendition of Mark 1:9-15 - Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist and his subsequent 40 days in the wilderness and temptation by Satan | | |
On Sunday, Feb 25th new members Ivan, Patrice (pictured), as well as Eve and Raman, joined the RCHP family as members. Congratulations to all and Hallelujah - what a blessing!
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Observing Ash Wednesday at College Ave Community Church and The Family Den is in full swing | | | | |