

The Harbinger

October 24, 2023

REGION Student Advocacy Conferences

Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, and 11 have all had their 2023 Fall Region Conferences.

Thank you so much to all the staff, delegates, and speakers who attended!

Regions 7 and 9 will be having their SACs this weekend! If you live in San Luis Obispo, Ventura, Santa Barbara, or Los Angeles County, register now HERE.

Region 10 SAC

Region 4 SAC

Region 1 SAC

Elementary/Middle School Conference

On October 6th, the CASC team proudly hosted an enriching conference for 65 eager elementary school students at Hillcrest Elementary in Monterey Park.

Throughout this unforgettable day, these young learners seamlessly alternated between large-group discussions and intimate, focused small-group sessions.

The climax of the day was an exhilarating "Balloon Castles" competition, where students collaborated in teams, demonstrating the skills they had learned. A heartfelt thank you to the spirited students and dedicated admin team at Hillcrest, as well as our phenomenal CASC staff who made the day shine even brighter!

If you know Elementary/Middle schools that may be interested in a conference, please reach out to [email protected].

Student Board Member Symposium

Over the past few weeks, CASC has proudly hosted 4 Student Board Member Symposiums in Alameda, Stockton, Sacramento, and Irvine, training Student Board Members and Representatives from over 13 district about their roles and responsibilities.

The highlight of the day for many delegates was the eye-opening Students Rights Activity led by Dr. Boyer August regarding their rights as students and the role they can play in enforcing said policies as well as sessions with multiple guest speakers including local board members and the state student board member. We wish all these students board members the best as they delve into their terms and thank them for their participation! 

If your district or a district you know may be interested in hosting a SBM Symposium, please reach out to [email protected] for more information!

Casc Alumni Spotlight

CASC Alumni at Senator Elizabeth Warren's Staff retreat

Pictured from left to right:

Tess Byars: State President 2006-07

Wally Adeyamo: Deputy Treasury Secretary and 2000-01 Region 11 President

Anthony Chen: Region 9 President

Red Cross Blood Shortage!

Donors of all blood types are urgently needed!

Schools and ASBs typically do blood drives but they haven’t been meeting the need. When supplies are low it can often take weeks for inventories to rebound. The Red Cross is struggling to meet blood supply high enough to reach sufficient levels and meet hospital and patient needs.

To make an appointment to give blood or platelets, donors can use the Red Cross Blood App, visit RedCrossBlood.org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).




NOV 6-8


Jan 8-10