Twenty-One Hydrant Salute
to our Fellow Rural Waters
Nothing brings out the best in people than when disaster hits. That is so true for our fellow Rural Waters. When one state has an emergency, it brings all of us to the rescue. Our partners in water proved this more than ever during the recent storms in Florida.
The Florida Rural Water would like to recognize Alabama Rural Water Association, Georgia Rural Water Association, and Mississippi Rural Water for their assistance, efforts, and support given to Florida Water Utilities in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. Rural Water helping Rural Water is strong in the southeast United States. Our fellow Rural Water's commitment to emergency response and leadership for water utilities is to be commended and celebrated.
Their efforts in advocacy, leadership, representation and services for water utilities make the whole Rural Water family proud by always being ready to do what it takes to ensure water service is provided to the public.
The Florida Rural Water Association, as a token of appreciation, is awarding them a Honorary Membership of the Florida Rural Water Association.
To view a copy of the letter and certificate, please click on the links below:
FRWA appreciates their strong stand in support of water utilities with deep respect and appreciation for their incredible efforts, time, and resources.
100kW Caterpillar MEP007B Military Generator with 1098 hours run time. Military Serial Number Rz00394. 3306 Cat Engine on an Olive Drab green military trailer in good shape, the trailer has a pintle hook connections for towing the generator. The generator has a 91-gallon fuel, belly tank and 50” of 1 (one) awg conductor wire attached.
For more information, click on the links below:
For further information please email or call 850.668.2746.
100kW Caterpillar MEP007B Military Generator with 1181 hours run time. Libby Co (serial number RZ01408). Brand new tandem axle trailer with 3500-pound axle and 2” ball. The generator is bolted down to the trailer with a 91-gallon fuel tank on the trailer as a belly tank below the generator.
For more information click on the links below:
For further information please email or call 850.668.2746.
Nation's largest water supplier declares drought emergency - Miami Herald The nation's largest water supplier has declared a drought emergency for all of Southern California, clearing the way for potential mandatory water restrictions early next year that could impact 19 million people. more
Uranium Mills Throughout U.S. Found To Be Polluting Source Water Roughly 50 years after U.S. officials rushed to build up nuclear capacity on the brink of the Cold War, new research has identified concerning links between military complexes and adverse health effects potentially caused by drinking water contamination. more
AWWA Statement On EPA’s Request To Halt Litigation Over The Revised Lead And Copper Rule Today the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) asked the court to halt litigation over the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions in Newburgh Clean Water Project v. U.S. EPA. American Water Works Association CEO David LaFrance issued the following statement. more
New report assists in communicating about lithium Lithium (Li) is a natural element that is found in rocks, soils and water in varying concentrations throughout the world. Drinking water also frequently contains some lithium, in a range of concentrations depending on the amounts in the groundwater source. more
Fifth Contaminant Candidate List available The Contaminant Candidate List (CCL) is a list of contaminants that are currently not subject to any proposed or promulgated national primary drinking water regulations but are known or anticipated to occur in public water systems. Contaminants listed on the CCL may require future regulation under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). more
EPA issues new waiver from Buy America rules Congress passed, and the President signed in November 2021 the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which included the Build America, Buy America Act. more
AWWA lends support to Good Samaritan legislation The American Water Works Association offers this letter for the record to the Committee on Environment and Public Works for the hearing entitled “A Legislative Hearing on S. 3571 – Good Samaritan Remediation of Abandoned Hardrock Mines Act of 2022.” more
CISA grants available for cybersecurity On September 16, 2022, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced a first-of-its-kind cybersecurity grant program specifically for state, local, and territorial (SLT) governments across the country. more
Consumer Confidence Report Do's And Don'ts The speed at which consumers get information, whether accurate or not, is faster than lightning. more
$52M In EPA Grants To Support Clean Water, Flood Resilience, And Water Equity Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the availability of $52M in grants to help communities improve essential stormwater infrastructure. more
FEMA Awards $15.2M To The Puerto Rico Aqueduct And Sewer Authority FEMA has awarded $15.2M in public assistance grant funding to the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA) for emergency protective measures taken after Hurricane Fiona. more
New Rule Would Require Quick Lead Pipe Replacement, EPA Says - Bloomberg Law All lead water pipes nationwide would need to be replaced “as quickly as feasible” under the Biden administration’s upcoming lead and copper rule, the EPA said Friday in a court filing. more
Do you use a million pounds of water in your home each year? | Boothbay Register According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the average American household uses more than 300 gallons of water every day. That equals almost 120,000 gallons per year or about 1 million pounds of water for every household across the country. more
A Decade Of Progress And Shifting Concerns In The U.S. Water Industry When Black & Veatch released its first water report in 2012, fading infrastructure, an aging workforce, and financial obstacles were top-of-mind concerns for the leaders in the nation’s water industry. more
6 Steps Utilities Can Take To Improve Cybersecurity The energy sector plays a critical role in the U.S. infrastructure, and unexpected events such as water or gas shortages, severe weather, and rolling blackouts can give cybercriminals ample opportunity to wreak havoc on energy providers and the communities or government agencies they serve. more
Celebrating 50 Years Of (Mostly) Clean Water October 18, 1972, the day the Clean Water Act became law, was undeniably a pivotal moment for the state of water quality in America. From where we stand now, 50 years later, it’s hard to imagine a time when polluters were dumping contaminants freely into environmental waters — enough to set a river on fire! more
Legislature passes hurricane relief aid - Florida Politics Gov. DeSantis had called for a Special Session even before Hurricane Nicole had made landfall. more
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Limiting SSOs With Superior Sewer Maintenance Tools And Techniques Municipalities can cost effectively reduce sanitary sewer overflows to virtually zero with best-in-class equipment and cleaning habits. more
Demand for pumps jumps with rising seas and flood risks. Florida’s bill will be massive Inside one of the biggest stormwater pump factories in Florida, 90 workers are busy molding metal: cutting, shaping, welding, painting, and assembling it into the massive machines responsible for keeping South Florida’s streets dry. more
North Miami to receive $2.3M for septic to sewer conversions | Water & Wastes Digest The City of North Miami announced that it is receiving a $2.3 million state grant from the state for its septic to sewer conversion project. more
Inflation: Century Wastewater Project Bids Come In $1.2 Million Over Grant Funds | North Escambia The Town of Century expected the cost of the first phase of a multi-million wastewater project to be higher than first anticipated due to inflation. They did not expect about three times — nearly $1.2 million — higher due to inflation, as they learned Monday night. more
Nature recovers faster than infrastructure at Myakka River State Park | Your Observer Hurricane Ian's winds, rain and flooding substantially damaged Myakka River State Park's infrastructure, as well as its ecology. more
Shawn Hamilton stays on at DEP | Florida Politics Shawn Hamilton will return as Secretary for the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for Gov. Ron DeSantis’ second term. more
Florida State University research links common sweetener aspartame with anxiety Scientists in Florida say they have established a link between the common artificial sweetener aspartame and anxiety-like behavior in mice test subjects. more
DEP Announces Funding Opportunity for Nonpoint Source Projects The Florida Department of Environmental Protection's Division of Water Restoration Assistance (DWRA) is calling for proposals for State Water Quality Assistance Grants. The grants provide up to $4 million in total funding for shovel-ready construction projects that reduce or eliminate nonpoint source pollution and are prioritized in impaired waters implementing total maximum daily loads and/or water quality restoration plans. more
Some hard truths about Florida companies selling water softeners If you get offered a free water test, beware — it may end up sinking you. Florida, you may have heard, is a sunny place for shady people. We’ve had that reputation ever since the first grinning huckster sold an acre of swampland to an unsuspecting Yankee, promising it was “waterfront” property. more
“Gaslighting” on Marco Island – Understanding Reclaimed Water - Coastal Breeze News The City of Marco Island collects and treats wastewater. The byproduct from that treatment process is called “reclaimed water.” Recently, there have been questions regarding the use of the City’s reclaimed water for irrigation. Below are some important facts regarding the City’s reclaimed water program. more
NWFWMD Notice of Funding Availability for Water Projects The District provides grant funds and assists in developing funding opportunities for projects that help protect, maintain, or improve water resources in northwest Florida. more
This Week in Water History
Outbreak of E. coli O157:H7
December 15, 1989: Cabool, Missouri outbreak of E. coli O157:H7. “Case patients were residents of or visitors to Burdine Township [adjacent to Cabool, Missouri] with bloody diarrhea or diarrhea and abdominal cramps occurring between 15 December 1989 and 20 January 1990…. Among the 243 case patients, 86 had bloody stools, 32 were hospitalized, 4 died, and 2 had the hemolytic uremic syndrome. In the case-control study, no food was associated with illness, but ill persons had drunk more municipal water than had controls (P = 0.04). The survey showed that, during the peak of the outbreak, bloody diarrhea was 18.2 times more likely to occur in persons living inside the city and using municipal water than in persons living outside the city and using private well water (P = 0.001). Shortly before the peak of the outbreak, 45 water meters were replaced, and two water mains ruptured. The number of new cases declined rapidly after residents were ordered to boil water and after chlorination of the water supply. This was the largest outbreak of ECO157 infections [at the time], the first due to a multiply resistant organism, and the first shown to be transmitted by water.”
Commentary: One of the largest outbreaks of waterborne disease in the U.S. in modern times. E. coli O157:H7 was just being recognized as a waterborne pathogen. A significant outbreak in Walkerton, Ontario, Canada in 2000 was caused by the same pathogen.
References: Swerdlow, D.L. et al. 1992. “A waterborne outbreak in Missouri of Escherichia coli O157:H7 associated with bloody diarrhea and death.” Ann Intern Med.117(10):(Nov 15): 812-9.
Geldreich, E.E., et al. 1992. “Searching for a water supply connection in the Cabool, Missouri disease outbreak of Escherichia coli 0157:H7.” Water Research. 26:8 1127-37.
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