April 12, 2021

Dear Peace Family,

We hope this letter finds you well as we continue to joyfully celebrate the meaning of this Easter season.  We are reaching out to you seeking your input as we prepare and plan for Peace during and after this unprecedented pandemic.
Traditionally, members of a church are defined as a community of people who worship together. Historically, that may have meant everyone in town heading to a single building.  Perhaps, believers came from different neighborhoods or sections of town making their way to their local church each Sunday morning.  Over time, church has definitely evolved.  What once was the trend in church attendance, looks much differently today.  Many people would say they go to church only on Sundays. Some churches have separate worship services and events during the week.  There are churches that meet in a variety of locations and buildings; and some churches are wholly online or virtual.  The last year showed us that Peace can be resourceful, creative, and overcome obstacles that never existed before.
Peace’s mission still remains the same: “Changing Lives with the Love of Jesus.”  At Peace, we value the need to share the Gospel, equip for discipleship, serve, and worship.  However, how we do that in the future may look different from what it has looked like in the past.
Right now, there are those that have started to attend in person, some feel more comfortable joining online, and there are those that are only online and who may never have been to Peace at all.  Adult/youth education and small groups, mission serving, and worship opportunities have always been integral parts of what Peace has offered.
In response to all the uncertainty, Leadership Council has formed a committee to look at how to best serve our various communities of worshipers, now and in the future.
We are looking for input from members about how we might best serve the various communities of worshipers (both in-person and online) that come to Peace looking for support, direction, and community along their spiritual path.
How might Peace better:
  • Connect with those people unable to meet/worship in person?
  • Support our in-person members/attenders?
  • Encourage those watching Peace on-line to become active within our church community?
  • Assist those in our surrounding neighborhoods who need help and/or spiritual encouragement? What specific needs might they have?
We would love to hear from you!  Please feel free to reach out to any one of us on this committee to share your feedback and observations.  
In Christ, 
Pastor Marty Hufford - [email protected]
Mike Krueger - [email protected]
Katherine Richards - [email protected]
Dave Bagley - [email protected]