BUSINESS RECAP Significant action items and reports
· Attendance-69: 63 voting members; 6 non-voting participants.
· Chip Hardwick, Synod of the Covenant Interim Exec, delivered the Synod report as well as the message: “Spirit Inspired Worship (VC Mark 5).
· A new class for the Elder Preaching Institute is scheduled for April 11-June 27 (Sundays at 2pm). Details and registration will be forthcoming in the E-News and presbytery website.
· Committee on Nominations & Representation (CNR) is looking to fill several vacancies on presbytery committees. If interested in additional information, contact TE Rich Lapehn.
· Churches interested in the Vital Congregations Initiative should contact TE Francie Fischer.
· Action for Presbytery brought by Committee on Ministry (COM): Clarkson Presbyterian Church in Rogers, OH, be dissolved effective March 2, 2021. Motion prevailed.
· Action for presbytery brought by the stated clerk: Invite Poland, Canfield, Westminster (Boardman), Oak Hill, and Westminster (Akron) churches to send an additional commissioner during 2021, and that the ruling elder synod commissioner be granted voice in order to redress the imbalance of RE and TE commissioners in accordance with the Manual of Operations 1.0502. Motion prevailed.
· Special Recognition to TE Meta Cramer, TE Bonnie Dutton, and TE Matt Medford who now have the distinct title of Honorably Retired. Their years of service are much appreciated!
· Participants were invited to list losses they have experienced this last year in the chat box while TE Cathy Ulrich gave the Necrology report.
· Service of recognition of the churches closing in our presbytery included representatives from First Church-Niles and Clarkson-Rodgers each speaking about the history and ministry of their respective church.
· TE Larry Bowald (Canfield) presided over the celebration of the Lord’s Supper.
· Moderator, TE Rebecca Kahnt (First-Youngstown), pronounced the Benediction and adjourned the meeting at 4:25 pm.
· Our next Eastminster Presbytery meeting will be Tuesday, June 1, 2021 via Zoom gathering