Incline your ear, and come unto me;
Hear, and your soul shall live.
Isaiah 55:3
Cell phones!!! They are great things, aren’t they? I sleep with my cell phone on my nightstand. The phone serves as my alarm clock. I use it to check my emails when I’m away from my computer. I get directions to places I’m not familiar with. I use it to keep in touch with family and friends – looking at their pictures of vacations, grandchildren and new recipes of cakes they will probably never bake.
Even though this technology allows me to keep in touch with family and friends, I have come to the conclusion that with all its pings, beeps and ringing notifications, my cell phone is often a distraction. I used to turn off the alarm every morning and immediately check my phone for new emails, texts, etc.
But, last year during the Lenten season, I was trying to decide what to “give up” for Lent – Coffee? Chocolate? Spinach? – when a thought popped into my head. “You spend too much time early in the morning on your cell phone.”
So, I decided that I would “give up” my cell phone activity until after I had read my devotions and had my prayer time.
So, every morning after the alarm rings, I get up, and head to my favorite chair to read my devotions for the day and to have my time to talk with my Heavenly Father and, yes, to listen to what He has to say to me.
These moments of silence and prayer are as necessary to each morning as washing my face or combing my hair. In the silence, God speaks to my heart, and I receive guidance. These precious moments give me the strength to face any challenges that come my way.
Brothers and Sisters, we should begin each morning in a hush of quiet time with the Lord. It is the only way to be completely dressed and ready for the day.
Heavenly Father, Thank you for meeting with me every morning. I can’t imagine trying to go through a day without your guidance. Amen.
Pastor Ruth