2021 Election Information
Daily Bond Email (1 of 5)
April 12, 2021
NISD Will Have 2 Elections on May Ballot:
Trustee Election and Bond Referendum
Northwest ISD residents will have the chance to vote in two elections this spring. As a registered voter, we wanted to make sure you had information about these elections as you head to the polls.

  • Board of Trustees Election: Two school board seats (Places 1 and 2) will be on the ballot for the annual school board election.

  • Bond Election: The May 2021 bond election is designed to address growth, aging facilities, equity and evolving needs, technology, and safety and security.

Look for daily bond emails from us this week for in-depth information about the May 2021 bond proposal.

The ballot will include the following four propositions, which total $745.7 million:

  • Proposition A: School Facilities & Capital Improvements - $712,400,000
  • Proposition B: Stadium Renovations - $8,200,000
  • Proposition C: Middle School Recreational Facilities - $5,700,000
  • Proposition D: Technology Devices - $19,400,000

If approved by voters, the district will be able to issue these bonds without changes to the district’s tax rate.

Additional details about each proposition and the proposed projects -- as well as an explanation of school taxes -- can be found at Residents are also encouraged to submit questions to and to attend community meetings where district leaders will discuss the proposed projects and answer questions from the audience.

Demographers report that Northwest ISD had more new homes begin construction in the last quarter of 2020 than any other school district in the DFW metroplex. This residential growth leads to enrollment projections that indicate an additional 4,000 to 5,400 students could enroll in NISD by the 2024-2025 school year. The majority of this bond package is designed to address this growth by providing nearly 5,000 additional seats for new students.

The 2021 bond proposal reflects a reduction of more than $240 million from the package that was presented to voters in November 2020. Following the November election, district officials sought feedback from community members and worked with the Long Range Planning Committee to adjust the bond package. After hearing valuable input from residents, approximately 35 projects were removed from the bond proposal, which reduced the overall dollar amount and the timeframe between bond elections.

Any registered voter who resides within NISD’s boundaries is eligible to vote in the May 2021 bond election. Early Voting locations will be open April 19-27, and Election Day is Saturday, May 1.