April 2022 Newsletter
Hello All,

Was able to take a short break from the “dog book” in March to make a trip to The Hole in the Sky Ranch in Caliente, California where I hooked up with Mike Dunne, MMCP Will Friday, horse trainer Mike Henrie and veterans Emery Blanchard and Cari Simmons. We brainstormed on Mike Dunne’s Equine Empowered Therapy program for veterans. Masterson Method® is collaborating with Mike on a couple of projects. One provides occupational training in the equine industry to veterans, and this latest program hooks veterans up to work with mustangs being readied for adoption.

“EET utilizes natural horsemanship and rescued horses to provide programs that achieve therapeutic success, education, vocational training and relief from PTSD in Southern California.”

I could tell you more about the program (serving veterans, healing horses), but you can find out even more about it here:

Hole in the Sky aptly describes the ranch set in the clouds at 4600 feet in the Sequoia National Forest at the lower end of the Sierra Nevada range. It’s a couple hours’ drive from anywhere through open mountains and cattle range. Only traffic to watch out for is the four-legged kind, which makes the drive kind of nice. Road range replaces road rage.
After that short trip, I'm back in the office, chained to the desk, writing the dog book…What else is going on around here?

Over Here

This side of the pond and north of the 49th parallel we have Light to the Core Seminars scheduled for May in Campbellcroft, ON, and June in Calgary, AB and Langley, BC.
Light to the Core Seminars are a new addition to our educational line up. They are guided hands-on instruction in the light-touch techniques demonstrated in the Light to the Core video. The less pressure used, the less resistance offered, the deeper the horse senses, the deeper the tension released. Simple! The horse tells you where it’s holding tension and tells you when it’s releasing. All you have to do is pay attention and have patience.
It’s effective and fulfilling for both you and the horse.
(And it’s fun : )
Here’s a short video of MMCP Amelia Nalli demonstrating the effect that lighter touch can have on the horse’s body:
And here’s where you can read about the Light to the Core DVD.
Canadian Instructor Lori Hoppe helped to develop the Light to the Core Seminar. She’s on a roll teaching them in Canada right now and we’ll be catching up and scheduling them down here shortly, so stay tuned. We’ll also soon be having LTC taught in French in Quebec with our Instructor Sylvie Valliéres

Congratulations to three new Beyond Horse Massage Weekend Seminar Instructors we have South of the northern border. Kathy Tow in Cohutta, GA, Khrystynna Hunsinger in Franklinton. NC, and Kelly Jefferson in Georgetown, TX. All three recently finished teaching Seminars to raving reviews. I think raving means good, which means courses in their areas will be filling up soon.

Kelly’s course attracted special interest from a spectator named Lucy… Lucy Goosey.
The barn had a goose called Lucy Goosey. She’s like people. She stayed with us the entire weekend. Some of us cried when we left her.

Instructor Amy Alford has a Seminar scheduled near Aromas, CA and a second one in June in Lahaina, Hawai'i. It’s been a while since we’ve had a Seminar in Hawai'i. If you’re looking for a good horse-excuse to go to Hawai'i, there you have it.
(Read more about these instructors below).

Masterson Method Equine Specialist

If you’re involved with equine assisted learning or therapies you might be happy to know that we’re scheduling more Masterson Method Equine Specialist courses around the country. On these 3-day courses you learn how to practice basic Masterson Method techniques with horses in equine-assisted activity or therapy (EAAT) programs AND how to help EAAT program participants (clients, students, volunteers). These techniques help the horse to release tension, and they build trust and deepen connection with the client or participant. We’ll soon be adding MMES course Instructors in Georgia, Maryland and California to make these courses more accessible to those interested. If you volunteer or work at a EAAT program or facility and are interested, check out the course schedule below or go to our website for more info.

Over There

The UK 

On the other side of the pond, we’ve been busy in the UK with Weekend Seminars…

and Advanced Courses…
Excuse me - what are my numbers?
Below are photos of our UK Team. As you can see, they take things seriously in the UK.
Special Thanks to Instructor Vicky Devlin

And an extra big Thanks to MMCP Alex Gaché at her Lomond Classical Riding Centre in Horley for hosting both the Weekend and Advanced Courses.
Side-note: I don’t remember the horses being this large in the UK, but the photos don't lie.
Oh, wait….

....That explains it.

The Netherlands

Vicky’s currently in the Netherlands teaching a 5-Day Advanced Course with Advanced Instructor Masja Fick. Vicky and Masja will be teaching the course this week at Emiel and Chaja Voest’s Freestyle Riding Academy in Ruinerwold, Netherlands (whew, that’s a mouthful).

The Academy has a beautiful facility and a unique and comprehensive riding program that fits very well with our way of working with horses. A nice combination.

Chaja is a trainer and riding instructor, and a MMCP and Masterson Method Instructor. 

More going on in the Netherlands: 

  • Masja Fick will be teaching a Weekend Seminar in Denburg on 14-15 May. 
  • Lucie Klaassen will be teaching a Weekend Seminar in Vorden, also 14-15 May. 

As of today there’s still room in both of their courses and they’re both wonderful Instructors, so take your pick. Once you’ve chosen, go here : )

Masja Fick was already a trained and experienced osteopathist when she took her qualification in The Masterson Method®.

Lucie Klaassen was and is a horse and human trainer whose philosophies and methods blended well with the Masterson Method of working with horses.

Between Masja, Lucie and Chaja we’re developing quite a Team in the Netherlands.
Go Team Netherlands! I wish I were there!
Down Under

We’ve been getting lots of emails from Australia these last two years saying, “Crikey, rattle your dags and get back down under!” I don’t know what that means, but all I can say is, “Fair dinkum, we’ll be down soon!”

Things are opening up Down Under. We have a Weekend Seminar scheduled for June at Neddy Park Equestrian Centre in Laceby, Victoria with Instructor Pam Martin, and Vicky Devlin will be heading over in September with more Weekend Seminars and an Advanced Course. Soon the ball will be rolling once again in Victoria, NSW and possibly Queensland.

Instructor Nadine Vollmerg is rolling along in New Zealand with Weekend Seminars scheduled in Christchurch 21-22 May, and Cambridge 30 April-1 May.

More on Down Under in the next Newsletter.
Aussie Instructor Pam Martin
New Zealand Instructor Nadine Vollmerg
Back Home

If you’ve ever called the office with questions about Weekend Seminars you may have spoken with our amazing Seminar Support Person Kelsey McDade. Kelsey’s been with us for over 5 years and does an AMAZING job. We couldn’t get along without her. Sad news is she’s moving to Austin, TX. Good news is she’ll continue to be our Seminar Support Person! We’ll miss having her in the office, but we won’t miss her working for us… Wait, that doesn’t sound right. I mean, we won’t miss her working for us because she’ll still be working for us from Austin. We have the technology. And we still have Kelsey. Thank you, Kelsey, for being there for us.
Kelsey on Payday!

As I said, the dog book is keeping me busy and will keep you informed. Nature continues to tease us with warm days, giving Annabelle and Jeremiah a chance to get me out on the buggy. A couple weeks ago they took me up the road to visit some friends they haven’t seen since last year.
Until next time, like me,

Enjoy your friends and your horses.

New Weekend Seminar Instructors
Kelly Jefferson - Georgetown, Texas
Khrystynna Hunsinger - Louisburg, North Carolina
Kathy Tow - Cohutta, Georgia
Amy Alford - Aromas, California

Weekend Seminar in Poland
Here are some happy faces in the sunshine! These Weekend Seminar students gained great insights through the instruction of Beata Filonowicz in Rzeszyce, Poland.

Thank you students and Beata for continuing this great work through a difficult time.
MMCP Demo - Stephanie Wilkins
Stephanie did several demos at the Southern Equine Expo in Murfreesboro, TN.
The Southern Equine Expo was held on Friday, March 18 through Sunday, March 20 just outside of Nashville, TN in Murfreesboro, TN and centered in the heart of southeastern horse country. The Southern Equine Expo brings horse enthusiasts from Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas, and Tennessee. And they aren't kidding, I met so many wonderful horse people from all over the area and many who came from other states (clinicians, practitioners, vendors and guests). 
It was such a rich experience to attend and to be able to have a booth and to offer two one-hour Masterson Method Demonstrations on Friday and Saturday of the Expo. I asked people who stopped at my booth, and before I began each demonstration, how many people knew of The Masterson Method®. I would say 40-50% said that they were acquainted with MM. Those who were not were very interested to see what it was all about. I had two wonderful horses that were my demo partners, Tawny a beautiful Appaloosa from Sevierville, TN and Romeo a beautiful Tennessee Walker from Murfreesboro, TN. I think the thing that excited me the most throughout the entire weekend was meeting and talking with horse owners who were simply interested in how to best support their horses and how to make them happy, comfortable and healthy.  

Tawny - photo courtesy of Allison Foster
Romeo - photo courtesy of Karis Powell
Romeo and Stephanie - photo courtesy of
Amy Hicks
An Update from Raymond Quesnel
Raymond said this about the Weekend Seminar he recently attended:

It was a truly exhilarating program! After having watched countless hours of Jim’s videos and YouTube presentations, seeing Leslie working where we could actually see her techniques and the results attained cemented my idea of what the Masterson Method® is really all about and I am now doubly glad I chose this modality! This seminar was also made very helpful by the participation of Kie Farms personel who made it so easy for us to meet and work on their steeds (and steeds they were!). Totally honored to be a Masterson Method affiliate and practitioner!
(Raymond with Maverick)
Our In-House Artist!
More beautiful artwork from our very own Jo! Is that a horse with horns? Hmmm....
...nope - it's a Highland Cow. I shoulda known!
MMCP Demo - Mary Lynn Coughlin
Mary Lynn Coughlin gave a demo recently - here is her update:

The demo went very well. :) 10 people attended, we worked with 4 horses over about 2 hours. Everyone seemed to have fun with it as they realized they could make a better connection with their horses. Even the hyperactive one settled down while the other 3 went to sleep. 
Sounds like a great success - congrats Mary Lynn!
Another Great Testimonial
Cyndie shared this with the office: I did it! He did it! It happened. Huge release from poll with air gap pressure. Then went a little closer. More release. Super cool 😎
I had no one to tell so I'm sharing my excitement with you.🤩
...and Another MMCP Does a Demo!
Raelene Paris had to reschedule a demonstration due to is her success story:

It was a great day with perfect weather (especially grateful for this after the last one got snowed out on us back in January!) I received positive feedback from attendees that it was very informative and they enjoyed it very much - as did I! 

The first part was a whole horse demo explaining each technique I was doing and why, and highlighting the things I wanted them to learn and try on their own horses (BM, TMJ point, withers wiggle, LCF, HEP). The second part was having them come up and practice those techniques before going home. Really fun! I was invited back in the Fall for another demo with the possibility of a Bring-Your-Own-Horse type setup where participants bring their horse and practice techniques (those outlined in the demo guidelines as appropriate to teach). 

Great job, Raelene!
I LOVE Air Gap!
She has such soft hands.
Newly Certified Practitioners
Need help for your horse? Find a Masterson Method Certified Practitioner (MMCP) near you. Our Certified Practitioners are dedicated equine professionals who have acquired highly attuned skills in partnering with the horse to release tension and increase range of motion, thereby restoring healthy posture and performance. Add an MMCP to your horse’s wellness team by visiting the Find a Practitioner page on our website for the closest practitioner to you.
Monique Valentine, MMCP
Cedarburg, Wisconsin

Hello! My name is Monique Valentine. I have recently established Copper Equine Bodyworks, LLC in southeastern Wisconsin. My journey to help horses with bodywork began as an adult, and I have dedicated myself to learning these skills since 2015. The Masterson Method® opened up opportunities for me to learn and grow in my horsemanship and, very unexpectedly, with knowing and trusting myself (thank you, thank you, thank you!!).

Working with and for horses has been my aspiration and being able to learn and push myself with each horse on the path to certification has been a blessing! I am a perpetual student of riding technique, English and Western disciplines, softness and communication during the care, handling and husbandry of a herd, during groundwork and in the saddle. I have special interests in working with rescued and aged equines, and applied anatomy and biomechanics as it relates to all forms of bodywork.

I am very excited to be able to give back to these amazing animals by sharing The Masterson Method® with all equines (and their people, too!)
Phone: 414-915-5465
Bobbie Long, MMCP
Etna, Wyoming

I was born and raised in Etna, WY and still reside here with my husband and children. I learned to ride before I could walk and have been fortunate enough to always have had a horse in my life. Even my husband knows the best remedy if I am a bit over stressed; go out for a ride. Nothing is more relaxing and helps me reset like time in the saddle with a beloved equine partner. I have been blessed with always having a close connection with horses and love learning how to improve it.

I have competed in a variety of western disciplines. Such as reining, working cow horse, ranch versatility, extreme trail and outfitting trail rides. In order to help my horses perform at their best during training and competitions, I have tried many different professionals to help meet my horses’ needs but never found something that fully met my desired results no matter how frequently treatments were performed. This led me to start exploring other methods where I took a chance on a weekend course with the Masterson Method®. I dove into the program head first after the weekend course. I love to learn and am always working to improve my skills. A favorite quote of mine is from one of Louis Lamour’s books stating, “I am just an ignorant man, just trying to become less ignorant.” I lead my life to follow this quote knowing you can never have too much knowledge or too many learned skills.

With my riding background and gained knowledge from becoming a Certified Masterson Method Practitioner, I approach riding, training, teaching and working on horses with a whole new perspective. It has improved my eye on the ground, as well as my feel in the saddle for issues and limitations that need to be addressed. The Masterson Method® allows for bodywork to be done that helps keep horses’ mobility and muscle tension functioning at its best.
Steve Bayliss, MMES
Winchester, Virginia

Unlike many of his colleagues, Steve’s love of horses began late in his life. About 12 years ago, he had the opportunity to occasionally take the daughter of a close family friend to her riding lessons. He began recording her training classes, listening to the interactions, watched her refine her riding skills and eventually followed her to competitions in Virginia, where she is now a barn manager and an Area II Eventer. While observing her gentle, relaxed, but firm demeanor, she set the stage for Steve to find his own place “in the barn.” Thank you, Jessie!

Two days after retiring from a financial services company in March 2021, Steve started volunteering at a PATH facility in Boyce, VA - Blue Ridge Center for Therapeutic Horsemanship. In May of that year, Natalie Conca, a MMES from Midlothian, VA came to the barn to conduct a training session for horse owners and staff. He witnessed the positive reactions from the horses and the deep horse/human connection achieved with the techniques.

He began his own certification training at Bridle Paths, outside of Leesburg, VA and is now continuing the journey of bringing integrated bodywork to equine therapy horses. Steve has had the opportunity to work with equine therapy and performance horses, and the results are truly wonderful to observe. He loves the calming and relaxing effect our bodywork has on the horses, while allowing him to be patient and completely present in the stall. Steve finds great satisfaction in bringing this gift to our hard-working equine therapy horses.

He is located in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley, framed by the Blue Ridge and Allegheny mountains. Steve looks forward to continuing his path to certified practitioner and is available to barns and facilities in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
Phone: 540-409-1886
Laura Leaven, MMES
Shephardstown, West Virginia

My name is Laura and I am originally from Newmarket, England; headquarters of the King of Sports!

I first began admiring the strength and agility of a horse as an early morning spectator on the gallops at Warren Hill. I soon after began professional riding lessons and showed in both Show Jumping and Dressage. Within my lesson center, we began to offer therapeutic riding, and that is where I assisted with riding for the disabled.

I came to the USA as a very nervous 22-year-old. I soon found my way, purchasing horses and rehabilitating them. I began with sports massage in 2010 and branched out to become a certified therapeutic riding instructor in 2016. I learned about The Masterson Method® through a very bright young lady that came to provide an Introduction to Masterson Method® seminar, where I teach. I knew that this certification could help me link my 32-year horse experience with my 18 years working in mental health, and that not only could I help to illuminate self confidence in people, but bring a gift to equines simultaneously.

I'm currently working through the certification path and hope to see new clients soon.

I am so grateful for the Masterson Method Equine Specialist certification and look forward to serving the tri-state area of WV, VA, and MD.
Phone: 240-452-2655
Course Testimonials
Interested in taking a course? Here are a few testimonials that might convince you!

To be truthful I have attended many workshops in different modalities and there is not one thing I would change in your presentation. This program is outstanding. (Equine Specialist Course)

Thank you so much for the quality that makes the Masterson Method® courses so special! I am a believer in the benefits of the Masterson Method® principles and techniques and am so grateful to be on this journey!
(Advanced 5-Day Course)

You have to experience it to get it. (Weekend Seminar)

Weekend Seminar-Workshop Schedule
* If the course you had your heart set on is sold out, please email to be added to the waiting list. 

If you'd like to host your own weekend (and earn a free spot) please email

Reminder: there will likely be a course price increase on certain courses this year.
More information will be provided soon.

Worried about COVID19? Read our COVID precautions and info here:
USA Seminars

April 23-24 Bloomington, IN

April 23-24 Franktown, CO

April 23-24 New Boston, MI

April 30-May 1 Glen Arm, MD 

April 30-May 1 Elgin, IL

May 14-15 Boscawen, NH

May 28-29 Kalispell, MT

June 4-5 Cleveland, NC

June 4-5 Augusta, ME

June 4-5 Olympia, WA

June 11-12 Pequot Lakes, MN

June 18-19 Coatesville, IN

June 25-26 Klamath Falls, OR

June 25-26 Pleasant View, UT

June 25-26 Lahaina, HI

July 9-10 Boscawen, NH

July 16-17 Joliet, MT

July 23-24 Monterey, CA

July 23-24 West Bend, WI 

August 20-21 Portola Valley, CA

August 27-28 Coatesville, IN

August 27-28 Custer, SD

September 3-4 Brush Prairie, WA

September 24-25 Montpelier, VA

September 24-25 San Juan Bautista, CA

October 1-2 West Bend, WI 

October 15-16 Coatesville, IN

October 22-23 Bristol, TN

October 22-23 Freeville, NY

October 22-23 Salado, TX 

October 29-30 Sharon, VT 

November 12-13 Concord, NC

December 3-4 Las Vegas, NV 

Canada Seminars

April 23-24 Granby, QC
(taught in French)

April 24-25 Lake Country, BC 

May 8-9 Cobourg, ON

May 21-22 Ascot Corner, QC
(taught in French)

May 28-29 Calgary, AB

(taught in French)

August 12-13 Campbell River, BC

August 27-28 Mono, ON

October 6-7 Calgary, AB

October 22-23 Mono, ON
European Seminars

April 23-24 Cheshire, UK

May 14-15 Konstanz, DE
(taught in German)

May 14-15 Den Burg, NL
(taught in Dutch)

May 14-15 Vorden, NL
(taught in Dutch)

May 21-22 Meerbusch, DE
(taught in German)

July 16-17 Hertfordshire, UK

August 20-21 Bedum, NL
(taught in Dutch)

September 10-11 Tübingen-Pfrondorf, DE (taught in German)

September 17-18 Hanum, DE
(taught in German)

September 24-25 Nouans-les-Fontaines, France 
(taught in French)

October 15-16 Egestorf, DE
(taught in German)

October 15-16 Ouwerkerk, NL 
(taught in Dutch)

Australia & New Zealand Seminars

April 30-May 1 Cambridge, NZ

May 21-22 Christchurch, NZ

June 11-12 Victoria, AU

South Africa

(Check back for upcoming Weekend Seminars)
Advanced 5-Day Course Schedule

USA Advanced Courses

May 16-20 Louisburg, NC with Sandy Vreeburg

June 20-24 Watsonville, CA with Sandy Vreeburg

June 20-24 Springville, NY with Samantha Walker

July 25-29 Cedarburg, WI with Becky Tenges

August 15-19 Coatesville, IN with Coralie Hughes

September 12-16 Manchester, NH with Samantha Walker

October 3-7 Coatesville, IN with Coralie Hughes

October 3-7 Watsonville, CA with Sandy Vreeburg

October 31-November 4 Tucson, AZ  with Vanessa Helvey

European Advanced Courses

April 25-29 Cheshire, UK with Vicky Devlin

June 6-10 Aßlar/Dillenburg, DE taught in German with Walter Saxe

June 6-10 Rzeszyce, PL taught in Polish with Beata Filonowicz

July 18-22 Hertfordshire, UK with Vicky Devlin

August 15-19 South Lanarkshire, SCT with Vicky Devlin

August 29-September 2 Aßlar/Dillenburg, DE taught in German
with Walter Saxe

October 24-28 Egestorf, DE taught in German with Walter Saxe

Canada Advanced Courses

August 22-26 Calgary, AB with Lori Hoppe

September 5-9 Sherbrooke, QC with Lori Hoppe

September 19-23 Cobourg, ON with Lori Hoppe

Australia & New Zealand

(Check back for upcoming courses)
Certification Completion Course Schedule

USA Courses

May 1-2 Fairfield, IA

August Fairfield, IA TBD

Canada Courses

(Check back for upcoming courses)

European Courses

May 18-20 Egestorf, DE
(taught in German)

May 21-23 Oxfordshire, UK 

September 17-19 UK TBD

October 12-14 Egestorf, DE
(taught in German)
Masterson Method Light to the Core Schedule

USA Courses

(Check back for upcoming courses)

Canada Courses

June 11-12 Langley, BC

June 20-21 Calgary, AB

August 20-21  Ponoka, AB

September 17-18 Campbellcroft, ON 

European Courses

(Check back for upcoming courses)
Masterson Method Equine Specialist Schedule

USA Courses

May 20-22 Brainerd, MN

June 18-20 Sharon, VT 

June 28-30 Petaluma, CA

August 6-8 Cicero, IN
Masterson Method Collaborative Clinics

USA Collaborative Clinics

July 12-14 Littleton, CO
Considering the Horse: Mind & Body with Jim Masterson and Mark Rashid

July 15-17 Littleton, CO
Your Horse's Brain: A User's Manual with Dr. Stephen Peters, Mark Rashid and Jim Masterson

October 14-16 Arroyo Grande, CA
Considering the Horse: Mind & Body with Dianne Adel, Jim Masterson and Mark Rashid
Masterson Method Expos and Demos

USA and European Expos & Demos

April 23 Studen, Switzerland Masterson Method® Demo With Brigitte Bisig
Taught in Swiss German and German

April 23 Mechanicsville, Maryland Masterson Method® Demo With Alice Long

May 1 Forest Lake, Minnesota Masterson Method® Demo With Megan Dushin

Taught in Swiss German and German
Absorbine Proud Partners
"Absorbine’s relationship with The Masterson Method® is a natural fit. Jim’s breakthrough but simple concepts are all focused on helping the horse to relieve tension, feel more comfortable and improve their relationships with owners and handlers.” 

~ Amy Cairy, Director of Marketing,
W. F. Young, manufacturers of Absorbine products
