We are invited visitors to wear vintage fashion 1938 & 1958, memorializing MARY’s launch date and rechristening date. There will be judging of best dressed at 5pm. Winners get to have a party for up to 10 people on deck at another time.
Here's the full schedule:
8:00 – 11:00 Art Inspiration, artists invited to be on deck & pier and create work.
10:30 – 11:15 livestream tour of MARY (virtual only)
12:00 – 1:00 lunch & set up for 2nd wave
12:00 – 5:00 Public Events
5:00 – 6:00 Put things away
6:00 – 7:00 Crew Pizza
8:00 – 9:00 Set up for film and audience
9:00 Screening of “Lavendar Lake”
Events running 12 to 5 – all in Park
- Art table (MARY related coloring pages, make birthday cards for Mary)
- Line throwing and knot tying (led by Arsenio)
- Salty Selfies Photo station by mock wheelhouse
- Vintage 1950s car photo op
- Vintage fashion 1938 & 1958
Scheduled events in the park and on deck
1:00 on deck: Kids Tankerman training (hatch dogs, blocks, cargo boom)
1:30 TankerTour (for up to 4 people) won by raffle in advance via social media
2:00 on deck: Kids book reading by Carolina of Chiclet’s Memoir
2:30 on deck: John Weaver (talk about Captain Alf and MARY)
2:50 on deck: Sing happy birthday and birthday cake
3:00 on deck: Marine Critters explained by Emma Garrison
3:30 TankerTour (for up to 4 people) won by raffle on site
4:00 on deck: kids book reading by Kat Savage
5:00 in park: 1930s/50s Fashion judging and end of all events
5:00 start one hour of putting things away (art table, line, mats, etc)
6:00 Crew Pizza dinner
7:00 REST
8:00 on deck: Set up for film and audience
9:00 on deck: screen movie “Lavendar Lake”
11:00 wrap
Volunteers are needed at:
- Art Table
- Tankerman training, Boom / pulley demo
- PSNY Table (ideally 2 people)
- Gangway Monitor
- Assistant to Emma during the critters program (pulling ladder, fenders, traps up on deck to capture critters and put them in fish tank)
- Wheelhouse monitor, if we have enough crew to open the wheelhouse
- extra, relief floater person
Thanks for your consideration! Hope to see you! Please forward this newsletter to everyone you know or get a link for posting on social media by clicking View as Webpage