Dear FCC Friends,

Fall 'Spirituality' 7:00pm - 8:15pm, October 13, 20 & 27

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What is Spirituality? Pastor Chris and I received a question from a member a few months back asking this very question. Spirituality is prominent in the proposed Vision Statement, and thus, is important to the FCC community. So, what is it? We reached out to the co-chairs of our Vision Committee they said, “What we discerned was a strong sense that we see ourselves as a community devoted to supporting the many ways that can bring us closer to a strong relationship with our God, and to the ways that can help us feel the spirit within us as well as among us. We are a diverse group of spiritual wisdom seekers, ranging from agnostics to those with a deep sense of God’s presence. As a church we have always been doers—that came easily to many. But there is clearly a longing to be in a more spiritual connection with God. Listening, not “doing” all the time. Can we believe “God is still speaking?” Really? Then how do we learn to listen? That’s the work of spirituality.”

The question, What is Spirituality, is very broad, of course. It’s a question we will live in and with for our whole lives. We hope to scratch the surface of this question with these upcoming programs on Spirituality and Spiritual practice during October and more in November. All classes will take place online. Zoom links will be sent closer to the start dates.

In October classes (13th, 20th, and 27th @ 7pm-8:15pm) we will look at Christian Mysticism as Spiritual Experience and Christian Spiritual practice, as well as the hearing from guest speaker Jonathan Miller Weisberger, the teacher from the retreat center where Pastor Chris spent his study leave. 
Pastor Jean will lead the Oct 13 session where they will provide an introduction to Christian Mysticism and focus on the lives and mystical experiences of Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross.
Jonathon Miller Weisberger will lead the Oct 20 session. He will talk about The Spiritual Teachings & Practices of The Secoya.
You won't want to miss ethnobotanist, conservationist, and author of The Rainforest Medicine, Jonathan Miller Wiesberger. Jonathon has spent the past thirty years studying rainforest plant medicine traditions.  

Jonathon was raised in Ecuador and the U.S. He has collected over 2,000 herbarium specimens, including first-time collections of several new species. From 1990 to 2000, Jonathon lived in the Ecuadorian Amazon among five indigenous nationalities, and was influential in the creation of three reserves including the Napo-Galeras National Park. He participated in the demarcation of Waorani territory and in groundwork that helped the Secoya people retain a significant tract of their ancestral homelands. He is the executive director of the Council for Cultural and Biological Diversity (known in Latin America as Fundación OSA), supporting rainforest conservation and cultural heritage projects in Ecuador and Costa Rica. He is the steward of Guaria de Osa Ecolodge (, a rainforest and ocean discovery and education center on the remote Osa peninsula, Costa Rica. You can learn more about his work by clicking
The Oct 27 session will be led by Pastor Chris.
What Is Mysticism, and Its Place In Spirituality 

Learning about mysticism is cool and all, but have ever tried experiencing it? In this session, we will discuss William James' four qualities that constitute a mystical experience. Also, we will discuss how mysticism relates to spirituality. 
But that’s not all! During Advent, beginning on Tuesday, Nov. 30 - Dec. 21 @ 7:00pm-8:15pm, Pastors Chris and Jean will lead 4 sessions on the origins, history and spiritual practices of Advent. We will look at how the tradition began and evolved, what was being practiced by whom and when, where the Advent the wreath came from, why we use purple candles except for that one pink one - everything we can find out about Advent. And we will talk about how the season of Advent can bring meaning to our faith in the 21st century. 

To start us off on Nov. 30, we have invited a special guest teacher, Dr. Sharon Fennema, who is Associate Professor of Christian Worship at the Pacific School of Religion. There will be more information about Dr. Fennema and the Advent program as we get closer to Advent.

Looking forward to seeing you in our Fall and Advent Programs.

Blessing to you all.

-Pastor Jean