Greetings from the Music Ministry
Hello New Life Church!
It has been a wonderful start to the Lenten season here at New Life Church. Our Choral anthems serve as a source of encouragement and strength as we work together to prepare each week. I count it all joy to have the opportunity to spend time proclaiming God’s Word through song for this wonderful body of believers. Won’t you consider joining us?
If you are interested in being in the Chancel Choir or the Chancel Ringers (handbells), please reach out to me. The Chancel Choir is meeting on Thursday evenings from 6-8 PM. We sing most every Sunday morning during the 9:15 traditional service. Chancel Ringers will shortly begin preparations for Easter if we have enough interest. I would love to hear from you.
Instrumentalists Wanted! If you play an instrument, I would love to hear from you. If you haven’t played in a while, don’t let that hold you back. I am interested in working with church members who could occasionally join in during a service. I can help you prepare if you need that. All musicians and vocalists in choir or serving through playing, are considered worship leaders. We strive to be faithful in that calling. Our aim is to...
Magnify the Greatness of God in Jesus' name,
Through the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Skillfully combining God’s Word with music,
Thereby motivating the gathered church to...
Proclaim the Gospel
Cherish God’s presence and
Live for God’s Glory
Our Anthem for this Sunday will be Love Will Rise, by Karen Crane & JB Taylor. It is a beautiful recount of the story of Christ dying on the Cross, with the joyful message and reminder that Love WILL Rise. It proclaims that Jesus rose from the grave and defeated darkness, sin, and death. Here are the words to the piece.
A lonely hill embraces loss
The Savior dying on a cross
His body broken, but not in vain
For Love will rise up from the pain
His mother’s tears caress the earth
This day the reason for His birth
Her baby wearing a crown of thorns
But love will rise up from the scorn
Love will rise! Love will rise!
Like the morning sun fills the skies
By the darkness, never bound
Nothing keeps Love in the ground
Love will rise, Love will rise!
A borrowed tomb awaits the dead
A place to lay the Savior’s head
His body buried and now will save
For Love, will rise up from the grave!
Love will rise! Love will rise!
Like the morning sun fills the skies
By the darkness, never bound
Nothing keeps Love in the ground
Love will rise, Love will rise!
Hymns this Sunday, March 3, 2024
#230 - To Mock Your Reign, O Dearest Lord
#499 - Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
#221 - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
See you Sunday!
MaryBeth Khamis
Interim Director of Music
513-543-6994 (text before calling so I know to pick up)