The Messenger

In Christ, We Worship, Love, Grow, Serve and Send.
MARCH 2021 | Vol. XXXXII No. 3

Physical Activity!
by Cornelia Pearson, RN, MN

Bishop Strickland’s invitation to the Southeastern Synod (SES) congregation members to join him in walking a mile a day during the forty days of Lent and pledging $40 to ELCA World Hunger prompted me to write about the health benefits of physical activity. Anxiously awaiting the arrival of Easter, the Bishop’s invitation provides us with a challenge to bundle up and get moving. We know that daily exercise will improve our overall health. This article sums up the benefits of regular physical activity for all age groups. 
Until 2018, It had been ten years since the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published data on physical activity guidelines for Americans. In November of 2018 the CDC released new findings on physical activity stating that the scientific evidence continues to build—physical activity is linked with even more positive health outcomes than we previously thought. New findings show that moving more and sitting less have tremendous benefits for everyone, regardless of age, sex, race, ethnicity, or current fitness level. Individuals with a chronic disease  ....Read more.
Youth & Children’s Stewardship Program
to Benefit Inspiritus
by Jeana Butler, Faith Formation Chair
In January, the Faith Formation Committee of St. Andrew met to outline our goals for 2021. While we continue to meet virtually for Sunday School, Confirmation Class and SLY/STAKK, we challenged ourselves to create new and meaningful experiences for the younger members of St. Andrew. Another goal is to integrate the youth and children’s activities more closely with the vision and mission of the church as a whole. Said another way, we want the children to support and participate in the same types of activities as the adults, just in their own, unique way. We used our Mission Statement: In Christ, we Worship, Grow, Love, Serve, and Send to guide our goal-setting and decision-making process.  

This led us to the idea of a new youth stewardship program with Inspiritus. ...Read More.
In Memoriam
We recently learned that Barbara Jean Roberts, member of St. Andrew Lutheran Church, joined the Church Triumphant on October 26, 2020. Barbara, age 90, was a resident of Spring Hill at The Lantern at Morning Pointe. We give thanks for Barbara's ministry at St. Andrew.
SNOWMAN FUN! Peter and Linda Strickland display their snowman skills during Tennessee's recent winter weather!
Mike Richardson dusts off his Iowa corn shovel to scoop a path for the dogs.
A few of our littlest snow angels!
Playful Pups!
Dear St. Andrew Prayer Shawl Group,
Thank you for the beautiful, warm prayer shawl. Just in time for northern weather! And thank you for your prayers. It was so very nice of you all. God bless you all.
Debbie Siegel
(Rebecca Bradley’s mom) 
Dear Saint Andrew Church Friends,
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your kindnesses, cards, electronic greetings, and food during the hospitalization and subsequent death of my wife, Susie. A few people asked why I played “Joy to the World” as the postlude for her memorial service, but since we were just a few weeks away from our 45th wedding anniversary, and that great Christmas Carol was the recessional at our wedding, I just thought it would be fun to include it. I had just recorded it for our Christmas Eve service, so Brian was gracious to include it in the video service. Jolene, Pastor Gordy, Brian, Linda Strickland, the Choir, Ron Hartman, and so many others went beyond the call of duty to ease our grief and help us make the service memorable. 
Darryl Miller, Annie, Luke, Noah and Willow Iverson.
Our Midweek Wednesday offering during Lent this year will go to benefit GraceWorks Ministries in Franklin. GraceWorks reaches out to the community in many ways to help households through their food pantry, thrift store, family support, instructional and seasonal programs, and more.

How to give? Use the Lenten envelopes in your offering envelope box or write a check with "Lenten offering - GraceWorks" in the memo line and mail to St. Andrew. Or you may go to our website and click the Giving/Online Giving tab at the top of the home page. Select a one-time or reoccurring donation, Other Outreach, and be sure to note in the OPTIONAL line at the bottom of the page, "GraceWorks."
Meals on Wheels Update!
"HEAD'S UP" for summer volunteers
The Meals on Wheels program is moving toward being fully operational by summer and is looking for volunteers again to cook and deliver meals. There are opportunities for drivers and cooks.

Volunteers will follow COVID-19 protocols to keep everyone safe.

St. Andrew members have been a BIG part of the Meals on Wheels program, and we hope to continue helping to feed our neighbors in this way.  Plans to be fully operational by summer may change with the COVID situation. Please watch for further St. Andrew communications to sign up to help! Thanks.
Saturday, March 6
Saturday, March 6 is our next drop off for food to take to the mission to help feed the women and children in Nashville.
VOLUNTEERS: Please drop off the following food items at St. Andrew from 10:00 until 11:00 AM: 
·        Cooked, homemade breakfast casseroles (so they only need to be reheated)
·        Cooked pork sausage (any size or quantity will be fine)
·        Fruit
Drop off will be at the Administration entry. Stay in your car and we will get the food. Please wear your masks, too. Thank you!

Questions? Contact Laura McElroy, St. Paul's Breakfast Coordinator, for more information at 615-308-4636.
We had another successful drop off for St. Paul’s Breakfast in February! I never cease to be amazed by the generosity of our church family. Although we have changed the way we run this ministry, we have been able to continue feeding the women and children at the mission. They are SO excited when we drop off the delicious homemade casseroles, sausage and fruit, and they call our breakfast their “potluck!” Thanks to all for your continued support of this ministry!

Thanks so much,
Laura McElroy
What are you giving up for Lent?
by Rev. John Gierke
Have you asked someone that recently, or have you been asked that same question, or been contemplating what you might give up, if anything? Remembering that we are saved by grace and not by what we give up to please God, we are certainly grateful for what Jesus gave up for us.
When I reflect on previous mission trips to Haiti and Trinity HOPE’s sponsored schools, I think of what the Haitian children haven’t given up, comparatively speaking. That is, they and their families simply haven’t had much of anything, materially speaking, especially compared to the many blessings we have in the USA. What they do have in abundance is the gift of Jesus, his love and his HOPE, which endure!  ...Read more.
WELCA Hosts County Historian
Virtually on Tuesday, March 16, 2021 ~ 6:30 p.m.
Everyone is invited to join the Women of St. Andrew via Zoom on March 16, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. for a night of uncovering the past! Rick Warwick, historian of Williamson County for the Heritage foundation, will be our guest speaker.
He has been awarded the “Anne T. Rutherford Award” for 23 years of volunteering at the Heritage Foundation of Williamson County. Andrea Hinds of The William Source, when reporting on his award, had this to say about Warwick. 

“Warwicks volunteer work has resulted in a collection of over 15,000 photographs. He has served as the editor of 15 books on local history, 32 historic journals, and has raised funds and placed over 150 historic markers telling our communitieshistory. He is the official Williamson County Historian and has served on the Tennessee Historical Commission, Editor of the Williamson County Historical Society, Co-Chaired Williamson Countys Bicentennial Celebration, served as a board member for the Heritage Foundation, Carter House, Carnton, and founding member of Franklins Charge and the African American Heritage Society.”
It will be a wonderful evening of discovery! Learn about Williamson County and why Rick calls the Battle of Franklin: "The Gettysburg of the West.”
Meeting ID: 861 3384 9904
Passcode: WELCA
Dial by your location - 1.301.715.8592
PICTURED ABOVE: Women of St. Andrew WELCA who met with the Chief of Franklin Police, Deb Faulkner at the February meeting. Ladies joined from Arizona to Florida!
Seven ladies joined the Zoom Quilt-A-Thon to fellowship, tack, and tie quilts to go to Lutheran World Relief! Some sewed and some cut tops, too! Lots of fun was had by all. THANKS to everyone who picked up quilt kits to tie at home. There are more available for anyone who wants to help us tie quilts. Contact the office to pick your kit up today!
NEW study beginning soon ~ The Gospel of Mark
The Monday evening Bible Study group is finishing their study of the Gospel of Matthew. In just a few weeks, we will transition to a study of the Gospel of Mark. The book we will use is N.T. Wright’s Mark for Everyone. All are welcome to join us on Zoom any Monday evening at 7:00 p.m. Be on the lookout for the start date for our study of Mark!
Contact Brian Russell or Katherine Mansouri to join these fun groups!
March 2   John & Caren Dina
March 4   Bruce & Carole Wegner
March 4   Jesse & Mary Alice Felker
March 7   Doug & Martha Ellwood
March 14  Jimmy & Rhonda Franks
March 16  Chris & Alexandra Moritz
March 18  Bill & LaRue McIntyre
March 21  Jack & Carol Edwards
March 23  Clyde & Margaret Bearss
Jolene Richardson, The Messenger Editor