Can you think of a time you made an agreement with someone?
In our scripture today we hear God say the word covenant 8 times! Covenant, by definition means agreement. To make a covenant you are making an agreement or a promise with someone.
Do you remember the story of Noah and the flood?
God was talking to Noah after the flood had ceased and promised him, "I will never flood the earth again, this is my covenant to you and all of the creatures on earth. When I place clouds in the sky, there will be a rainbow as a sign and reminder of this covenant." Noah must have been so relieved to know that he would never need to battle another storm like that again!
A Reminder!
Every time you see a rainbow in the sky you are reminded of God's covenant, a promise that the storm will end and the sun will shine again! In rain storms and on not-so-good days, God is with you, will guide you and bring out the sun again!
A Family Covenant
Spend some time as a family creating a covenant! Talk about things that are really important to each of you. What kinds of things could you add to your family covenant that might be helpful to others? What makes you and those in your family feel special and loved? What are some things you really like doing as a family? Once you have completed your family covenant, take turns signing it and hang it in a place where everyone can see it!
Dear God, Thank you for the rainbows that follow storms! Amen.