March 2021
Waterville UMC Ambassador
Dear Church Family,

During this seasonal Journey of Lent we are focusing on the Psalms. This past week we reflected upon Psalm 25:1-10. Verses 1-2a state, “O Lord, I give my life to you. I trust in you, my God! The Psalmist is declaring that their faith and trust is in God.

Where do you place your trust each day: in your occupation, investments, doing good through organizations, in yourself?

I want to encourage you to make the faith commitment to put your total trust in God. Like Jesus, Paul, the prophets, the psalmist and so many others, due to our life circumstances it is so easy to forget that God declares that everything we need will be provided.

Are you willing to start each day with your declaration of faith in God alone? In addition to the scripture verses above consider this what is stated in Psalm 118:24, “This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” There are times while studying scripture that pronouns are used, such as we, that our response is being a member of the group and not making God’s truth personal. How do you respond to this scripture when the we is replaced with I? This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.

I feel led to challenge all of us to start the day by declaring our trust in God and this day is of God’s making. Here is how. Below are the three scriptures of declaring your faith and attitude for the day. It is in the form it is so that you can cut it out and place it where you won't miss it.
You and I will be truly blessed as we live our lives by faith and declare often our trust and faith in our gracious and holy God.

Pastor Mike
Our Vision – Share, Celebrate, and Teach God’s Love
Our Mission – Serve. Connect. Love. Give.
11 AM Sunday Worship with Waterville UMC

Opportunities to worship and praise the Lord with WUMC:
In Person - Social distancing and wearing masks.

Live Stream at 11 AM Sunday via You Tube at

Park in car near the church at 11 AM Sunday and listen to the service on FM 90.5.

Watch the recording of the worship service on-line when available at

Join us in worship in the manner you feel safe.
I'm Glad This Church Needs Money by Joe R. Barnett
·        I am glad this church needs money! If it did not, it would mean it was not supporting missionaries and preaching the gospel in other places. No missionary zeal!
·        I am glad this church needs money! If it did not, it would mean it was not doing anything to support the homeless, helpless and needy. No compassion.
·        I am glad this church needs money! If it did not, it would mean it had “topped out” and was not interested in expanding into other areas of needed service. No vision.
·        I am glad this church needs money! If it did not, it would mean it was not interested in providing wholesome activities. No concern.
·        I am glad this church needs money! If it did not, it would mean it was not expanding its outreach. No evangelism.
·        I am glad this church needs money! If it did not, it would mean it was not interested in teaching children in their impressionable, formative years. No future.
·        Yes, sir. I am glad this church needs money! The fact it does means it has not forfeited its zeal, compassion, expansion, vision, concern, evangelism or future. This church needs my gifts and I am glad of it. I would not want to be a member of any other kind.

As we continue dealing with COVID issues, please continue seeking God’s guidance and direction for both you and His Church, as we make decisions not only about our financial contribution toward a new facility, but also the answer to the question……. Lord, what do you want to do through me?

Please contact Tom Wiggins, if you have any questions about anything related to finance, stewardship or the Capital Campaign.
I was thinking the other day: What if we don’t NEED the government stimulus checks for ourselves? It would bless God if that money were used for his glory and donated to the new building fund or to other missions of Waterville United Methodist Church. Please pray for the missions like the help we are giving to the schools, the general fund or other favorite missions of yours.

If you decide to do this, please designate on the check to the church where you want the money to go.

For God’s Glory,
John Nicholson  
There are also apps through Bible Gateway and You Version to help guide you through this experience. Choose the one that works for you!
The March HomeTouch is another source of reading the Bible. Start today! There are also fun word games that we share in the weekly blast.

Click on HomeTouch picture to open. OR...check the bulletin board, we post copies each month.
Youth Alive! is meeting in person again. They meet each Sunday night at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary; wearing masks and practicing social distancing. We are thankful. It is a blessing to learn about the Lord and praise Him together.
We love Virtual Read Aloud with Mrs. Shelton! Watch for the link in Friday's eBLAST for kids and grandkids to enjoy listening to a Christian Children's book read by Mrs. Shelton. Adults will enjoy it too!!!
Sunday School is held each Sunday from 11 AM to 11:40 AM. COVID guidelines are followed.

And children are participating in Lenten Services. What a joy to experience the love for the Lord through a child's eyes. They have opportunities to create the bulletin cover, read scripture, or share their talent by playing music or singing. Please reach out to Stephanie Shelton ( if your child wishes to participate.
Join us for an outdoor+mask-wearing 
Easter egg hunt 
on Palm Sunday, March 28th
following church at 11:45 AM!

 Children up to 6th grade are welcome to participate in this egg-citing event! All egg hunters will be awarded a sack full of goodies. Please bring your own basket (we will have some bags on hand too). 

We ask that adults bringing children come outside following pickup of their child at Sunday School & distance themselves into our outdoor space by the sidewalks & not gather within or near the building.

Please leave masks on for the egg hunt. We will tell the kids when to "go" from there!
We are accepting candy donations for the Easter Egg Hunt goody bags. Please place them on the shelf outside the church office.
March's Mission Focus is Freedom School through the Children's Defense Fund
Their Mission
The Children’s Defense Fund Leave No Child Behind® mission is to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities.

Children’s Defense Fund was founded in 1973 and is a private, nonprofit organization supported by individual donations, foundation, corporate and government grants. CDF provides a strong, effective and independent voice for all the children of America who cannot vote, lobby or speak for themselves. We pay particular attention to the needs of poor children, children of color and those with disabilities. CDF educates the nation about the needs of children and encourages preventive investments before they get sick, drop out of school, get into trouble or suffer family breakdown.

Watch for details on this year's Freedom School on the Mission's Bulletin Board and our weekly eBLASTS
February's Mission Focus was food collection for the two local Anthony Wayne Food Pantries. Details soon!
This past year, the Covid-19 pandemic left people around the world searching for hope. In the midst of fear and uncertainty, it is crucial to bring the Good News to children: that God loves them and has not forgotten them. Despite a challenging year, you helped us to provide Gospel Opportunities to children around the world.

The official numbers are in and we're thrilled to celebrate over 9,113,853 shoe box gifts were donated world-wide in 2020! This includes 7,809,410 from the U.S., with 415,403 built online. The Greater Toledo area alone sent 10,015.

We couldn't have done it without your help! We hope we can count on your participation again this year. Be watching for sale items all year long to tuck away and pull out when you’re ready to start your packing this fall! Please continue to pray for the children of the world to receive the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 
March Operation Christmas Child Focus:

Quality crafts supplies, books, stickers, cars, puzzles, tea party items, balls, jacks, yo-yo's, balloons, silly putty, noisy toys, jump ropes, harmonicas, stuffed animals 10 " or smaller.

Please place them in the basket under the Mission Bulletin Board.
The prayer team is asking for the support of the rest of the congregation to join them in praying specifically for the the Prayer focus of the month.

March Focus - The Body of Christ – The Church

March 7: The Body of Christ – The Church of Ephesus - Ephesians 4
March 14: The Body of Christ in The Churches of Corinth, Rome and Colossae
March 21: The Body of Christ – The Churches Mission
March 28: The Body Gives Christ a Face to the World   

As most of our church family know, we nearing a huge milestone in our Church. We will be breaking ground for a new Church Building. What does that mean according to the Bible? Is the Church just a building...or is it much more than that? Follow the information in this month's prayer focus and find out it is actually the Body of Christ

Christ is asking each of our members to find their special gifts and talents that the Lord blessed them with. The gifts and talents that only they have. These gifts must be claimed by each of us and used as tools for the completion of the Body of Christ. 

Therefore, Our Intercessory Pray Group prays that all members of the Body of Christ will become enlightened and convicted to spread God’s word and grow the Body of Christ while inviting others to join us. We ask this so they will not be lost and they will become new vital members of the Body of Christ. 

Next month, we will hope to find out and pray about Evangelism. Please participate and come with us on this new and exciting journey.
Wish to celebrate a special occasion with flowers and beautify our Altar at the same time? Email the office at with:

OCCASION: Ex. Our Wedding Anniversary; In Honor of Our Grandchildren

SUNDAY OF YOUR CHOICE: MAR 7 and MAR 21 or any Sunday in the year; we can plan ahead!!!

Then drop off or mail a check to WUMC for $40. The office will place the order the week prior. You may then pick up your flowers after the service and share them with a loved one and brighten someone's day.

February 7... 123
February 14... 145
February 17 (Ash Wed)...80
February 21... 137
February 28... 132
Thank you for all for your prayers, concerns , support, and cards for Bill's mom, Effie. She can now Rest In Peace!

Praise God.

Bill and Sue Gregory
The March Card Ministry liasion is Mary Williams. Please reach out to her at if you know of someone who needs an encouraging words through a card. Words of love can change a moment and often a life's direction.
Pam Cook March 1
Bobbie Hires March 3
Gary Breymaier March 5
Connie Kirkman March 7
Cindy Nowalk March 7
Judy Thompson March 7
Krista Varner March 7
Tim Monroe March 8
Randy Breymaier March 16
Russ Clark March 17
Ace Westfall March 18
Cynthia Box March 19
Catessa Hires March 19
Renee Hires March 19
Nancy Michael March 19
Marc Gregory Jr. March 21
Alison Cox March 22
Ryan Shelton March 24
Blake McMillian March 25
Tom Wiggins March 26
Mark Breymaier March 28
Jenna Abbey March 29
Megan Shoemaker March 30
Happy Birthday to you!

(If you have a Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)
If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need, please call Pastor Mike Denman at 419-469-0156 .

Office hours are generally Monday through Friday 9 AM to Noon, but may vary. Please call ahead at 419-878-3645 if you need to visit the office.
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Follow the church and youth on our Twitter pages: 
Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645| Email Us |