I have some exciting news to share with you! After four wonderful and challenging years of ministry with UUCH, and with the agreement of our church Board, I have decided to take my first Sabbatical. I will be away on sabbatical from January 1st to May 1st of 2025!
What is a Sabbatical? Well a sabbatical is a period of rest and renewal taken after several years of service to help ministers replenish themselves and grow in new ways. Unlike an academic sabbatical, I am not writing a book or working on a larger project, but I do have goals and plans for this time away.
Why now? In my Ministerial Agreement I accrue a month of sabbatical leave for every year of service to be taken after year four but before year 7. I believe that shorter, more frequent sabbaticals are better for ministers and better for congregations. Four months away is certainly less expensive and disruptive than six or seven, and taking this break now will ensure I return to our congregation healthy and enthusiastic for years of ministry ahead.
What will you be doing on Sabbatical? I plan to use my sabbatical time for rest, reflection and discernment. During that time away I will:
Read novels and books about ministry.
Spend time hiking and walking in nature.
Grow my language skills with more ASL classes and practice.
Deepen my cultural understanding of Alabama by visiting a variety of civil rights museums and exhibits across the state.
Spend time with friends and family, including celebrating my Wedding on 2-1-25!
Reflect on the first four years of ministry and reconnect to my ministerial call.
Attend worship online at other UU Congregations to get fresh ideas about how to do great worship!
What won’t you be doing? While I am on sabbatical I will be 100% away from congregational duties. I will not answer emails, texts or calls about anything related to UUCH. I will not attend or lead services. I will not participate in any committee meetings or events. I will not officiate weddings or memorials services. I will not be available for pastoral care.
Who will be leading UUCH in while you are on Sabbatical? I am working with the Board and other church leaders to put a sabbatical plan in place that will include a part time sabbatical minister and a team of volunteers who will cover all of my responsibilities in my absence. This is a time for leaders to step up and take on new and exciting roles in our community. I believe we will come through this time stronger and ready for the future!
I’m sure you have more questions about this sabbatical. I will share periodic updates as plans come together, but for now I want you to know that this is coming and that your leaders will ensure that this is a time of growth and renewal for all of us!
Rev. Jaimie