1st United Methodist Church Weekly Update - April 15, 2022
April 17, 2022
6:30am Sunrise Service, Gilchrist Park
in partnership with Cleveland UMC & Friendship UMC
8:00am Traditional, Gilchrist Park
9:15am Contemporary, Gilchrist Park
Children's Arts & Crafts in the Park, 10am-12pm
11:00am Traditional, Life Center

Message: "Namely You!"
Pastor Mike Loomis
Note: Parking is limited at Gilchrist Park due to construction. Some parking is available at the PG Waterfront Hotel & Suites on W. Retta Esplanade and on side streets. You may also park at the church and walk 1.5 blocks to the park on Gilchrist or Gill streets.
Today Matters - April 16
Chad is a Sheriff’s Deputy in a large city in the Midwest, with 15 years of police and investigative experience. He works in the Criminal Investigations Division and is currently assigned to a federal task force that investigates sex trafficking and child exploitation. He is a member of the Hostage Negotiation Unit. Prior to working as a Sheriff’s Deputy, he worked at Boys Town (in Omaha, NE) in a residential treatment program that serves children and their families.

He holds a master’s degree in criminology with a specialization in counseling from the University of Nebraska Omaha. He was Deputy of the Year in 2021 for investigations that led to the federal indictment of multiple suspects enticing minors 15 years old and younger for sexual acts. He was awarded Deputy of the Quarter in March of 2019 for investigative and undercover work in a national sex trafficking investigation resulting in multiple federal indictments and the seizure of over 3 million dollars in cash and assets. He was awarded the Medal of Honor and Deputy of the Year in 2016 for his response in a deadly force incident when a DUI suspect exited their vehicle brandishing a handgun and firing at him from point blank range. He earned the Outstanding Academic Award, Outstanding Physical Fitness Award, and Outstanding Performance Award during his time at the Nebraska Law Enforcement Academy.

Since 2015 he has traveled internationally with a non-government organization (NGO) assisting with sex trafficking investigations that have led to the rescue of trafficking victims. During his international travel, he works in an undercover role acquiring covert footage of the negotiation to purchase underage girls and boys for sex.

He is married with a son and three daughters, one who is a Staff Sgt. in the Air Force, two who work in nursing, and one who is pursuing his degree in data science. His wife worked for seven years in child welfare and is currently a long-term care coordinator for vulnerable individuals. He currently lives in rural Iowa enjoying open space and spending time with his English Mastiffs.
We Need Sunday School Teachers!
Our Children's Ministry is in need of elementary Sunday School teachers. If you are willing to serve, please contact Becca: becca@whatis1st.com
Church Library
If you’ve walked into the church library recently, you might have noticed a few changes . Three new church library volunteers have been working on shifting books, reorganizing and getting acquainted with our library collection. As we work with our church collection, we are thankful for the library volunteers who came before us. A special Thank You to Gail LaGro... we appreciate you.

Our goal is to serve the congregation in our Church library by maintaining our core collection. We will do this by organizing, weeding, and adding to the collection. If there is a particular title you think might be current, classic or worthy of our library, please consider dropping off a note for our volunteers and place it in the church library return basket and/ or donate such book to our library.

Please stop in to find a book to borrow that will encourage your Christian faith journey.
We hope to have a church library open house sometime after Easter.
Help Stock the Salvation Army Shelves
“A Mother’s Prayer of Hope”
Today a mother reaches into a cupboard and opens two cans of food. How can she feed her family? Rising prices of food, a lost job or low pay, children looking at her expectantly. She stops. She prays for a miracle. Deep inside, she trusts God to supply her needs.

A church prays “How can we help those less fortunate?” And God leads us- one can of food at a time. Or one bag of food. A box of food. We will stock the shelves of the Salvation Army food pantry. We can be an answer to prayer!
How can our church help?
  • Shop each week and bring items to collection boxes at church (April 18-May 8)
  • Pray for the items as you place them in the boxes
  • Give a cash donation. We’ll be glad to shop for you! Earmark donation “A Mother’s Prayer of Hope”
  • Pray for the families that we will help.
  • Volunteer to help collect boxes of food and move to storage area
  • Call Chris Wilkens to volunteer! 941-276-4416

Sunday, May 8th, Mothers’ Day! This is the day that the Lord has made! We will rejoice and be glad in it! Everyone brings food for the collection boxes!

Monday, May 9: Deliver to the Salvation Army!
UCW - April 25
The next meeting of the United Christian Women will be held on Monday, April 25th at 11am in Lenox Hall. (Please bring your lunch or a snack, if you would like.)

The program for this meeting will be speaker Laura Keim, from C.A.R.E. (Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies.)

To help and show our gratitude, please bring a NEW pillow or NEW towels with you for the C.A.R.E. Center, they will be deeply appreciated.

Come listen and learn about this program and how important and special it is. All women of the church (or visiting) are invited.
Town Hall Meeting - April 25
We will hold a Town Hall Meeting on Monday, April 25 at 6pm in the Life Center to answer questions regarding the future of 1st Church. All are welcome and invited to attend.
Men's Fellowship & Dessert - April 26
The United Methodist Men will be meeting on Tuesday, April 26th at 7:00 pm in Lenox Hall. Bob Schoolcraft will be our speaker. He will be sharing his life and how God has been part of it. Bob served in the U.S. Air Force and occupations include sales, truck driver, and Clergy. He is currently a retired Paster but serving part time at Friendship United Methodist Church. Desert and beverages will be provided. This month we will have Ice Cream Sundaes! Cost is $5.00. Please make reservations by Monday, April 25th by responding to an email invitation, or contact Wayne Sharp at sharpww@me.com.
Vacation Bible School, June 6-10
Registration is now open for this summer's Vacation Bible School!
VBS is a wonderful way to introduce children to Jesus, and share 1st Church with new families in our area. Please share!
If you are interested in serving on a VBS volunteer team, please email Becca: becca@whatis1st.com.
Crafter's Group - Come Join Us!
WE NEED: Anyone who can sew on a button, crochet, knit, draw, design, or has ANY creative talent! We work together while enjoying each other's company.

We have made the following items:
*Baby blankets for Careline Pregnancy Center
*Crocheted octopus for preemie babies
*Greeting cards for our own Care Ministry team
*Walker bags for the veteran's home
*Activity mats for those suffering with Dementia and Alzheimer's donated to nursing homes locally

We meet in Room 9 every Wednesday from 1-3:30 pm.

Diane Houston Sheppard, houstonfla04@yahoo.com, 941-740-1016
Janet Downing, janld25@gmail.com, 774-230-4460
Camping with Church Friends
For several years campers from our church have gathered each spring to meet new friends with common interest in camping. This year our group will meet at Hardee Lakes County Park which is about 50 miles from our church. Anyone who likes to camp in a tent, RV, or trailer is encouraged to join us. We will meet on the Monday afternoon after Easter, April 18 and return home on Friday. For more information call Peter Gillen, 941-661-8367, or Tom Little, 941-769-0002.
Volunteers needed for Crossroad Academy
Every 3rd Saturday of each month volunteers from 1st Church cook food and take it to Crossroads Hope Academy to bless the young men who are residents there. We desperately need more volunteers to either cook food and/or help deliver the meal to Crossroads. We meet in the Church parking lot every month at 11:30 and load the food and go together to Crossroads. This ministry truly is a blessing to those we serve. If interested, please call Gail LaGro at 941-613-1745.
Receive Texts from 1st Church
1st Church Family... We are trying to improve our communication within the congregation and also looking for a way to keep everyone seeking devotionals each day. If you would like to receive daily devotionals from 1st Church or receive important communications, please sign up by calling the church office 941-639-3842. This will allow us to text you these messages and make it easy for you to receive them.
A Word from Worship
Greetings 1st Church friends,
Hard to imagine but here we are in the middle of Holy Week. This special time in our church is very emotional for me. Like most of us, when I was young, it meant a special outfit and new shoes to wear to church, then later, shopping for Easter goodies, and filling baskets for the "bunny" to hide for the kids. Now to be aware of the gift of this event that our faith is founded on; Jesus' death and resurrection through which we gained eternal life. It's something I try to reflect on when I pray. I, like everyone, have times of fear, turmoil, and pain filled doubt, when challenges seem to be coming at me from all sides. And then, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the enormous blessing of God's love, and I am humbled. I have questioned more than once if I've been worthy. I think this is why God has encouraged me (okay pushed me) to become a prayer warrior. I have been blessed to have several mentors who have encouraged me; Pastors Greg. Mike, Bob, Jay, and others. I hope I have been able to bless and encourage others to reach out for this beautiful gift of prayer. This is a perfect time to reach out and share our faith with cards or a phone call, or special acts of kindness for a friend, a neighbor or even a stranger. How about a gift of cookies? If we feel awkward and don't know what to say, don't worry. God's love will shine through our actions and could lead to more meaningful conversations. 
A special thank-you to everyone who has prayed during our Prayer Vigil. 
I hope to see you at one of our Easter Sunday worship services:
Sunrise service at 630 am at Gilchrist Park. 8 o'clock and 9:15 services also at Gilchrist Park, as well as the Children's activities.  The 11 o'clock service will be available in the Life Center and live-streamed. 
Please note; there will be a memorial service on Saturday, 4/23/22 at 11 o'clock for JT Kohrman, son of Joe and Mitzi Kohrman. Please see the obituary online for details. 
Have a blessed Easter! I'm praying for you!
Rosie Young
Worship Coordinator
The Eighth Note – Music Ministry in a Minute!
Greetings Everyone,
Are you musical? Consider joining one of our groups. This is a great way to serve the church, learn about music and get to know folks.
The Handbell Choir rehearses on Wednesdays at 6:30PM in the Life Center and plays on Sundays at the 11:00AM Service. Ability to ready music is necessary.
The Chancel Choir rehearses on Thursdays at 6:30PM in the Historic Sanctuary and sings Sundays at the 11:00AM Service.
Please contact David Bellows for more information or questions.
Soli Deo Gloria!
David Bellows
Director of Music Ministries

This Sunday's Music - Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022 - 11:00 AM Service
Prelude: Joyful Rhythm – K. McChesney
Easter Bells – M. Ryan
Chancel Ringers and David Bellows, Director
Opening Hymn: 302 Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
Offertory Anthem: This Joyful Eastertide – V. Hoyle
Closing Hymn: 327 Crown Him With Many Crowns
Postlude: Toccata from Symphony V – C. M. Widor
Discipleship Opportunities
View a complete list of groups at 1st Church HERE
New Study - Just for Moms!
Want to be set free from the pressures of being "MOM?" Join us for the Mom Set Free Bible Study! The study will begin April 13th and meet for 8 weeks in Room 13, 12:30 - 2pm.

The cost of the book is $15. If you are in need of child care, please register your children, with their ages HERE!
Men of Faith
A gathering of men who seek a more complete Christian understanding of the teaching of Jesus. Men of Faith meet in Lenox Hall on Thursdays from 9-10:30am under the leadership of Pastor Bill Grant. The group uses the daily study guide, My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers, as a start for each weeks' discussion. The daily study guide is available free at the gathering. Many of the group come from other churches, so invite your friends.
2022 Bible Reading Schedules
We want to encourage you to join us as we once again read through the Bible. Start your new year off right by committing to read God's Word!

Download the 2022 reading guide HERE.
Worship Service Information
If you are planning on attending our services please remember the following:

  • Masks are now optional for those that are fully vaccinated.
  • Social distancing is still encouraged. Families may sit together, but please leave three seats between you and others not in your family.
  • If you are feverish or not feeling well, we ask that you stay home and join us online on our Facebook and YouTube channels.

At this time, you may only enter the Life Center through the main entrance facing the Fellowship Hall courtyard. All other exterior doors will be locked. We'll see you Sunday!
NOTE: The April 24th 8am Praise in the Park service will be held in the Sanctuary.
Praise in the Park
Join us this Sunday at 8 am for Praise in the Park! Open to everyone, this is your opportunity to join us for "in-person" worship as we enjoy God's scenery from the lawn of the beautiful Gilchrist Park Pavilion, weather permitting of course. If it is or has been raining (or is too cold), Praise in the Park will relocate to our historic Sanctuary. Time may not always be sufficient to get the word out, so in case of inclement weather, please proceed to the Sanctuary.

Please plan to bring your lawn chairs and/or blankets, and, yes, we will be asking you to practice social distancing. Don't forget to join our "Praise in the Park" group on our Church App! As a reminder, our outside services are always subject to change due to the weather. Please make sure you are connected with us through the app, our email list, or social media to receive our updates concerning schedule changes. See you Sunday for Praise in the Park!
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9am - 4pm
(941) 639-3842 | www.whatis1st.com