Week of July 11-17, 2022 | Vol. 81 Issue 27

The James Webb Telescope and Inner Space

by Dennis W. Foust, Senior Minister

Have you seen images from the James Webb Space Telescope this past week? Awesome, astounding, unbelievable, magnificent, and unprecedented are words being used to describe the photos from outer space. Through this telescope, we can see glimpses of a 290-million-year-old universe as black holes, galactic mergers, and star formations perform a cosmic dance.

The James Webb Space Telescope is today’s premier space observatory. It is an international program led by NASA with partners ESA (European Space Agency) and CSA (Canadian Space Agency). The image shown here is of the never-before-seen galaxy group, ‘Stephen’s Quintet;’ a visual grouping of five galaxies featured in the holiday classic film, ‘It’s a Wonderful Life.’ You can download full-resolution, uncompressed versions and supporting visuals of images from the Space Telescope Science Institute at this website.


These images are surfacing many questions that astronomers have been asking for decades. Yet, these questions sometimes lead to more questions rather than providing answers. Due to the finite speed of light, we are told, the farther away an object is from us, the farther back in time we see it. Space exploration, according to Morgan Stanley, will become a trillion-dollar economic generator within the next twenty years. So many questions will find answers.

Yet, some questions cannot be explored by studying the galaxies in isolation. In 2015, NASA provided a grant to the Center for Theological Inquiry to convene theologians, humanitarians and scientists to think together on God and global concerns. This group is exploring questions related to origins of life on Earth and implications of life on other planets. So many questions.

One influential voice in today’s scientific conversations is the American astrophysicist, author, and communicator of all things scientifically complicated, Neil deGrasse Tyson. He recently observed, “Modern religious people are not anchoring the truth or falsehood of their religion on what a scientist discovers through their telescopes.” In other words, scientists cannot answer every question.


Most likely, this advanced telescope will not send back a picture of The Living God. Yet, one positive aspect of these new ventures in space exploration is how various nations and interest groups, which are divided in several ways, have united in this effort. If humans could ever unite on conquering the inner space of human lives the ways we are uniting to explore outer space, we could create a different planet. What might happen if we could focus on the long-range future as well as the long-range past to discover some answers to heal the world, promote justice for all, build peace, and reconcile fractures in the human family which explode like stars every day?

Beloved, there is no need for me to remind you that your focus, as followers of Jesus, is on more than the external needs of this outer world. As you feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, care for the lonely, lift up the fallen, and welcome refugees and immigrants, you are continuing the work of Jesus because his life is conquering the inner space of your lives. As you bear witness to how Jesus Christ shapes your life with hope, peace, joy, and love, you are not tossing empty efforts into a black hole. You are offering an answer to questions that must be discovered in inner space. Although we will continue to be amazed and astounded by pictures from the expanding universe, we will also continue to study together, pursue spiritual growth together, reflect on our expressions of worship together, mature in the ways we love one another together, and touch the world with God’s redeeming spirit together providing answers our world needs to know.


Will you help us reach our goal?

2022 Global Missions Offering

Our goal for this year's annual Global Missions Offering is $25,000.

As of now, we have received $8,280 towards this goal.

This year, we are supporting the Nyarweng School in South Sudan as well as Project Ruth to support those affected by the war in Ukraine.

$20,000 will go to support Nyarweng School 

$5,000 will go to Project Ruth

You can give towards this goal today by donating online and specifying Global Missions (button below), or by writing "Global Missions" in the memo line on your check.

Give to Global Missions

Jacquelyn McAbee Accepts a New Job

Jacquelyn McAbee, our Church Business Administrator, has accepted a new full-time position in the city. Therefore, she has resigned her employment with us.

For the past seven years, we have benefited from the diligent work ethic of Jacquelyn. She began as Administrative Assistant and transitioned into the new role of Church Business Administrator. She will be leaving us at the end of July to become Office Manager for Kinder-Mourn, a non-profit group providing hopeful support and counseling for bereaved parents, grieving children, and teens.

Jacquelyn will be helping us through the transition by working twenty hours per month during August and September. To guarantee good communication in August and September, please know that Jacquelyn will not have immediate access to phone calls; therefore, she has requested all inquiries or questions be communicated by email at

We appreciate her ministry with us and offer our blessing for her new adventures of service with Kinder-Mourn.

Youth on Mission this Summer!

A Report from Lee Gray

Chicago Mission Trip in June

15 high school youth and 4 adults went to Chicago and were able to participate in multiple work projects and educational experiences. We helped out Another Chance Church with some painting for revitalized facilities and to make lots across the street safer and more usable. We also helped out a couple of community gardens and helped to build a shed at one site. In addition to our work, we learned about the rich history of the Woodlawn neighborhood in south Chicago. Youth also participated in a poverty simulation exercise which helped our youth gain a little deeper understanding of what it means to have finite resources. Our host at Bridge Builders, CW Allen, who has close relatives on the police force, helped us to better understand the relationship of the police to minorities. Youth also learned the difference of being a guest to poverty and living in poverty. Go back and watch the beginning of our worship service on June 26 for a report from 2 of our youth – Katherine Mae Rodden and Wilson Gray – on this trip


Charlotte In Town Mission Trip

We expect that 15-20 youth will participate in our local youth mission trip August 6-9. This will be a great way for our new Minister for Youth and Young Adults, Haley Blackwell, to be introduced to our youth. In Charlotte, we will attend worship and do a work project at Hope Chapel, do a stream clean-up of our part of Little Sugar Creek (near Freedom Park), Deliver meals and work in the warehouse for Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays, work to prepare bundles for newborn children at Baby Bundles, sort clothes at Crisis Assistance, and tie-dye shirts for St. John’s participants to wear to the Charlotte Pride Parade.


Thank you to the congregation of St. John’s for their support of Youth Mission experiences. Our last mission auction was 2019 and helped to support both 2019 mission trips and both 2022 mission trips


Sincerely, Lee Gray

A New Piano in Broach Hall!

A Message from Kevin Gray

It is with great joy that I announce the arrival of a new musical instrument at St. John's! On Monday morning at 10:30, a baby grand piano was delivered to the Broach Hall stage.

This piano was created in 1926, which is the same year our sanctuary was built, and the maker is Denton, Cottier and Daniels of upstate New York. It was purchased with memorial funds given in memory of Dee Turner and Don Swofford.

Just like St. John's, over the decades, our new piano has brought much joy, and we look forward to the many ways it can continue to bring smiles to people's faces in the future as part of the St. John's story. I plan to have a concert featuring this piano sometime in the fall!

Youth Bowling Trip on July 17

After worship on Sunday July 17, the youth will go bowling! We will have a quick lunch & head over to Bowlero in Montford!

Please text Meg Bond if you have any questions and to RSVP to this event. Her number is 980-225-2824.

Come a Little Bit Closer

We know folks LOVE sitting in the pews towards the back of the Sanctuary and in the balcony. BUT, on our livestream, it makes our Sanctuary look empty when it, in fact, full!

We want you to move closer to the pulpit during worship on Sunday morning.

Would you consider moving down a bit and filling the front pews a bit more? 

Welcome returning member, Jack Crymes, to the St. John's community!

Men's Shelter Service

Check your calendars! Just one click will get you on the list for this opportunity on July 15. We have banana puddings but need servers! 

Will you consider signing up for this great cause?

Click on the button below to sign up for service to our neighbors.

Sign Up to Serve!

Ice Cream Social on August 21

"I scream, YOU scream, WE all scream for some ice cream!" St. John's is going to host an ice cream social on August 21st directly after worship. We will have food trucks as well as ice cream with ALL the toppings. If you would like to sign up to make homemade ice cream please reach out to Meg Bond 980-225-2824. We look forward to seeing you as we begin our regathering weeks at the end of summer break.

Prayers, Thanks, and Celebrations

  • Kathleen Bumgardner, Tarsha Williams, Gabriel Farhadian, Jeck Warren, Pauline Funderburk, Linda Finger 
  • We would like to express our sympathy to the friends and family of Sarah Absher, a former long-time member of St. John's, who passed on before us recently.
  • We will celebrate the life and ministry of Gerald Vaughn on August 1. Time TBA.

The family of Dee Turner would like to express our sincere gratitude to the congregation of St. John’s for the condolences, kindness, and expressions of love after her passing in May. Dee's memorial service was a show of love that she would have wanted, and we are particularly grateful to those who contributed their time and talents to the luncheon, service, and reception. We extend a special thanks to the ministerial staff who have been extraordinarily attentive and supportive during this difficult time.


Thank you all with love. 

Ed, Kimberly and Leslie

Thank you, St. John's Family, for your prayers, love, and support during this difficult time. My family and I will be forever grateful.


Selina Swofford 

Financial Ministry Plan Report

  • Week of July 5-11: $22,913
  • Income through July 11: $616,489
  • Annual 2022 Ministry Plan Budget Goal: $1,135,000

Ministers On-Call Schedule

  • July 11-17: Dennis Foust
  • July 18-24: Dennis Foust
  • July 25-31: Kevin Gray
  • August 1-7: Lee Gray
  • August 8-14: Kevin Gray


Staff Contact Information

  • Amanda Morrison, Ministry Coordinator - 704-333-5428, ext. 11
  • Dennis Foust, Senior Minister - 704-359-7234 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 12
  • Lee Gray, Minister for Congregational Care - 704-451-1309 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 15
  • Kevin Gray, Minister for Music and Worship - 803-524-0287 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 14
  • Jacquelyn McAbee, Church Administrator - 704-333-5428, ext. 20
  • Mallory Brown, 704-477-3349 (cell)

Deacon Offering Schedule
Usher & Greeter Schedule
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