Welcome to the April 2022 NEWSLETTER
Recently, I gathered with other clergy to pray for our congregations and to study and pray about the texts for the Easter season. This treasured time together invites us to explore how God’s living Word is informing and shaping our ministries and each person in this season and time.  The image and question that seemed to weave throughout all the readings was – being opened.

Being Opened – is part of the season of Spring. Oh, what a joy it is to see the trees return to a lush green color and the flowers bloom with various vivid colors. The joy of the sounds of the birds singing, the children playing outside, lawn mowers running and the laughter and joy of people connecting outdoors.

Being Opened – is part of the Easter story. Holy Week is a reminder of the messiness and challenges of life in the joy, the grief, the betrayals, the denials, and the fears. Yet this is not the end of the story. On Easter we gather to see once again, that the tomb is empty, that Christ is risen and that we are being opened to the new life, and to the new things that God is doing for and through us personally and as a community of faith.
Being Opened – is our ongoing story and Jesus’ prayer and dream for us (individually and as a congregation). Jesus’ dream for us is that we will be more fully opened to God’s mercy, faithfulness, love, forgiveness, and compassion. Jesus’ dream for us is that we will thrive in ministry and with joy, courage, confidence, and boldness share God’s love in all that we are and all that we do.
This Spring, I look forward to the ways that you and that LCOC are being opened to the renewal of life and ministry that is before us.

Pastor Darcy
They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. (Acts 2:42)

Experiment with various spiritual practices so that we can deepen our relationship with God.

Some ideas include:
·      Storytelling
·      Prayer opportunities
·      Worship
·      Bible Studies
like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:5)

Develop clarity for how LCOC operates as a community of faith so that we can more fully live together in God’s ways.

Some ideas include:
·      Fellowship Opportunities
·      Incorporation of LCOC
·      Update Constitution
·      Ministry Team Development
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

Make new connections so that we can widen God’s kingdom through the ministry of LCOC.

Some ideas include:
·      Outreach opportunities
·      Continued development of technology tools for worship and education 
NOTE: currently all of our events use the same information.

Worship Sundays
10:00 am
in-person and online via Zoom and YouTube Live

We live in a culture bent on definitions of a good life as continuous upward mobility– climbing ladders of prosperity with increasingly fabulous experiences that we can post to evermore-likable social media accounts. We may comb the shelves of the self-help section in search of just the right formula to gain success. Perhaps we even gravitate towards spiritual leaders who promise great rewards if we only do “the right thing.” But life happens, right? Most times we are not moving upward but trying to repair the rung we’ve just slipped from. So what if we stopped climbing and started fertilizing, watering, and blooming right where we find ourselves? Welcome to a Lent of affirming a faith in which we are blessed, regardless, and where we can lean into embracing our “good enough” lives

"Blessed are you who realize there is simply not enough–time, money, resources. Blessed are you who are tired of pretending that raw effort is the secret to perfection. It’s not. And you know that now. Blessed are you who need a gentle reminder that even now, even today, God is here, and somehow, that is good enough.”

- from Good Enough: 40’ish Devotionals for a Life of Imperfection by Kate Bowler and Jessica Richie.

Looking for a devotional for Lent? Do you want to dive deeper into the Lenten Theme - Good Enough?

Lent 1 – March 6
Ordinary lives can be holy
Lent 2 – March 13
So much is out of our control
Lent 3 – March 20
Lots of things can be medicine
Lent 4 – March 27
We often believe we are the problem
Lent 5 – April 3
We are Fragile
Wednesdays in Lent
About the Theme:
"Lent is a season of repentance, turning to God and asking for God’s goodness to wipe away our sins and show us how to live anew. Lent also turns us toward Easter and the abundant life God will offer through the Three Days. This Lenten midweek service turns us toward God’s abundance by focusing on five divine attributes drawn from the gospel texts for Lent (year C): faithfulness, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, and love. Each service is designed for sustained reflection on the gospel in the context of contemplative prayer, readings, silence, and song."
Midweek fellowship, storytelling,
and worship
Compassion, Mercy, forgiveness, faithfulness, and love
It has been a joy this Lent to meet at 6 pm for fellowship and storytelling and then to worship at 7 pm. We have been blessed by the leadership of the LCOC cantors - Brian Richard, Tom Pennington, Fay Yentsch, and Denise Wilder; the storytelling facilitators - Harriet Richard, Sheila Kober, Mike Riley and Fay Yentsch. The preaching of Pastors Elijah Mwitanti, Dan Roschke, Mark Edwards, and Kirsten Laderach; and our broadcast team - Brian Richard, Dave Wilder, Daniel Owusu, and Mike Adams.

Mark your calendars:

April 5 - storytelling and fellowship - 6 pm; worship - 7 pm

You are invited to be a part of the last 2022 Midweek Lent service where were will focus on the theme of LOVE.
Part of the conversation will introduce the 5 Languages of Love which are helpful in relationships, in workplaces, raising children, in congregations and more. What is your love language? Please take the quiz below and email your love language so we can celebrate you and your love language.
Prayer Cards for Lent
One of our Spiritual practices during this Lenten Season is to intentionally pray for each person of this congregation. Each week, please take a few cards from the basket in the Entrance Hallway. Pray for the person. Write a short note or simply sign the card and mail. it. There will be additional cards available for you to send to others for whom you would like to pray for this season. 
Palm Sunday
April 10, 2022 @10:00am

In-person, via zoom or YouTube Live!

"Mask use is encouraged, but not required"
Maundy Thursday
April 14, 2022 @7:00pm

In-person, via zoom or YouTube Live!

"Mask use is encouraged, but not required"
Good Friday
April 15, 2022 @7:00pm

In-person, via zoom or YouTube Live!

"Mask use is encouraged, but not required"
Easter Sunday
April 17, 2022 @10:00am

In-person, via zoom or YouTube Live!

"Mask use is encouraged, but not required"
What is ‘Tre Ore’?
Italian for “three hours,” “tre ore” refers to the time that Christ was on the cross — from 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. While no definite ritual is prescribed, this service centers on a series of homilies on the seven last words of Christ, along with appropriate hymns, periods for silent meditation, and the stations of the cross.

Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Fairfax is hosting this special service and Pastor Darcy will be one of the seven preachers. You are welcome to be a part of this service in person or it will be on Bethlehem's Facebook page.

Click here for the Tre ore flyer.
Congratulations Rafael Yentsch for your Holy Baptism and welcome to the LCOC family!
The Worship Committee is looking forward to the Easter Sunday service on April 17, 2022. We invite you to join us in creating a Spring Garden effect in the sanctuary with various colors of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and, of course, lilies. There is a sign-up below, if you would like to donate. Please deliver your flowers on Thursday and/or Friday (April 14-15) between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and put them in the Conference Room. Thank you!  

This Easter we are looking forward to getting together for our Easter Brunch that we’ve all sorely missed for the past two years. Fellowship and food together will be so much more fun if we can make it special for our extended church family and the surrounding neighborhood children. We’re looking for ideas on one or more activities that would take place Saturday, April 16th, the day before Easter. An Easter Egg Hunt would be fun, plus a couple of other activities. If you have relatively simple ideas and are willing to help set up and coordinate a fun day, please contact a member of the Church Council as soon as possible.
Altar Flowers for 2022 
If you would like to donate flowers in memory of loved ones or in honor of someone’s birthday or anniversary, etc.
please contact Noris in the office (telephone 703-670-4242)
Thank you! 
The next Worship Committee meeting will be on Thursday, April 7 at 9:00 am.
via Zoom
2 Corinthians
You are invited to explore the book of
2 Corinthians.
All are welcome.
No prior Biblical knowledge required.
NOTE: we will not meet on April 12

The Out to Lunch with Books (OTLWB) club will meet on April 4th at 12:00 noon. We will be discussing The Things We Cannot Say by Kelly Rimmer. Looking ahead, the OTLWB club will meet on May 9th to discuss The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. All are welcome to attend. If you would like more information, please contact Sandy Strychowski or Diane DeGroodt.  

April 9 at 9:00 am
Lower Fellowship Hall
Experience the joy of being God's hands in ministry
and serving with others!
If you can play music on your computer OR use PowerPoint, OR have been the family videographer, OR you willing to learn, then you, too, can be a part of the Broadcast team!
Some ways to serve in worship include:
  • Assisting Minister
  • Reader
  • Usher
  • acolyte
Do you like to have fun or do you like to plan gatherings?
Would you be willing to plan ONE event this year and/or work with several people to plan an event(s)?
Our hearts are overwhelmed with your generosity. Because of your rapid response, the match has been met. Time is of the essence and your love is reaching neighbors immediately. Thank you so much.
Yet the needs of our neighbors in Ukraine and the number of refugees are growing every hour. Your continued love will get cash directly into the hands of refugees and support the incredible partners, including other Lutheran congregations near Ukraine, that are welcoming neighbors in with loving arms.
Our teams are on the ground meeting immediate needs and planning a longer-term response as families rebuild their lives after destruction. But we can’t do it without you.
Please continue to give – and to inspire your congregation – to give generously.
Until your love reaches every neighbor.
We’re jazzed to announce that we’re heading to New Orleans for the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering, ELCA MYLE and the tAble! The Big Easy is filled with rich history, friendly locals, amazing food and great music, and we just can’t wait to go back. Mark your calendars for July 16-20, 2024, to join us for this transformational faith formation event. MYLE and the tAble will take place immediately before on July 13-16. See you then!
Dear LCOC Members and Friends,

Our Afghan Family Update

LCOC has been working in conjunction with St. Matthews Lutheran Church to help a special family settle into their new life in Woodbridge for just about a month now. When we met them at their apartment on February 1st, we were warmly welcomed by a husband, wife, and two young boys, aged 3 and 5. Since the apartment was unfurnished their needs were extensive. In the course of the month, we’ve been able to help supply them with furniture for their living room, dining room, and both bedrooms, plus a television and vacuum cleaner.

Lutheran Social Services (LSS) continues to support the family in their orientation to our culture. When we last spoke with Mr. A. he was preparing for his driver’s license test. Thankfully, their apartment is located in an area where grocery stores are within walking distance, but travel to a job would likely necessitate driving. Mrs. A. was planning on registering for online ESL classes, but thus far they have no internet. Their apartment building has no antenna signal for television that would aid in the kids’ exposure to English. Obviously, challenges keep presenting themselves.

As you can see, many types of volunteers are still needed.  Identifying their evolving needs requires patience and flexibility. Transporting the family to appointments is a probable need. Practicing English with them would be helpful. Providing guidance and resources to support the family’s economic self-sufficiency would be tremendously helpful.

Please prayerfully consider stepping up to help in this rewarding and personal way. We all know that “many hands make light work”, so the more volunteers we get, the better. Volunteers will need to have background checks and, if you are volunteering to drive people, driving record checks, which will be arranged through LSS.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration. Please contact me as soon as possible at: thewilders54@gmail or 540-841-4079.

Denise Wilder
Council President
Dear Pastor Darcy,

For almost four years, we called LCOC home. Many of our refugees did too. During that time, over 1,000 refugees was resettled through the Dale City office. We also grew from a tiny program and a staff of three, to now over 15; we also tripled our programs. Your welcome and your generosity made that possible. I visited our office few months ago and I saw firsthand LCOC volunteers help with the Afghan response, collecting, sorting, and storing items for the newly resettled. At some point, almost every inch of LCOC served as a storage place for our donations. You opened your congregation and your hearts to LSSNCA and its clients. I want to thank you and LCOC members for your welcome. We may have moved to a new location, but our joint mission doesn't end there. There are so many ways we will continue to partner and to welcome the stranger at the gate. We look forward to pursuing each one of those ways with you and LCOC. 

Thank you!
The volunteers for Project-Mend-a-House continue to care for the Prince William Community. Talk to Ralph Morse for more details in how you can participate in this outreach.
Here are some pictures of a recent project:

Rise Against Hunger. APRIL 30, 2022!

To sign up to volunteer or to
make a donation, click here
Dear LCOC Family ~

Thanks again for the outpouring of love through donations of money and food for ACTS. We delivered 143 pounds to the Food Pantry on Friday and we'll be shopping and delivering more in the near future. The staff are grateful and always say "You all are wonderful at LCOC". Thanks again and again!! We'll spend the rest of the donated money and get some more supplies and food items to people in need here in Eastern PWC.


Jo Ann
Thanks to all who have donated food and/or money for the ACTS Urgent Need. Diane DeGroodt and I delivered 477 pounds of food this afternoon. The staff at ACTS were thrilled. We will continue to deliver as the food and/or money comes in - thanks again for living so generously!!!


Jo Ann
To equip LCOC to:
grow in faith
share the love of God and LCOC with others
connect people in mission and outreach.

Because of your generosity, LCOC has been able to:
·      Make in-person and online worship connections with a new audio and projection system, camera, and other cables for the sanctuary
·      Provide a safe sanctuary for children and youth as provide background checks for the adult leaders.
·      Brighten the entrance hallway with new LED lights
·      Reach out to support God’s work in the Synod to develop church leadership, grow existing congregations, plant new churches, and support growth across the country.

With your generosity, in 2022 LCOC will be able to:
  • Make People Connections and create New Ministries
  • Redesign our website and refresh our communication tools
  • Grow and expand our online options with a broadcast booth, and additional technology needs for the sanctuary/UFH/rooms on upper level
  • Create a welcoming space with a new HVAC system and heating and a/c for hallways
Join the Network
Ways to give:
       15008 Cloverdale Road
      Dale City, VA 22193

LCOC is a beacon of light in this community.
Your financial support will equip LCOC to BE the church so that we can offer care, hope, and peace in these uncertain times - Thank you!
Spring at LCOC. Lenten Rose's blooming right on time! by Jo Ann Rudy
Please email Noris, with any additional birthdays, baptismal birthdays, or wedding anniversaries. We want to celebrate YOU!
3 Brynn L
11 Wes C
20 Denise W
23 Rachel R
23 Alexa W

1 Jim and Kathy O
5 Wes and Sherry C
6 Mark and Heather G
18 Coy and Gudrun A
26 Jared and Stacey R
28 Matt and Amanda B
3 David W
18 Darcy T
15 Hunter W
25 Ethan D

Tyler R.
Tom M.
Ryan L.
Samuel B.
Xavier D.
Kevin B.