May 26, 2022

"It has been an awesome experience working [at Drexel] and... the library always held a special place in my heart... Little did I know then what a great foundation it would provide me during my 36-year career here.”

— Viki L. McKee, Director, Legal Administration
Drexel University

“Library as place” continues to be core to the classic professional definition of a library. In the April/May issue of In Circulation, Dean Nitecki talks about the Drexel Libraries’ built spaces and how they support intentional informal learning, offering environments where learners take ownership of what and how they learn.

Dean Nitecki talks with students in the ThinkHub learning environment during a 2019 ScholarSnack event.
On April 27, 2022, the Drexel University Libraries and the Office of the Provost hosted its annual Celebrating Drexel Authors event live and in person for the first time since 2019. This year also marks the 10th anniversary of this important event.

Photo courtesy Jaci Downs Photography
As the Libraries' first research co-op, pre-Junior Angela Graff supported the Dean of Libraries with a long-term research project focusing on how to identify and disseminate research results on the relationship of built, informal learning environments and learning.

A screenshot of Angela Graff's Zoom session for Drexel Libraries staff
Read about one of the University Archives’ newest acquisitions: an event poster for the “Pollution Trail” bus tour. The tour was organized by Drexel University and University of Pennsylvania students, among others, as part of the first Earth Day in 1970.

A photograph of the Earth Day Event Poster

In Other News
Featured Resources
In recognition of Memorial Day and the service of countless young American people, the Drexel Libraries features this list of print and electronic resources for (and about) military members, veterans, and their families. The Libraries collaborated with Drexel's Veterans Task Force to develop this list.

Upcoming Events

This exhibit features handmade cardboard books created by students in winter term 2022 as part of the course Performing Spanish: Language Proficiency through the Arts (Spanish 410).

For Drexel alums interested in reconnecting with old memories, the University Archives has a lot to offer. This webinar will give you an overview of the options available and tips on how to get the most out of the University Archives.

Dr. Jabbari, Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, will lead a discussion on his research on the ethical aspects of algorithmic decision-making and AI-driven technology.

Join Drexel Professor Flanagan, Director of Drexel's Privacy, Cybersecurity and Compliance Program, for a discussion on his current work and research in privacy and cybersecurity. This event will be held in person at The Study Hotel!