Grace Notes Weekly is a newsletter of Grace Episcopal Church in Chattanooga, TN,
and is used to communicate the upcoming activities of this community.
The Season of Lent
APRIL 1, 2022
Gardens & Grounds Work Day!
General Grounds Workday at GreenGrace Arboretum & Grounds. Saturday, April 2, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, lunch provided,  Y'all know what to do! Bring hand tools, water, hats. 

We will begin regular maintenance of the Grounds in April.

Grounds Work Day Tomorrow!
Directory Photos on Sunday
Help Needed for Egg-Stuffing Bee
Easter Flowers
Holy Week Schedule
Children's Activities during Holy Week
Adult Formation in Lent
Inquirers' Class/Episcopal 101
Worship on Sunday
Food Pantry
Environmental Action Team Update
Daily Worship
Music Opportunity -- Tenebrae (4-7-22)
Keep in Mind Craig Scholarship,
Here I Am Day, Family Promise)
Useful Information
Parish Prayer List
Serving on Sunday
Gardens and Grounds (continued)
Sunday, April 3, 12:15- 1:30 pm, Pollinator Prayers & LOVE BOMBS: Make plants, not war! Pavilion behind church. After a brief service for pollinators, we'll be rolling native plant seeds into planting media and compost to make 'seed bombs.' They're for your use to toss into any full-sun, abandoned lots and grounds. This is a raucous and dirty activity, great fun for kids of any age. Leftover bombs will go the local watershed protection non-profit, Waterways, and Chattanooga's Stormwater Team. Master Gardeners can acquire community hours by helping us put on this event. 
Directory Photos on Sunday
If, in spite of vaccines for COVID and flu, you are still up for another shot, consider having your picture taken or updated for the church's online directory. You may be new to Grace, or you may be so seasoned a veteran that your current photo no longer conveys the wondrous reality that you have lived into -- whatever your status, search out Jim Milburn after whichever service you attend, and he will get you taken care of (photographically, at least).
Help Needed for Egg-Stuffing Bee!
Is spring fever taking you over? Do you long to spend some time outdoors supporting your Grace family? Well, have we got a job for you! There are two opportunities to fill eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt: following the Palm Sunday service on 4/10 (please bring your lunch and we will break bread together before we stuff) and before the Maundy Thursday service on 4/14. Exact time of Thursday TBD.

We will meet in the pavilion, weather permitting. 

Betsy Hawthorne Bedwell (Her Egg-cellency!)
Easter Flowers
Do you need some new bloomers? If so, now's the time to think about Easter flowers, which this year will consist of 20 hydrangeas and 10 Easter lilies. You are invited to donate one or more of these plants and dedicate it in memory, honor or thanksgiving for a loved one, or in acknowledgment of life events such as birthdays, anniversaries, or epic accomplishments. All plants will cost $20; colors of the hydrangeas will vary, and if you purchase one, you can select from the available plants at the conclusion of the Easter services.

Since there are fewer plants in play this year, please call or e-mail the church office (243-3257; to make sure the kind you want is available. If you do not want a plant but would like either to submit a dedication or just help defray the church’s cost, you are welcome to make a contribution in whatever amount is comfortable for you. The deadline for inclusion in the Easter bulletins is noon on Thursday, April 14.     
Holy Week Schedule
Holy Week, our annual sojourn to Jerusalem and Golgotha and beyond, is approaching rapidly, beginning on Sunday, April 10 with a triumphal entry into Jerusalem and through the week-long story that leads us from exaltation to despair and beyond. See below for the whole week’s services and events:
Palm Sunday – 8:00 & 10:45 a.m., April 10
Maundy Thursday – 7:00 p.m., Thursday, April 14
Stations of the Cross – 11:15 a.m., Friday, April 15
Good Friday Liturgy – 12:00 p.m., Friday, April 15
Easter Vigil  – 8:00 p.m., Saturday, April 16 (followed by champagne reception in the Undercroft)*
Easter Day Services – 8:00 & 10:45 a.m., Sunday, April 17
Flowering of the Cross – Easter morning (April 21), 10:00 a.m. in the courtyard (all children are invited to help adorn the lattice-work cross that will be taken to the Nave for the 10:45 a.m. Easter morning service).
* The reception after the Easter Vigil is a pot-luck celebration, with parishioners bringing their favorite sweet or savory goodie to share. Champagne will be provided.
Children's Activities during Holy Week
We have some great things planned for Holy Week for the children of Grace! It is our hope to offer you a rich and fruitful week as we walk together through the highest, holiest days of our family of God.

Palm Sunday 4/10
Sunday School 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Join procession, process to pavilion 10:30 a.m.
Children’s Chapel 10:30 a.m. - end of service

Maundy Thursday 6:45 p.m. - end of service 
Children’s Agape meal and story in the Undercroft
If you would like for your children to go to the sanctuary for the foot washing, they will be brought to you. 

Good Friday 
Children’s Service approximately 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. , exact time TBD soon
Hot cross buns to follow 

Holy Saturday
12:00 p.m. Picnic
1:00 p.m. Easter Egg Hunt 
Picnic on the grounds before the hunt
Please bring a picnic lunch and a blanket for your family and/or your guests

Easter Sunday 
Sunday School 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Flowering of the Cross 10:30 a.m. in the courtyard 
Children’s Chapel following the flowering of the Cross - end of service 
Adult Formation in Lent
During Lent the Sunday morning adult formation group will be working on Life Transformed: The Way of Love in Lent which is part of the Becoming Beloved Community program of the National Church. The Way of Love has seven themes: Turn, Pray, Learn, Bless, Rest, Worship, and Go. We will be focusing on one of these during each of the seven Sundays of Lent. We hope you will be able to join us in the Barth Room at 9:30 a.m. for all or some of the sessions.

David Stanislawski
Inquirers' Class/ Episcopal 101
Inquirers' Class/Episcopal 101 continues this week at 9:30am (in the Merritt Room) and 6:30pm on Thursday, March 31th  (via Zoom), all who are interested in baptism, confirmation, reception, or reaffirmation are invited to explore church tradition, history and our place in the Episcopal faith through Inquirers’ classes. Led by Lay Catechist Laura Bertrand, Rev. April and our seminarians, this class will be a space for exploring questions about belief and practice within the Episcopal Church, as well as the life of faith in general. 

(While registration is not required, we would love to know you're coming!). Please contact Laura Bertrand for more information ( 
Worship on Sunday
For the safety of the community, we encourage all to take advantage of vaccinations and boosters, and we ask that all who attend either service or any indoor activity wear masks. The 10:45 a.m. service will be streamed online for those who are unable to attend. You can access the service at Grace's Facebook page, and you can find the bulletin for that service HERE.

If you have questions or concerns about worship practices, please feel free to contact April ( or Senior Warden, Andy Belcher (
Food Pantry
A busy week for the pantry! Heroic volunteers Phaen Stone and Richard Hyatt greeted 21 visitors and sent them off with food for70 (38 adults and 32 children); a few late arrivals and at least one visitor on another day brought the total to 24 visitors and 77 mouths fed (43 adults, 34 children). Thanks to donations of goods and money from Grace folks, bins of goods from our Belvoir neighbors, and quick trips to Sam's and Aldi, we were able to handle the traffic without sending the later-hour visitors home with two packets of grits and our best wishes. Everyone got good, full bags!

Of course, providing good, full bags for that many folks left some gaps on the shelves. See below for the goods that will fill said gaps:

* hearty chicken soups
* packets of instant mashed potatoes
* pudding cups
* spaghetti noodles and spaghetti sauce
* canned fruit (15 oz. preferred) and fruit cups
* canned peas
* Chef Boyardee pastas or similar
* canned chili
* Spam or similar
* dog food (small bags)

Thanks to all who have braved pandemic, supply glitches and inflation to keep us supplied and able to be responsive to the need in our community. We are deeply in your debt!
GreenGrace Environmental Action Team Update
The GreenGrace Environmental Action Team met last Sunday, 27 March. MANY THANKS TO TERRY BURNETT for the frankly delicious gluten- free, vegan lasagna—but don’t hold that against it; it was superb!

1. We reviewed our mission and focus areas, and conducted detailed planning for upcoming events, below. We continue to seek practical, stand-alone events for direct, local action addressing biodiversity and climate degradation, as well as environmental justice.

2. Events and interests. We want simple, low overhead events that volunteers can realistically do. An emerging discussion:

-- Light pollution is deadly to night insects such as moths and lightening bugs, and disturbing to birds and other wildlife. What dark sky measures can we take, and advocate, for, while addressing common sense security concerns?
-- Time exterior spotlights to turn off at 10 pm, replacing exterior lights with down directed fixtures and/or motion-detecting lights.

NOTE: Green Neighbors. Consider neighborhood advocacy for more protection for the nearby Clarence T. Jones observatory, two blocks from our church?

-- What do local ordinances say, police recommend, and EPB’s advice?
-- Kristina Shaneyfelt has already written our first dark sky procedures/references fact sheet, to be posted _____.

Green Neighbors School uniform drive, mid summer.

-- Instead of a drive of several weeks, rather have a 1 day Clothing Swap in the Market, say 23 July (?). We would host it during the Market for folks to bring and trade what they have. Eliminates the need for us to heavily manage and wash, store items.
-- Is there interest in classes/seminars on urban wildlife, native plants, local and state environmental ordinances and legislative issues? Update state legislative environmental slate bi- annually? City/county ordinances as relevant?

2. Green Buildings. "Light the Way" campaign for our church, led by Junior Warden Jeff Workman. Raise $8500 to replace/update Nave lighting. Donate as able!

3. Green Neighbors. Still discussing a possible Recycle Drive this summer. Hazardous pesticides/insecticides – impractical for storage and transport.

· Here is the link to the GreenGrace Calendar. If you know of like-minded events that you would like us to add, please let us know! (GreenGrace events are GG Calendar
· Please join and use our FB page to post questions, thoughts, ideas, legislative notices and events from other non-profits and churches! Our FB page is "GreenGrace Chattanooga”,

4. The consensus was to meet more in this phase of our efforts. We will stick with our format, after church (with lunch)! Potential Meeting Schedule:

· June 12th, 2022
· August 28th, 2022
· December 4th, 2022
· January (2023)

5. Just for your calendar's sake here are the upcoming events:

April 2 - Grounds Workday 9 am- 3 pm
April 3 - Lenten Liturgy & Love Bombs - Seed bomb making, kids welcome! 12:30.
April 23 - Plant Swap, Tomato Buckets Portable Gardens Construction, Market Opening Day 8:30 till noonish

Also, recommended event: Creative Discovery Museum Event (?).
May - 1st 3 weeks, Sweet Potato Palooza launch. Disseminate slips. Need church door sitters after service (upper and lower) May (1?), 8, 15, 22 (if leftovers) & market table sitters (by the cash box) May 21, 9:30- noon + take down.
June – Recycle drive with Farmers Market?
October - Pet Food Drive, Sweet Potato Collection (plus pet blessing)
November - 1st 3 weeks, Coat Melissa Driver

Additionally, we did extremely detailed planning for Sunday's Seed Bomb construction (12:30 --1:30, Pavilion), as well as the multiple events we're doing on Earth Day Celebrations at the Market and Pavilion. Come join us; you might die tired, but not bored!

Lisa Lemza
Daily Worship
Grace offers Compline services at 8pm each evening; you can join

& the password is: compline 

Morning Prayer continues every day (except Sundays) via Zoom, beginning at 9:00 a.m.; click the link below or paste the URL into your browser.

For Morning Prayer, click here:

or paste this URL into your browser:

Meeting ID: 746 8859 6599

Passcode: amprayer
Music Opportunity
The office of Tenebrae, presented by Chorus Angelorum Chattanooga with Christ Church Episcopal Chattanooga (663 Douglas Street) will be offered on Monday April 11, at 7:00pm.

Join us on Monday of Holy Week as we observe the Office of Tenebrae. The name Tenebrae (the Latin word for darkness or shadows) has traditionally been given to the ancient monastic night and early morning services (Matins and Lauds) of the last three days of Holy Week, which in medieval times came to be celebrated on the preceding evenings. Apart from the chanting of the Lamentations of Jeremiah, in which each verse is introduced by a letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the most conspicuous feature of the service is the gradual extinguishing of candles and other lights in the church to signify the darkness that overshadowed the earth at Christ’s crucifixion. The loud noise, or strepitus, at the conclusion of the service suggests the earthquake described in the Passion narratives. The single candle left burning is the symbol and promise of Christ’s triumph over death and darkness.

This service will also be available as a livestream on our Facebook and YouTube Channel.

Masks Optional. Donations Welcome. For more information, please visit
Keep in Mind....
Craig Scholarship
The Dr. Robert Craig Scholarship at Grace Episcopal Church, Chattanooga, TN., was established in 1991 through a generous endowment from Dr. Robert Craig. for Grace Episcopal Church children who attend St. Nicholas School. The Craig family, long-standing and faithful members of Grace Church, have always been devoted to education and especially to St. Nicholas School. This scholarship will continue their support and legacy in perpetuity by assisting our own youth in that endeavor.

The application deadline is April 30th, 2022. If you wish to apply, please contact Paula Garner, Parish Administrator (423-243-3250, ext. 2), for an application. 

Here I Am Day
On Saturday, May 21, the Episcopal Church in East Tennessee will host its annual Here I Am Day. This program is intended for anyone who is discerning a call to licensed lay ministry, religious orders, the vocational diaconate, or to the priesthood. It will include remarks by the Bishop, panel discussions with lay and ordained ministers, and opportunities for prayer and fellowship.

All individuals who have begun a process of discernment within their parish are expected to attend, along with their sponsoring clergy. Others who are just beginning to explore a call and who would like more information about different ministries and tools for discernment are also encouraged to participate.

Lunch is provided and included in the $20 registration fee. The registration deadline is Friday, April 22, 2022. 

Following is the link to register:

Please feel free to contact Jon Humber, Episcopal Engagement Specialist, with any questions at

Family Promise
Grace's next Family Promise stint will be in June -- dates TBA. If you volunteer for this ministry or are interested in becoming involved, activate your radar as Mothers' Day creeps close and watch for details in Grace Notes and the bulletin.
Useful Information
P.O. Box Use and Address
Please use Grace's P.O. Box for dispatches containing money or other valuables: hard times persist for some of our neighbors, and checks have disappeared from our mailbox more than once. The address is Grace Episcopal Church,
P.O. Box 80954, Chattanooga, TN 37414.

Accessing the Online Church Directory
The directory can be accessed via the church's webpage ( Find the menu item “BREEZE” at the right end of the menu options that sprawl across the screen near the top, click and log in; user name is ‘saygrace’ and the password is ‘Chattanooga.’
Parish Prayer List
Please remember: Joseph, our President; the Senate, the House of Representatives, and our Courts of Justice; together with all elected officials, and the other leaders of our country and the nations of the world.
We pray for Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury; Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Brian, our Bishop; for April, our priest; for Caroline, our seminarian; for our missionaries, and all other bishops and ministers.
We pray for the unemployed and underemployed, especially those in our congregation and community. We pray for the homeless and the hungry, and for those in special need of prayer, especially
Daniel Stanislawski, Tom Lifsey, Glyn Melnyk, Hannah Brewer, Lee Moore,
Valorie Lephart, David Stanislawski, Rhonda Boocock, Wilma Laney,
Bill Clark, Mary McDonald, Patricia Kelley Williams, Russell, Tony Hill, Scott, Julia, Tony, Mary Cooper, Martha Smith, Sue Sears, William Simpson, Neil Robinson,
Ash Gunlock, Bill Strang, June McEwen, Amy, Deborah, Jim Hinkle, Andrea, 
the Brown family, Reba, Terrie, Alex, Angela,  Dwight McMillan, Doris, 
J.R. Hicks, Libby Workman, Jean Williams, Barbara Reed, Jim May, and Ann Swint; 

We pray for Wil Mabry, Jake Dorris, Kevin Kelley, Tripp Mouron, Mike Mabry, Alexander Ross, Russel Webb, Logan Roberts, Jim Makepeace, Sean Benson, 
Evan Watkins and all of our Armed Forces, here and abroad;
We pray for this community: For our local leaders; for our schools and marketplaces; for our neighborhoods and workplaces, for protesters and for police. Help us to honor your image in one another. Give us courage to strive for justice and peace among all people, beginning here at home. 

We pray for all whose homes are in peril or uprooted because of climate change, for all displaced because of hurricanes, fires or other disasters.

We pray for the people of Ukraine and of Russia who find themselves beset by war.
We pray for those who have died, that they may share with all your saints in the full revelation of your eternal glory.

In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion). The Anglican Communion has adopted a cycle of prayer called "From Aba to Zululand," praying its way alphabetically through its members on a daily basis between January 1, 2021 and September 2023. The newsletter and, in the future, the printed bulletin, will include the prayers for Sunday; if you would like to see the daily prayer requests, you can find them at ACoP.

In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Please pray for St. Luke's, Knoxville.

Those in need of continued prayer: 
Sally Cauthen, Mary Lou Walden, Jeanette Cureton, Wanda Kirkpatrick,
Emma Andrews, Jim Strickland, Michael Conner,  Helen Williams, 
Peggy Fugate, William Simpson, Timothy Penny, Donald Jones, Cooper Jones, Charles Smith, John Woodham, Elaine Harrison, Marcia Magers, 
Major McCollough, John Cox, Gayanne Silver, Heather Nelson, Robert Clark, 
Dexter and Helen Williams, Cheryl McCurry, Ethel Rutledge, Lanie Lundgrin, 
Terri Harvey, Anne Getz, Michael Roberts, Jeannie and Andy Williams, 
Jaime Cooper, Teresa Noel, Tina Knowles, Joyce and Greg Snyder, Martha Killeffer, Robert Durham, Jessica Ricketts
Serving on Sunday
At the 8:00 a.m. service: Lectors, Thomas Evans, Emily Evans; Crucifer, Cindy Davidson; Torchbearers, Thomas and Emily Evans

At the 10:45 a.m. service: Lectors, Jim Harris, Paul Thomas; Intercessor, Jean Whisenant; Lead Usher, Jerry Evans; Crucifer, Jeff Bertrand

Lectionary Readings
Isaiah 43:16-21, Psalm 126, Philippians 3:4b-14, John 12:1-8
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