Press Release
April 13, 2022

Contact: Angie Thomas, J.D.
First of Its Kind Vaccine-Abortion Connection Transparency Act Heads to House Floor
HB 640 to Address Concerns about Vaccines Produced with Abortion-Derived Cells.

BATON ROUGE – The Vaccine-Abortion Connection Transparency Act, House Bill 640 (Rep Wright, R-District 77) passed its first legislative hurtle today in the House Health and Welfare Committee and now heads to the House Floor. The legislation provides information on a vaccine informed consent document and an insert provided to the consumer about vaccines created from abortion-derived cell lines. The bill is the first of its kind in the country to address the concerns pro-life people about the vaccine-abortion connection.

Benjamin Clapper, Executive Director of Louisiana Right to Life, explained the important of HB 640: "Sadly, a number of vaccines, including the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, are produced with abortion-derived cells. HB 640 promotes transparency by informing citizens of these important facts in an accurate and reliable fashion. The majority of Louisiana citizens are pro-life, and they deserve clear information about the connection between abortion and vaccines."

Harvard Medical School trained Doctor, Kathleen M. Schmainda, testified on behalf of the Charlotte Lozier Institute in committee that transparency is sorely lacking in the advertising and labeling of vaccines and impending the conscience rights of consumers who have a right to know for reasons of health or conscience.

Additionally, Dr. Schmainda said using abortion derived cell lines is unnecessary today when viruses can be grown inside cells using cultured animal cell lines such as Vero monkey cells, CHO hamster cells, Sf9 insect cells or bacteria and yeast cells.
