Knightly News

MCS Weekly Announcements
  • Feb. 9: Hot Dog Day
  • Feb. 10&11: Parent/Teacher conferences - NO SCHOOL
  • Feb. 18: Pizza Day
  • Feb. 21: President's Day - NO SCHOOL
  • Feb. 25: Popcorn Day
  • March 2: Donut Day

A special thank you to everyone who helped setup the new playground equipment.
The students absolutely love playing on the new structure!


Parent / Teacher Conferences are Thursday, February 10th and Friday, February 11th. An email with your scheduled conference time has been sent. Please confirm your conference time by replying to the email or request a different time.

Just a reminder that these are 20-minute conferences. Please be sure to arrive on time to make the most of your allotted time. If you find you need more time with the teacher, please request an additional meeting for a future date. Thank you for respecting the 20-minute time slot so teachers can provide the same individual attention to each child’s parents.

*Note - There will be NO SCHOOL on those days.

Monroe Christian School will have several teaching positions open for the 2022-2023 school year. We are adding an additional 2nd grade and 5th grade classroom, and teachers, due to an increased student growth. We also anticipate that two of our beloved educators will be moving out of the area. Due to a recent resignation, we are also in search of a middle school teacher to join Mrs. Waltman and Mrs. Moses.

If you are interested, please complete the attached Application for Employment. Upon completion of the application, please submit the application form along with your resume to

If you have some free time and would like to volunteer, recess duty is great way to help.
  • The purpose of Recess Duty is to keep our children safe while they are enjoying fresh air and getting some exercise.
  • Another benefit is that this allows teachers much-needed time to regroup and prepare for the next classroom session of the day.
  • You will earn DOUBLE volunteer service hours when you help with recess duty!
The following link will allow you to sign up for recess duty on any of the available day(s)/time(s). Please feel free to sign up for any times that you can commit to volunteering.

The Moms in Prayer group provides a good way for moms to connect with other moms, support each other, and most importantly pray together.

Moms in Prayer meet Mondays at 9am across from the school at New Hope Fellowship Church.
Tentative scheduled meetings are every 1st, 3rd and 5th Monday except holidays. See our tentative schedule below.
This is a very open and welcoming group. Feel free to share as much or as little as you would like, ask for prayers, or simply sit with us to enjoy the love and support of other moms in the same stage of life.

We understand schedule constraints so please feel free to come when you are able.
We look forward to meeting you and praying with you!

The Moms in Prayer tentative schedule:
March 7th and 28th (instead of the 21st)
April 4th
May 2nd and 16th
June 6th

  1. Please notify the office if anyone in your family has tested positive. 
  2. We will discretely notify the teacher.
  3. The teacher will email the notice to each of the parents in the classroom.
  4. The office will then give each teacher a hard copy for the students to place in their backpack to take home.
  5. If you have any questions, please contact the office.
  6. Do not assume that if a student is missing from the class that this is the reason, they are absent.
  7. We have had tremendous transparency and support. We want this to continue.

There are many ways you can help the school that are free and easy.

  • Matching Employer Funds - Many larger employers offer matching funds when their employees donate to the school through their portals. Check with your employer to see what they may offer!
  • Fred Meyer Rewards - Link Monroe Christian School to your Fred Meyers Rewards card through the "Community Rewards" setting and a percentage of your eligible purchases will go directly to MCS. If you have already designated MCS as your Community Reward, please take a minute and check if it is still active. (The community reward must be renewed yearly.)
  • AmazonSmile - Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to MCS. Simply go to to get setup.
  • Office Depot - Use our school ID #70106855 when making purchases at Home Depot and we will receive credit towards future purchases.
  • Rite Aid - RXfundraising and Rite Aid are willing to give a portion of every dollar spent on prescriptions and purchases made at Rite Aid to support our school. Register your Rite Aid card with RXfundraising and choose - "support MCS".


Would you like your life as a parent to be complicated? Would you like to live in a constant state of confusion and anxiety? Would you like to feel unsure about how to deal with the problems your children create? Would you like to frequently think to yourself something like, “Oh, no! Now what do I do about this?”

Here is a tried-and-true recipe. Adopt the belief that every child’s misbehavior must have a different and unique consequence. This approach is guaranteed to complicate your life and create a constant state of confusion and anxiety! In our fast-paced world, none of us has the time or energy to use this parenting style. Instead of approaching parenting this way, Love and Logic parents try to keep it simple.

Love and Logic parents find it easy to remember that anything that causes a problem for the parent, drains energy from the parent. That energy needs to be replaced in some way. It can be replaced when the child does some work for the parent, or it can be replaced by relieving the parent of some duty such as taking the child to an activity. When we keep it simple with this approach, we can react calmly and effectively during stressful times.

This is most effective when the child has a choice about how to replace the energy. It might sound like:

“When I see you throwing things when you are mad, I worry about you, and it drains my energy. How would you like to put the energy back? Would you like to do one of my chores? Would you like to excuse me from driving you to your soccer practice so I could have some time to myself? Or would you like to do something really nice for the widow next door? I always feel better when things like that happen.”

This generic consequence works for all situations for kids of all ages. Just adjust for the age of the child. So, when you don’t know what to do, have an energy drain.

Listen to our streaming audio, Love and Logic Magic When Kids Drain Your Energy, and learn how to simplify your life. If you don’t have it, now is the time to get it. Listen often.

Thanks for reading!

If this is a benefit, forward it to a friend. Our goal is to help as many families as possible.

Our scripture theme for this year is based on Galatians 5:22-23, 25
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit