“We inspire families and individuals to overcome the disease of
addiction by creating real, long-term solutions!”
What have we accomplished with your help? To find out,
click below and read our Spring Appeal Letter. Please
consider making a donation to help us bring our
mission and vision even further because
Together WE are Stronger!
Quote of the Month:
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”
Ana Gopoian
Building Momentum
The vision of TriCircle, Inc. has long been in the making. It is amazing to see how much we have evolved over the years and how many amazing people and organizations we have engaged on this journey of co-creation. We have a long way to go, and the momentum continues to build toward full implementation of our dream. There are many notable achievements that have been reached by hard work and dedication and many that have come as the result of a thought or inspiration. Thoughts are very powerful, and, hopefully, they keep us in alignment with our true selves. It is easy to go down the rabbit hole when we feel overwhelmed, frustrated or angry, or when we let old hurts overtake us. I have found that, if we care about how we feel first, we can always reach for a higher feeling thought and raise our vibration to match what we desire; it is key to our joy and success. Dr. Wayne Dyer once said, "Our thoughts control our feelings, and we control our thoughts." So, it stands to reason, if we don't like the way we feel, we can just change our minds!
Scholarship Deadline Extended
Due to demand, TriCircle, Inc. has extended the deadline for scholarship applications to Thursday, July 15. We are seeking to identify people who reside in Connecticut and have demonstrated a commitment to further their collegiate studies. We recognize that the epidemic of substance use disorder exists here in our state and that, tragically, thousands of wonderful people have died due to the disease of addiction. We have come together to continue this scholarship opportunity, originally created in honor of Michael F. Gagnon II. The TriCircle, Inc. 2021 Memorial Scholarship will be awarding two $2,500.00 scholarship awards in 2021. Scholarship applications and information are available on our website www.tricircleinc.com/scholarship, email Christine@tricircleinc.com, or at the front desk where our office is located: Executive Offices, 6 Way Road, Middlefield, CT 06455. With the extension of the deadline, the signed, completed scholarship application, with all supporting documentation, must be received in one packet and postmarked no later than Thursday, July 15, 2021.
So Much is Happening
Save the Dates
Sunday, June 6, 8:30 am - 2:00 pm - Registration deadline is 5:00 pm, June 4th, The Charity Challenge Twisted Trails 5K Color Run, Tamarack Lodge, Voluntown, CT
- Wednesday, July 14, 9 - 10:30 am - Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce presents Learning to Live in Recovery - details coming soon
Thursday, July 15 - NEW deadline for submission of the 2021 TriCircle Memorial Scholarship
Sat., July 24, Noon - 7pm, The 1st Annual Charity Challenge Fellowship Festival hosted by the Masons at Franklin Lodge #20, Westerly, RI. Music, Food, Fun and Fellowship! All proceeds benefit TriCircle.
- Friday, July 30, Virtual Presentation and Narcan Training co-hosted by Amplify, Inc. Additional details coming soon.
- Sat., July 31, 7:00 pm - Together WE are Stronger in Enfield, Live Facebook Raffle
The warm weather is finally here; lockdown is lifting, and it is time to move our bodies a bit more! I know the couch is calling your name, errands have to be done, dinner isn’t ready, but a few minutes of moving your body can make all the difference in your daily life as well as in your overall well being. A few tried and true tips can get you going: (1) schedule time in your day to move (2) choose an activity you like (3) find an accountability buddy (4) mix-it-up (5) try something new! You do not need a trainer, gym membership or expensive gear to walk, hula hoop, jump rope or dance around the living room. If you are ready to try something new, there are loads of free apps to help you get moving: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/none-to-run-start-running/id1491658094 , https://apps.apple.com/us/app/yoga-for-beginners-mind-body/id1382141225 and https://7minuteworkout.jnj.com/ are worth a try! Be sure to use the free membership for four to six weeks. Developing a new movement habit takes time, but your mind, body and spirit will thank you!
by Elizabeth Kirby Fullerton, PhD
Recover Your Family
New website coming soon!
The Story Barn in Somers
Home of Hope & Support and Frieda B.
A Safe Space to Share Hope
The Story Barn is home to TCI's first face to face Hope & Support Group meetings since March, 2020. The meetings start at 5pm on the second and last Sunday of each month, and a Zoom option is available as well.
What is The Story Barn?
It's a cozy, creative, converted horse barn in Somers, CT, set back on seven acres of land. It's a place to encourage, inspire and explore the unique free-to-be story within you and the ones you love, of any and every age.
Founded by the Bowers and LaJoie families of Frieda B., LLC, The Story Barn is home to a number of wonderful things (see pics in the photo gallery):
the national-award-winning Frieda B. book series, authored by Renata Bowers, which we publish and share with the world from right here in Somers, CT;
an open creative space and monthly schedule of events, something for every age, each event designed to encourage the story within;
- seven acres of land to explore: the babbling brook, towering tree canopies, a gazebo and fire pit, an 1800s watering trough turned into a fountain, a pond, a swing, and lots and lots of room to run;
- peace, play, imagination, contemplation, family, community... your story and the stories of those you love.
Who is it for?
Kids & Families. Children, teens, parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles, cousins... our storytimes and hands-on workshops are designed for you to be participating in together, side by side. Learning more about your story and the stories of those you love... it is time incredibly well-spent. Please note: at least one adult needs to accompany children age 12 and under.
Adults. You have a story too, and it's likely you support the stories of others (children, friends, co-workers, parents, neighbors). Our workshops and book clubs help you navigate and cultivate your own story as well as the stories of the people you care for. Come alone, bring a loved one, bring a group! Our goal is to encourage you and all you do.
Educators. We have a big heart for you and what you do. We've created Frieda B. The Whole Child ELA/SEL curriculum, based on the Frieda B. books, to help you nurture autonomy and community within your school and classrooms (or within your home if you homeschool). Come to a scheduled PD, book a private PD for your staff, come to a workshop or book club with your co-workers, or bring students to the barn for a field trip!
Now Accepting Clients
TriCircle, Inc.’s Clinical Services are now open and accepting new clients. Our master’s level clinicians facilitate a range of evidence-based programs, giving clients and their families the opportunity to grow, change and maintain long-term recovery.
TCI’s Clinical Services offer:
Flexible morning, evening or hours
Time for family
Ability to seek and/or maintain employment
Practice of new coping skills
Enjoyment of substance free activities
Benefits for personal health and wellness
Click here to learn more or call (860) 349-7074 to set up an intake.
Engage in Self Care!
Our Hope & Support and Hope After Loss group meetings are made available each month on Zoom, and now the Hope & Support meetings in Somers are face to face at The Story Barn. Beginning in June, both Hope & Support and Hope After Loss in Middlefield, will resume face to face, as well. All TriCircle meetings are co-facilitated by two paid professionals - one licensed and one paraprofessional with lived experience. We provide a safe and confidential space for parents, guardians and others who are concerned about a loved one’s substance use or addiction or who have lost a loved one to an accidental overdose, drug induced suicide or drug related murder. There is no judgment or blame, just support and understanding. Join us as we work together on this journey of healing.
Please click the icon below and add us to your LinkedIn network!
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, too!
It is easy! Do all your everyday shopping online! First, be sure to sign up on Amazon Smile and choose TriCircle, Inc. as your recipient organization. Then, every single time you make a purchase from the Smile.Amazon site, a percentage will be donated to us! It doesn’t cost you a thing!
PayPal Giving is another way to help, click the link to find out how!
Registration Deadline is 5pm on Thursday, June 4th. You Won't Want to Miss This!
Gather Up Your Family and Friends.
You Can Choose to Benefit
TriCircle, Inc. when You Register!
Finally, we can gather together and enjoy each other with some Music, Food, Fellowship & Fun.
Relax to the tunes and bring your family, friends, coworkers,
and lawn chairs or blankets! All proceeds benefit TriCircle, Inc.
Looking to become a TCI Volunteer?
We want you!
We have opportunities on the following
TriCircle, Inc. Advisory Boards:
Communications & Public Relations
Meets on Zoom, Mondays at 11 am.
Positions needed: Vice Chair, Graphic Designer
Commitment - 2-3 hours/week
Fundraising & Events
Next Meeting via Zoom, Tuesday, June 8, at 6:30 pm.
Positions needed: Chair, Vice Chair, Event Sub Committee Volunteers, Graphic Designer
Commitment - 2-3 hours/week, plus our fun and exciting events
Meets on Zoom
Positions needed: Secretary, Document Specialist
Commitment - 2-3 hours/week
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