March 2022
This newsletter contains news and information of interest about
Montana Rural Teacher Project. Thanks for staying informed.
MSU Giving Day Success
Thank you for your help in all capacities that made this year's MSU Giving Day so fruitful.

The Inclusive Community Camp (a big component of MRTP's summer programming) was able to raise nearly $4,000. These funds will be used to create scholarship opportunities for children from the community to attend camp.
Not All Alternatives are Equal
The Master of Arts in Teaching degree, which MRTP participants complete, is an alternative pathway to initial teacher licensure offered by MSU (an institution of higher education). Students who participate in the MAT combine the content knowledge they gained from their undergraduate degree with pedagogical skills of teaching the content, differentiating instruction to meet all learners needs, and fulfilling our state’s constitutional requirement to teach Indian Education for All. They also complete a full year of field experience with a cooperating teacher guiding their practicum in the fall and student teaching in the spring.
The MSU MAT degree is a fully accredited alternative pathway, and this means it is far more rigorous than alternative pathways that are simply approved by other states across the country. For example, in 14 states, teacher candidates taking part in the ABCTE program provide official transcripts from their bachelor’s degree, complete a background check, pay the program fee, and pass two multiple choice exams (one in content; the other in pedagogy) in order to be fully licensed teachers. These licensed teachers are placed in classrooms without a single day of field experience and minimal program-provided induction support.
As you may be aware, significant changes to teacher licensure have been proposed by State Superintendent of Public Education, Elsie Arntzen. Specifically, the proposed changes, if adopted, will permit the Office of Public Instruction to license any teacher who has completed an ‘approved’ educator preparation program in a state outside of Montana, with no regard for the program’s quality or accreditation. Please see page 105 #6 within this document to learn more about the proposed changes. See also #16 on p. 106 and the reason following for more on this topic. 

Dr. Tricia Seifert, representing the Montana Council of Deans of Education, provided the Council’s response and concerns regarding the proposed changes as part of a public hearing last week in Helena. This article in the Daily Montanan covered the points discussed in the meeting and published Dr. Seifert’s prepared remarks in their entirety. 
Should you wish to make public comment on this or any of the other proposed changes to Ch. 57, the public is invited to comment through April 8, 2022. You may send your written comments to the Board of Public Education Executive Director at
Where are the MRTP Graduates and Teacher Residents?
The dark blue stars represent our Cohort 1 MRTP graduates who are teaching full time in the classroom. These teachers graduated in May 2021 and will soon complete their first year of teaching.

The gold stars represent the classroom placements of our Cohort 2 MRTP Teacher Residents who are completing their final semester of coursework while student teaching. Cohort 2 is set to graduate in May 2022 and will begin their teaching careers in the Fall.

Hire an MRTP Graduate
Cohort 2 MRTP participants are beginning to apply for and accept teaching positions in Montana. Our MRTP graduates stand out because of the depth and breadth of learning and teaching opportunities they have engaged in while completing the Master of Arts in Teaching educator preparation program.

After graduation, the MRTP will continue to support graduates of the program. Newly hired teachers are provided with mentorship and induction support in the first two years of their career as well as continued opportunity for professional development through our partners.

Does your school or district have an opening for a well-qualified and motivated teacher? Check the bottom of this page to see if your school is on the list of eligible schools to hire MRTP graduates.