Dear Friends of The Mingle and our Nationwide Training Giveaway,

We have some good news and some bad news. Well, not bad, just sad.

First the good! The Mingle21 is strong, we are almost sold out and we can't wait to see everyone! Our sponsors are incredibly generous and we are going to have a fantastic weekend of learning, networking and laughing!

The bad/sad news. We are NOT doing our Nationwide Training Giveaway this year. BOOOOO! It just does not make sense with the lack of ammo, and limited traveling, to have that particular fundraiser in 2021. So sorry! This impacts not only The Mingle 2022 it also impacts Racheal's Rest. As you know, they are our featured charity and half of the proceeds from our 3 fundraisers go to scholarships to attend their 5 day restorative retreat programs. Please consider donating to them direct!

Now lets get back to more good news. I wanted you to know that even with the ammo shortage 99% of all the trainers that were involved with The Mingle's Nationwide Training Giveaway were IN again this year. They are amazing folks and just keep giving! I have NO DOUBT that our NTG will be even stronger in 2022!

We are still hopeful that GLOCK will donate a Pistol Donation Letter to The Mingle for the 5th year in a row and I MAY open up the Concealed Carry Raffle to everyone and not just The Mingle folks. Still thinking.....

Thanks for understanding and let's hope we can still raise a considerable amount for these two causes that are near and dear to many people's hearts.

Shelley Hill
The Complete Combatant