Kent League Fair Maps Warriors
get loud in Columbus!
Kent League and Northern Portage League members on their way to a legislative meeting with State Sen. Jerry Cirino, who represents Portage County in the Ohio Senate, during the Fair Maps Day rally on Sept. 21 in Columbus. Eleven Kent members attended the event.
Taking on the narrative: Fair Maps Day 2021 in photos and personal reflections
The rain was pounding the pavement most of way south on I-71 to Columbus on Sept. 21. Three cars with members of the League of Women Voters of Kent were headed to the state capitol to rally with other Leaguers from across Ohio and partners in the fight for fair districts, including Common Cause Ohio, The A. Randolph Institute, the ACLU of Ohio, the AFL-CIO, the Ohio Council of Churches and others. On board were: LWV Kent President Debbie Barber, Barb Hanniford, Jackie Peck, Linda Iodone, Renee Ruchotzke, Gail Pytel, Melanie Neff, Stacy Yaniglos and Amie Cajka. They met up with fellow members Iris Meltzer, who is also president of the League of Women Voters of Ohio, and Sherry Rose, director of development for LWVO.
More than 300 activists from the various organizations packed the Trinity Episcopal Church on Capitol Square. The weather was too iffy for a grand march around the Ohio Statehouse but the crowd still flowed in large groups with signs waving on their way to legislative visits. The message to legislators was, "DO BETTER," on the congressional maps. This event was followed up by another salvo over the bow: LWVO and partners filed the first of three lawsuits contesting the state redistricting. It looks like the Ohio Supreme Court which has sole jurisdiction in the cases as required by the Ohio Constitution, will start hearing the cases on Dec. 8.
Photos by Melanie Neff, Paul Becker, Debbie Barber and Amie Cajka
Map Day event at the Trinity Episcopal Church on Capitol Square
Just a few of the signs to get the message across! Left to right: Pam from Northern Portage LWV and Kent LWV members, Renee Ruchotzke, Iris Meltzer (also there as president of the League of Women Voters of Ohio), Amie Cajka and Stacy Yaniglos.
LWV Kent President Debbie Barber shares her view from the balcony...
Although our group of four arrived in Columbus on time, the church where we all gathered for the Fair Districts rally was already packed on the main floor and we were ushered to the balcony, which was also nearly full. Looking around, there were people of all races, religions, genders and political persuasions. But, everyone was friendly, everyone wore a mask (without incident) and we were all there to let our lawmakers know that we weren’t happy about the new districts map that the commissioners had approved. It was anything but fair. The day was one of solidarity, unity and purpose. It felt good to participate.
New LWV Kent member Barb Hanniford has this to day about the day...
I’m a relatively new member of the League, and this was the first time that I have joined a group to lobby in Columbus. I’m so glad that I did! There’s power in numbers, and we had a strong turnout from the Kent League. I found it inspirational and informational to hear from various speakers in the opening program and to have the opportunity for a Q&A after lunch. Although we were disappointed not to march around the statehouse as a group due to the weather, we still made a statement when many of those gathered walked to the statehouse for meetings with our legislators. We also made a statement when our Kent League members and others in Senate District 18 filled Sen. Jerry Cirino’s office, and when we filled the conference room table meeting with State Representative Gail Pavliga. Although we may not have changed any minds, there’s no doubt that they knew why we were there. I was so impressed with the comments and questions of our League members. I did leave with one note to myself: remember to bring my driver's license the next time! I was lucky to get into the Riffe Office Building without it!
The Gerrymander plays to the traffic on Capitol Square in Columbus during Fair Maps Day 2021!
Getting ready to walk to the Statehouse--minus the snake--left to right: LWV Kent members Stacy Yaniglos, Linda Iodone, Melanie Neff, President Debbie Barber and Amie Cajka.
Gotta have great signs! And tee shirts! Left to right: Barb Hanniford, Linda Iondone and Jackie Peck, all LWV Kent members.
Standing in a place where democracy happens but often not without struggle. Left to right: LWV Kent members Stacy Yaniglos, Amie Cajka, Iris Meltzer and Renee Ruchotzke.
New LWV Kent member Melanie Neff shares the challenges that still remain...
As a new member of LWV Kent, the Fair Maps Day in Columbus provided a great opportunity to experience the organization’s influence in action. The great turnout and well-run programming held throughout the day was impressive, especially as the location and logistics had to change last-minute due to inclement weather. I was disappointed but not surprised by the reception of our group by our state representative and senator, both of whom impressed me personally with the sense that regardless of our mission, to call on them to follow the mandate of Ohio voters for fair districting, the redistricting was a done-deal and even (in the opinion of Senator Cirino), had in fact followed the mandate! That aspect was disappointing in that these attitudes serve to validate the belief that the will of Ohioans don’t matter to government. Overall however, I felt we accomplished our mission, which was to show our elected officials that as our local representatives, we hold them accountable on this non-partisan issue.
Strategizing before the first legislative meeting.
Speaking with the aides in Sen. Jerry Cirino's office.
Making a point with Sen. Jerry Cirino. Left to right: Kent LWV members, Barb Hanniford, President Debbie Barber, Pam and Renee Ruchotzke.
LWV Kent member Jackie Peck writes about the meeting with State Sen. Jerry Cirino who represents Portage County...
When Senator Cirino entered his office to pick up his umbrella, he was surprised by the crowd —10+— LWVO members standing there talking with his aides. Sen. Cirino said the map approved by the commission followed the Ohio Constitution. When challenged by League members, he said the constitution was followed in how the commission was formed. Then he referred to the many “opinions” about the maps. I beg to differ, Senator Cirino; the Ohio Constitution is clear about what is required and the map put forward by the commission fails dramatically.
Meeting with State Rep. Gail Pavliga. Left to right: Kent LWV members, Linda Iodone, Jackie Peck, Stacy Yaniglos, President Debbie Barber, Barb Hanniford, Rep. Pavliga and Renee Ruchotzke.
We have the duck, the snake and various other odd shapes that represent current gerrymandered Ohio Congressional districts as worn by Matina Bliss from Kids Voting Ohio, Iris Meltzer (president of LWVO board and a member of the Kent League) and Jen Miller, LWVO executive director, and Matt Smith from the AFL-CIO in the back.
Fair Maps Day Rally video at Trinity Episcopal Church
52 minutes
Fair Maps Day Press Conference video at Trinity Episcopal Church
9 minutes
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