Volunteers! We Need Your Help this November!
We received a tractor trailer of donated food at the Seton Center in Princess Anne, MD for our distribution program. We need your help to move this food to our other Catholic Charities locations. Our greatest need is manual labor!
Volunteer Options:
Friday, Nov 13 - 9 am
• Seton Center, Princess Anne, MD - we need up to 6 people who can lift 15-30 lb. boxes from storage to our truck. We will start at 9 am.
Estimated time: 3 hours
Friday, Nov 13 - 2 pm
• Casa San Francisco in Milton, DE - we need 4-6 volunteers to assist with moving those same 15-30 lb. boxes from a truck to handcarts and move them to our storage area. We will start at 2 pm.
Estimated time: 2 hours
Friday, Nov 13
We need a 14'-18' box truck - to move the donated food from Princess Anne, MD to Milton, DE. For questions specific to the box truck, please call Fritz Jones at 302.655.9624, ext. 1131.
Monday, Nov 16 - 9 am
• Thrift Center in Wilmington, DE - we need 4-6 volunteers who can lift 15-30 lb. boxes. We will unload the truck and put boxes in the storage area. We will start at 9 am.
Estimated time: 3 hours
To volunteer, contact Fritz Jones at 302.655.9624, ext. 1131 or email fjones@ccwilm.org.
Thank you to all volunteers who are able to help us in this endeavor!