January 25, 2022 - 23 Shevat, 5782
Rabbi: Michael Matuson, D.H.L., D.D.
Cantorial Soloist: Laurie Simmons
2021-2022 Executive Board Member
Co-Presidents: Karen Freedman & Tammy Shumer
Past President: Charlie Frohman
Vice President: Rachel Marcus-Hendry Mitchell
Treasurer: Rob Udell
Secretary: Joy Shultz
2021-2022 Committee Chairs
Adult Education: Stacey Jewesak & Hanna Moore
Archives: Chip Morris
Education Director: Vickie Kennedy
Education: Ilyse Greene
Facilities: Ron Van & Buzzy Klausner
Library: Bobby Adler
Membership: Grace Belkin & Holly Udell
Ritual/Worship: Brad Leiser
Ways & Means: Lori Shapiro
Save the dates: upcoming events at Beth El:

March 20th 4 PM Not your Ordinary Passover (Yes, it’s a Food Event) 
April 23rd 7 PM Drive-in Movie-night at Beth El!

More information to follow as dates get closer.

Thank you to our sponsors!

Tikkun Olam
David and Charlene Cohen
David and Julie Marco

Shalom Rav
Ira and Laurie Berger
MG and Donna Orender
Crucial Care/Mike and Tammy Shumer

Bob and Jane Hersh
Michael and Karen Freedman
John Mitchell and Rachel Marcus-Mitchell
I forgot…

how cold it gets when you go north of the Florida/Georgia line. But, when you go as far north as Tennessee, it gets COLD (Brrrr!). I knew it was going to snow before I even left home and tried to shop here for a winter coat. What I saw were bubble jackets (you know the ones that make me look like a bowling ball with legs). I knew I couldn’t wear the relics in the closet and had to wait to shop in Memphis for a more fashionable winter coat than the New Jersey ones. 24 hours before the snow fell I hit pay dirt. One of my sisters tried to get me to wear a hat. Not gonna’ happen! Oh my goodness. It’s as cold or even colder here in Atlanta! In my last article, I mentioned only two things I detest: napping and sewing. Hmmm. Have to add coats, gloves, scarves, and hats. So when you see me at Beth El wearing my new “frock” (can a coat be considered a “frock”?), please know I’m wearing it under protest! See ya’ there!

Grace Belkin
Membership Chair

Together Educating And Motivating (TEAM)
Contact MISS VICKIE for more information at vickie@bethelbeaches.org
Beth El, The Beaches Synagogue Religious School seeks educator with warmth, vision, and collaborative spirit, to create a meaningful educational experience for our students in Grades K-7. Our Synagogue is a diverse, inclusive, and active Reform congregation located in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.
·       Requirements:
-Love of children
-Love of Judaism

         Job Type: Part-time. August- May Sundays 9:00-12:00
Contact: Vickie Kennedy vickie@bethelbeaches.org 904-273-9100

Sisters (and friends) staying strong! You are invited!

 —Bone Builders— strong person, strong bones. Bone Builders include warmups, balance, strength, and cool-downs, to maintain or increase strength and rebuild bone matrix. 

Come try it out! Zoom on Tuesday and Friday mornings (twice a week) at 9:30 am. Contact Bobby Adler for more information and the link. b.adler4315@gmail.com

— Yoga Shalom zooms at 10:30 on Wednesday mornings. This beautiful practice can be gentle or vigorous, and incorporates prayers from the morning service. Please contact Elaine Bergstrom for the link. sumieb43@comcast.net

Need that special way to remember a person or occasion? Purchase a BRICK that will become a part of the path leading into Beth El The Beaches Synagogue. The next time you are walking into Beth El, please take a moment to look down and take notice of the BRICKS leading to the front entry. These are abiding remembrances that warm your heart each time you enter Beth El.

You can still take advantage of this year’s Brick Sale. For only $100, you can purchase 2 bricks. The bricks become a permanent part of our synagogue. Our lively chair Paula Klausner will be delighted to help you.

Contact her at poopsiek@gmail.com or call her at 904-662-4339.
Simple ways to help donate to Beth El without leaving your home or affecting your wallet!
Want to ship homemade chicken soup to those you love? Whether someone is sick or just needs to feel a little of "home", you can reach out to and her name is Betsy Maselek. When you place an order, 5% of your purchase will come back to Beth El. grandma@grandmaschickensoup.com
Shop on Amazon? Simply select "Beth El-the Beaches Synagogue Inc" as your charity and activate AmazonSmile in the app or online. They'll donate a portion of your eligible purchases to us.
How it works:
1. Open the Amazon app on your phone
2. Select the main menu (=) & tap on "AmazonSmile" within Programs & Features
3. Select "Beth El-the Beaches Synagogue Inc" as your charity
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate AmazonSmile in the mobile app 

Have something you want to share with your Beth El family? Want to advertise your business for a small fee? Email me at Elissa@bethelbeaches.org and it will be featured in our weekly e blast.

Beth El-The Beaches Synagogue
288 N. Roscoe Blvd.
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082



Looking for a gift to give that is priceless:

  • A personalized leaf or rock for our Tree of Life
  • An inscribed Prayer Book for our Sanctuary


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Beth El the Beaches Synagogue, Inc