Straight to the Point
April 5, 2022
Calling all foodies!

It's been over 2 years since we've been able to go out to eat together 😢. Let's change that by getting together after church on Palm Sunday, April 10th at Crave. This will be an opportunity for us to fellowship with our church friends by nourishing our bodies and our relationship with each other 🙂. If you have any questions, you can talk to Constance Popken. And remember... don't forget to wear your "stretchy pants".
Attention Palm Sunday Readers!

All persons involved with speaking parts in the Palm Sunday/Sunday of the Passion will gather at 10:00 this Saturday, April 9th. Pastor Del promises the rehearsal will not last more than 45 minutes!

Midweek Lenten Services

Join us this Wednesday at noon for our final short worship service.

Holy Week

Palm Sunday/Sunday of the Passion begins a week like none other in the Church Year. From the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on the first of Holy Week, we move quickly to the finals and hours of Jesus’ earthly ministry.

In the early Church, the final three days of Holy Week was given the name “Triduum” (Latin for Three Days). On these days Christians around the world commemorate the Last Supper, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection of Jesus. The Easter Vigil is generally seen as the most important service of the year, particularly in Catholic and Orthodox churches. It begins after sundown; new members are baptized, and current members are given the chance to renew their baptismal vows. The Bible readings are taken from both the Old and New Testaments beginnings with Genesis to the Gospels. They highlight God’s workd from Creation to Christ’s Resurrection. Near the end of the service, the congregation partakes in the first Eucharist (Lord’s Supper) of Easter.

We will pause for our Maundy Thursday service at 7:00 pm here. We will join the congregations of Whiting and Mayflower Congregational churches at Mayflower for the Good Friday service at 7:00 pm. Please join us at these very special services.

Looking Ahead at Special Worship Opportunities

  • April 10—Palm Sunday/Sunday of the Passion
  • April 14—Maundy Thursday 7pm
  • April 15—Good Friday 7pm at Mayflower Congregational Church
  • April 17—Resurrection of Our Lord, Easter Sunday

From the Bridge Pastor

Grace to you and peace from our Triune God.

Our prayers continue to be lifted up for the Ukrainian people as the incursion by Russia continues and thousands of Ukrainians are fleeing the country in search of safety and as Ukrainian soldiers and civilians are dying. Lord, have mercy!

Our prayers also continue to be lifted for our country: for the political divisions which seem to be widening, for the poor, for those who are homeless, for those who are sick, for those who are dying, for those who have already or are ready to give up hope.

Our prayers continue for the whole Church and, in particular, First Congregational United Church of Christ that we may continue to strive to be the hands of Christ in the city, in the state, in the nation, and in the world.

In this Lenten season, let us all take a few moments each day to reflect on the blessings we have received from our good and gracious God and to pray for all those who do not know God and those who need God’s special help in their lives.

Soli Deo Gloria (to God alone be the glory)!

Pastor’s Office Hours

A reminder of my hours:

Mondays: 9:00-noon and 1:00-4:00

Tuesdays: 2:00-5:00

Wednesdays: 2:00-5:00

Thursdays: 9:00-noon and 1:00-4:00

During my posted hours, I might be called to visit someone in the hospital or who is homebound. It will be a good idea to call ahead to ensure that I am available for an in-person visit. Also, I will be available for emergencies in addition to office hours. Please call my cell phone at (712) 490-6510.
Sioux City CROP Walk

In 2021, the 45 th Sioux City CROP Walk ranked #2 out of the 27 CROP events held in Iowa last year and #52 out of the 570 events held across the country. In 2020, Sioux City was 79th in the nation and 3rd in Iowa, so the Sioux City event took big steps up in both in Iowa and across the country!

The 45th annual Sioux City CROP Hunger Walk was held on October 17, 2021, and had 355 participants, representing 30 groups. Together we raised $29,000 in donations and 1,441 pounds of food. The donated food and 25 percent of the money raised was given to the Community Action Agency of Siouxland (CAAS) to help fight hunger locally. The remainder of the funds raised was used to help fight hunger around the world.
MISSION OF THE MONTH - Siouxland Food Bank

The Church's Mission Committee is designating March for helping the Siouxland Food Bank. Siouxland Food Bank is experiencing a shortage and would appreciate any help we may give. You can bring non-perishable food items to church and place them in the grocery cart inside the main door, write a check with Missions in the memo line, or give money so that the Food Bank can buy their own needed items. However you choose to give, please know you are helping feed those in need in Siouxland.

Thank you for your continued support of FCUCC’s Missions.
Easter Tree Update

There are ZERO eggs left on the Easter tree! Thank you for your completely wonderful response! The giving tree for Sleep in Heavenly Peace, the local organization which builds beds for children who need them, is bare!

Several of you are already planning to attend the fundraiser my clergy group is helping to host at Buffalo Alice on Sunday, April 10 from 4:30-7:00. Live and silent auction items will be sold during the fundraiser. (For those who are not able to attend, checks can be made out to Sleep in Heavenly Peace and I will be happy to put them into the tip jar.)
Submitted by Ginger France
Thank you for continuing to turn in all those Hy-Vee receipts. Our most recent collection totaled $4692. HyVee designates one percent of the total to be given to help education. What an easy way to benefit education with something that would otherwise just be thrown away. April 24 will be the final receipt collection for this school year.
Moving-On Box Ministry
Submitted by Ginger France
In supporting the 'gift' of moving on, we fill lives with hope and household essentials for those leaving transitional housing at Safe Place and Welcome Home.

MOB Needs:
Small plastic glasses
Cookie sheets
Cake Pans
Bath towels
Dish cloths
Laundry Soap
Dish soap
Bob Rassmussen
Elizabeth Din
The family of Thomas Plaza
The Family of Doug Siefker
Summer Cord and Family
Linda Smith
Sharleen Sorum (Michelle Schwerin's mother)
Thank You, Volunteers!

A big "thank you" goes out to our volunteers who helped with services this week.

Fill in Minister- Todd Siefker
Worship Leader- Eileen Helvig
Live Stream- Pam Ridgway/Jerrod Kiernan
Sound/Lighting- John Kiernan
 Screen- Jerrod Kiernan
Managed by the Office
We are using Instant Church Directory. Printed versions of our directory are available in the narthex or by request. Please inform the office of any directory updates that you would like to include for yourself or your family. You can also pick up one of the directory update forms on the table outside the church office or find it on our website.

To access the directory online visit and you should be able to create a login using the email listed in the church directory. If you need any help accessing the directory or would like a copy emailed to you, contact the church office for assistance.
Join Us

We invite you to engage and strengthen your faith with these practices:

THE PRACTICE OF WORSHIP: Live Streamed on Facebook and Youtube, and recorded
We Live Stream our Sunday morning worship service via the church’s page on Facebook and Youtube at 10:30am on Sunday mornings. Every service is recorded and available to play at any time on those platforms. If you have trouble, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the church for help. 
THE PRACTICE OF LEARNING: Zoom learning sessions each week 9:30 a.m. each Sunday.
Engage your mind in learning through theological reflection, asking hard questions about God and life, and test your embedded theology to see if that where you want to be.
A Closing note about ZOOM:
If you don’t have the ability or the equipment to use Zoom or Facebook to participate in these practices, please call the office. We will be happy to help you find a solution to fully participate in the life of the church.

Link to our Youtube where you can watch our services live and recordings of past services:
Click HERE
FCUCC Finances for March 2022
Updates from Church Treasurer
Giving last month amounted to $10,400, from mail-in, online giving, and Sunday offerings.

You can help us stay on track by mailing in your check or setting up an automatic payment from your bank. You can also contribute through a simple app called is our online, app and web-based giving system. It's convenient because it:
  • Accepts debit, credit or bank account info
  • Can be set up for a one-time payment, or automatic regular payments
  • Can be changed at any time (there are no contracts or commitments)
Go to to sign up online, or download the app on any iPhone/Apple or Android device.
Remember to Support FCUCC Financially During this Time!
Church Office Hours

Sunday 11:30am-3:30pm
Monday-Thursday 9am-1pm

Pastor Del's Office Hours

Monday 9am-12pm, 1pm-4pm
Tuesday 2pm-5pm
Wednesday 2pm-5pm
Thursday 9am-12pm, 1pm-4pm

Church Staff:

Rev. Del Olivier

Michael Danner, Church Office/Organist

Todd Siefker, Intergenerational Coordinator

Jim McCrory, Custodian

Jessica Orr, Nursery Coordinator
Church Contact Information

(712) 239-3385

Pastor Contact Information

4600 Hamilton Boulevard
Sioux City, IA 51104
(712) 239-3385