September 2021 Monthly Byte
2021 Golf Outing
Thanks to everyone who played in the 2021 ISDS Foundation Golf Outing!

Thank you to our sponsors! (view our sponsor list by clicking here)

Dentists Support Program Needed Now More than Ever

The emotional effects of the COVID-19 crisis are far-reaching, with increased depression, suicides, and alcohol and substance abuse. If you know of a dentist who is struggling with emotional distress, addiction or substance abuse, please help them to reach out to the ISDS Foundation’s Dentists Support Program. Call 312/318-8810 or 708/287-4132. All calls remain confidential.
Casino Night
We thank everyone who contributed to the success of the ISDS Casino Night event!

We also thank our sponsors:
  • Dr. John Kozal
  • Ottawa Dental Labs (2 tables)
  • Patterson Dental
  • TDIC
  • Dr. Brad Barnes and Mrs. Becky Barnes
  • Dr. Timm Schwartz & Mrs. Chris Schwartz

Congratulations to our Community Grant Winners!
The Illinois State Dental Society Foundation recently announced the winners of the 2021 Community Grant Awards. The grant program attracted the interest of 20 worthwhile organizations that are actively working to expand access to oral health care services to needy individuals around the state.

This year $100,000 in grant monies were awarded to thirteen organizations for projects designed to provide access to dental care and increase oral health awareness and education.  Click here to read more!
Congratulations to the winner of our Foundation $5,000 Raffle!
Brian Heyndrickx
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer of IndepenDENT Dental Solutions won the $5,000 jackpot!

Thank you to everyone who purchased a ticket!

Proceeds raised for the raffle will benefit expanding access to oral health care and supporting dental education in Illinois.

Congrats to our 2021 Scholarship Recipients!
To see this year's winners and their essays, click here!
Send a note, while helping the Foundation!
Looking for a way to honor someone's accomplishment? Send a memorial to a friend, relative or colleague?

These "all occasion" cards have many uses, and you can purchase a package of 10 for a $50 contribution to the ISDS Foundation. When you send one of these cards, and write your own note inside, you honor a person in a very special way and also support the worthy programs of the ISDS Foundation. 

Dental Education Endowment Fund: Our Legacy, Our Future
The ISDS Foundation earmarked $5,000 from this endowment’s earnings for each dental school in 2021. To read more about the worthwhile projects it will help, click here. 

ISDS Foundation Board requests from each dental school administration to provide a “wish lists” and/or a financial request identifying where these requested funds are most needed for each educational program to succeed and most visible to those donating to the endowment.

To donate to this program, contact us!
Save the Date for Mission of Mercy!

The next Mission of Mercy will be July 22 & 23, 2022.

If you have questions, you may call Sarah Jensen at 217-836-2802.