Jewelry That Makes You Think.
Join us Wednesday, September 30, 2020, for AJF Live with Robert Lee Morris.

For more information and to register, follow this link.

What time?
9 a.m. PST: San Francisco
10 a.m. MST: Denver
11 a.m. CST: San Antonio, Mexico City
12 p.m. EST: Toronto, NYC, Santiago
1 p.m.: Buenos Aires
5 p.m.: London
6 p.m.: Oslo, Paris, Capetown, Brussels
7 p.m.: Bucharest, Athens, Israel, Estonia
11:00 p.m.: Thailand
1 a.m. on October 1: Korea, Japan
2 a.m. on October 1: Sydney
4 a.m. on October 1: New Zealand

Image captions: (Top) Robert Lee Morris, Steamroller necklace, photo courtesy of the artist; (bottom) Robert Lee Morris, development of iconic style, photo courtesy of the artist
Problem-Solving the Teaching Challenge of the Century
by Melis Agabigum

COVID-19 has drastically changed the way that instructors/jewelry programs around the world are teaching. With a shift from studio- and technique-based learning, educators have had to adapt their curricula to accommodate the limited means of their students. From in-person instruction to remote learning, projects have evolved, exhibitions have shifted online, and found-object-based, recycle- or upcycle-focused material explorations have become the new standard. Last week, AJF published the first half of an essay in which Melis Agabigum, herself an educator, assembled brief vignette interviews with seven educators to discuss how they’ve adapted to their new teaching realities. The story continues here.

Image caption: Brand-new tool kits for students at Santa Reparata International School of Art in January 2020. The studio has since been closed and equipment/benches returned to the dealer, photo: Jenn Wells
(Left to right) Susan Beech, Daniel Kruger, Emily Stoehrer

Established by jewelry collector Susan Beech, this $20,000 grant has as its objective to recognize a mid-career artist who has made a substantial contribution to the field of art jewelry. Juried by Susan Beech, Daniel Kruger, and Emily Stoehrer. Applications will be accepted starting November 1, 2020. Deadline: January 10, 2021. Get the guidelines and the link to apply.

AJF believes that making information available about jewelry as an art form is an important step in advocating for the field. Our digital library supports the jewelry community by providing online access to jewelry scholarship that would otherwise be impossible to find. 

The library has a new feature that prevents PDFs from being downloaded. Just check the appropriate box when you submit—this will allow people to read the texts, but protects you from undesirable access and distribution.

Jewelry & Objects
by Art Jewelry Forum

A showcase of unique pieces selected for your viewing pleasure.
News & Ideas
by Art Jewelry Forum

Read the latest news and events from around the world and be informed.