Please sign up to provide EPA input on Lead and Copper Rule! We will also forward possible talking points, comments, and concerns in about a week or so for help! Those interested in speaking can sign up for a 3-minute slot on EPA's website at:
WASHINGTON (March 31, 2021) — Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced upcoming public listening sessions and roundtables to ensure that communities and stakeholders have the opportunity to provide their perspectives to the agency on protections from lead in drinking water. The impact of lead exposure, including through drinking water, is a public health issue of paramount importance and its adverse effects on children and public health are serious and well known. The goal of public engagement is to obtain further input on EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR), including from individuals and communities that are most at-risk of exposure to lead in drinking water.
“Lower income communities and communities of color are often disproportionately exposed to lead, which can cause life-long negative effects,” said EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan. “Today, we are inviting these communities and other stakeholders to share their perspectives so that EPA can ensure that its review of the revised Lead and Copper Rule is grounded in their lived experience.”
Virtual public listening sessions will be held on April 28, 2021, and May 5, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., eastern daylight time. Those interested in speaking can sign up for a 3-minute speaking slot on EPA’s website at:
During this event, registered members of the public will be provided the opportunity to share their thoughts and concerns about the impact of lead in their community as it relates to the LCRR with EPA senior officials and managers.
EPA will then host community-focused virtual roundtables, starting in May of 2021. The roundtables will facilitate discussion of their unique perspectives on LCRR-related topics among EPA and local organizations including but not limited to, local government entities, public water utilities, community-organized groups, environmental groups and elected officials.
Starting in June of 2021, EPA will also host virtual roundtables with other important stakeholder groups, including drinking water utilities, intergovernmental associations, environmental organizations, environmental justice organizations, public health organizations, and consumer associations. These stakeholder roundtables will allow representatives of national organizations to discuss LCRR-related topics and provide their national perspective to the Agency. Finally, EPA also intends to host a national co-regulator meeting with primacy agencies (e.g., states, tribes, and territories) in July 2021 to discuss the feedback received from communities and stakeholders.
EPA requests that communities or organizations that would like to be considered for a community-focused or stakeholder roundtable submit a nomination letter to the Agency not later than April 23, 2021.
Members of the public that are unable to attend any of the events will be able to submit comments via the docket at:, Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OW-2021-0255 until June 30, 2021.
For details on what should be included in the nomination letters, meeting materials, and for additional event details visit:
HHS Announces April Meetings on New Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program - ASDWA
The Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of Community Services (OCS) has announced two virtual meetings in April to discuss the new Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). The LIHWAP was established by Congress in December 2020 as part of the COVID relief package (see Sec. 533 excerpt) and provided more funding in the March 2021 American Rescue Plan Act for a total of $1.138 billion in state and tribal grants. These grants will provide funds for owners or operators of public water systems or treatment works to reduce arrearages and rates charged to low-income households. LIHWAP grants are only available to states, territories and tribes that received FY 2021 Low Income Household Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) awards. Please also see the February 22 State Action Transmittal that asks each Governor to designate a person who will provide assurances and state certifications for the program, which may be within the state Department of Community, Health, Human, and/or Social Services where the state LIHEAP program resides.
OCS is hosting two April virtual information and feedback sessions on LIHWAP, one for states and territories, and one specifically for tribes.
Tuesday, April 20, 2021, from 2:00 – 4:00 pm (eastern time): All state, territory, and tribal LIHWAP grantees, federal partners, and other critical stakeholders are encouraged to attend this meeting that will include an interactive presentation, opportunities to submit questions during the session, and a survey afterward to all participating organizations. Register here.
Thursday, April 22, 2021 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm (eastern time): This meeting is intended for tribal LIHEAP grantees only and will include the same elements of the first session as well as a discussion to better understand and design the program to serve tribal needs. Register here.
2021 Florida/Alabama Joint Conference
June 1-3, 2021
Perdido Beach Resort
27200 Perdido Beach Blvd.
Orange Beach, AL 36561
Phone (251) 981-9811/(800) 634-7263
Group Code: 17379
The ARWA and FRWA are proud to announce that the 2021 Alabama-Florida Joint Technical Training Conference is scheduled! The event will be held at the Perdido Beach Resort in Perdido Beach, Alabama on June 1-3, 2021.
Attendees that live in the state of Florida may click here to register. Your registration will cover the meals and social events at the Conference, class attendance, and CEU fees. Member and Nonmember attendees pay one low price of $100. There is an additional charge of $30 for extra meals for those not attending the Conference. Florida attendees please click here to register.
We look forward to seeing you all at the Beach for some Fun, Seafood, and CEU's! Book early! It has been way too long with the COVID pandemic!
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309
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This Week in Water History
Champaign Urbana Water Works
April 14, 1909: Municipal Journal and Engineer article. Champaign Urbana Water Works. “Underground Supply-Wells Pumped by Steam, Electric and Belt-Driven Pumps-Iron Removal by Aeration-Most Services Metered. The Champaign and Urbana Water Company, of which Mr. F. C. Amsbury is superintendent, supplies two Illinois cities from which it gets its name. These have a total combined population of 23,000 or 24,000, and form practically one community. An underground source of supply is tapped by twelve eight-inch wells about 16o feet deep. Each of these wells has its own separate direct-acting pumping head. Both Downey and Luitwieler pumps are used, with long rods extending to valves at the bottom of the wells. A few of the pumps are single-acting, but most are double-acting.
Four of the wells are located along one side of the main pumping station. The pumps in these are connected by belts, running in tunnels underneath the ground, to a main shaft, also in a tunnel, and this in turn is driven from the main engine. Three of the pumps are run by steam heads, the steam pipes being carried in tunnels and thoroughly jacketed. The other five pumps are operated by electric motors which receive their current from a generator in the main station.
Water from all the wells is delivered to a 250,000-gallon reservoir. As all underground water in this section contains more or less iron, which it is quite desirable to remove, aeration is resorted to. From the reservoir mentioned above the water flows over a weir and down a sloping concrete slab which exposes it to the air in a thin sheet. From this it passes to a second reservoir of 750,000 gallons. This method of aeration is fairly effective, but does not accomplish all that could be desired, and it is proposed to provide other arrangements before long.”
Reference: “Champaign Urbana Water Works.” 1909. Municipal Journal and Engineer. 26:15(April 14, 1909): 625.
Commentary: I am not surprised that the method of aeration was only “fairly effective.” The author was probably being kind. It would take a few more decades before efficient aeration devices were created to oxidize ferrous iron in groundwaters. Note the "security" fence around the reservoir
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