Parish Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Holy Trinity parish will take place this Sunday, January 30, at 1:00pm, via Zoom. You can click here to attend the meeting or click here to download the Annual Report (including the Statement of Mission for 2022). The Zoom Link will also be included in the Sunday email this week.
Tempo Respite
Everyone is catching their breath after the annual scramble to compile the Annual Report, so the next issue of Tempo will be a combined February/March issue. Ministry leaders and others who have submissions should get those to Iris Reed by the end of day on Friday, 2/11Tempo will arrive in your inbox by the end of the following week.
Candlemas Eucharist
Join Canterbury and the Lutheran Campus Ministry for a Candlemas Eucharist on Wednesday, February 2 at 7pm, here at Holy Trinity. This feast 40 days after Christmas marks the day that the infant Jesus was recognized in the Temple as the Messiah and has traditionally been a celebration of the returning light as winter begins to turn to spring. Come support our campus ministries and meet some of the faithful student members of our community!
Children, Youth and Families
We need Sunday School teachers and nursery workers! Please consider serving in these special ministries. Sunday school teachers will have materials and lesson provided in advance. You can commit to every Sunday or on a schedule rotation! Time commitment is 9 a.m. to 10:20 a.m. Nursery is a paid position. Hours are each Sunday from 9 a.m. to noon, also with a flexible commitment. Reach out to Jerae Wallace if you have an interest or any questions. 

Our Youth will hold a second yard sale February 19 to raise funds for their upcoming pilgrimage to NYC. Once there, they will be visiting churches, and participating in service projects as well as visiting the 9/11 museum and hopefully seeing a Broadway show. Father Noah will be attending with our newest confrimands. They are seeking donations to help with these efforts. Please contact Jerea Wallace if you wish to help.
Ongoing Items
Thank you to everyone who has provided meals for the Canterbury students. Dinners are prepared every Wednesday and served at 6:15 in the Parish Hall. You can sign up here: if you would like to help.  Please call or email Sue Smink with any questions: 864-557-4500. 

Weekly Wednesday Bible Study If your schedule allows, join us for an informal discussion of the lessons appointed for the following Sunday. We meet by Zoom at 11:00 on Wednesday mornings. Click here for the link.

If you would like to honor the memory of a loved one or celebrate a milestone with a dedication of altar flowers for the church, contact Sheryl (864-654-5071).

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 193 Old Greenville Highway, Clemson, SC 2963
(864) 654-5071

Worship Schedule
8:00am in the nave, Holy Eucharist, Rite I
10:30am in the Nave and Livestreamed Holy Eucharist, Rite II
5:00pm Holy Eucharist, Rite I at St. Paul's (first Sunday of the month)
*5:00pm Holy Eucharist "Protected" Service at Holy Trinity (third Sunday of the month)
*Must have proof of vaccination or recent negative test result to attend