From the Desk of the Director
Today was supposed to be the March For Life, both the local one in Mobile and the national one in Washington DC. Sadly, the marches are not taking place in the usual form. There are virtual ways to participate this year, but the coming together as a large, visual pro-life statement will have to wait. Even more concerning is that on Friday, President Biden is rumored to be discontinuing the Mexico City policy that prevents US tax dollars from supporting abortions around the globe. We have made great strides since the 1970’s in bringing to light this genocide of the unborn. Surveys show now, more than ever, that a majority of people see abortion for what it is; the killing of a human being. However, a vocal and powerful portion of people will do whatever it takes to keep the killing going. Pray today for young women facing this choice. Pray for President Biden that he will not sign this executive order on such an anniversary. Pray for all those on the front lines that they may speak with clear, loving voices on this issue. Pray for mercy from God for all we have done in the name of free choice.
We can and do make a difference. Look how far we’ve come. Like the workmen that constructed the great cathedrals of the world, they just laid it brick by brick. Most would never see it completed in their lifetime. We do the same here. God knows the plan, we will just do our part.
May you have a joyful and blessed week with the ones you love.
Ellen Taylor
Executive Director