After the procedure to remove a bladder mass, later revealed to be cancerous, the patient faced a challenging diagnosis of stage 4 cancer that had spread to his lungs. Throughout this difficult period, the patient continued reaching out to the PSW nurse for weekly support. Grateful for the unwavering presence and time dedicated by the nurse, he expressed appreciation for the meaningful conversations they shared.
Despite the PSW nurse's ongoing efforts to support the patient and maintain communication with medical professionals, the patient's health declined further. Choosing not to pursue chemotherapy, he opted for radiation but declined hospice care initially, citing a past experience with his wife's passing. The PSW nurse persistently provided information about the potential benefits of hospice care, and eventually the patient, facing increased pain, agreed to hospice services. The PSW nurse collaborated with the patient's Primary Care Provider to facilitate a referral.
Now enrolled in hospice care, the patient's comfort measures are underway, and the interdisciplinary team is providing compassionate support. Reflecting on the situation, the PSW Nurse Care Manager expressed sadness witnessing the challenges faced by the patient but also expressed gratitude that he now has dedicated support to make him as comfortable as possible. To this day, the patient continues to reach out to his nurse care manager on a weekly basis, maintaining a connection during this challenging journey.