November 28, 2022 Issue
PTMBAA Winter Wonderland Gala
Ticket Sales End Wednesday, November 30!
December 10 | 6 - 11 PM | The Bethesdan Hotel
Please join the PTMBAA for the 2022 Winter Wonderland Gala!
Get your tickets today as sales will end this Wednesday!

Celebrate the end of the Fall Term with dancing, food, and drinks. The Part-Time MBA Association is excited to host the 2022 Holiday Gala for flex, online, and full-time students!

Need a Hotel? We have special rates at the Bethesdan. Click here for more information. Make sure to use the code UP2.
Apply for the NASBITE International Student Case Competition
Application Extended to December 4
The Center for Global Business presents the 2023 NASBITE International Student Case Competition. NASBITE is the leading authority and industry standard for global business education, trade credentialing, training, and practice.

In 2023 the Competition will provide an opportunity for both undergraduate international business students as well as graduate business students to solve a real-world challenge posed by a U.S.-based international business. The goals of the NASBITE International Student Case Competition are:
  • To provide college and university students the opportunity to work collaboratively on a creative solution to a real-world international business challenge and to put their research, presentation, and networking skills to work.
  • To provide the sponsoring company access to the very best international business students presenting potential solutions to their international business challenges.
  • To provide a solid foundation for student involvement and participation within NASBITE International.

Detailed information can be found here.

The Center for Global Business (CGB) will cover any associated fees for participating. Upon completing your application, CGB will be in touch with next steps and the process to move forward to represent Maryland Smith in the competition.

Questions? Contact Marina Augoustidis at in the Center for Global Business.
Greenwood Project Coat Drive
Donations Accepted through December 7
The PTMBAA is partnering with The Greenwood Project on its annual coat drive.

There are donation boxes at all three part-time campuses.

The coat drive will go on until December 7.
Social Media
Would you like to be featured on the PTMBAA social media pages?
We are highlighting current students with our #StudentSpotlight on Facebook and Instagram